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Similar to the public diplomacy game that is currently running (with 49 pages of dialogue), I would like to start a thread for a new game, similar rules as that one, including some clarifications that arose during the game:

- Open/Known Personae, 12 Players
- 2/Week Turns (W-Sat)
- Rex or SVC
- Chivalry (verified based on the latest Valhalla)
- Communication Only in the Public Forum Thread (obviously on the honor system, but I think we have an honorable player base), including no codes or clever naming of emissaries to communicate privately
 (some coding seems ok for identifying where a pop center might be based on a pop center you both know, but again only in the public forum)
- Role-Playing Encouraged But Not Required
- "Everybody Be Cool" (kind of a nebulous concept, but it's more a state of mind, things such as honor your word, stick to the spirit of agreements, relax and lower the intensity, have fun with the role-playing, don't let hard feelings or grudges develop, let everyone know if you decide to drop, etc. etc.)

I would like to play the Elf
Dwarves for me. This is my 15th of 15 Kingdoms played in a 12- or 15- player game!

Only question is whether we should allow SVC, since a lot of people opined that Rex would be really tough in this format.
I would have no issue with that, since that is a learned issue from the first game.
Also, bear in mind how tough the UN has it in this format as learned from the current game.
I'm in. Just need to figure out who I want to play. Since I'm playing the vulgar trolls in the other game, I should probably try something a bit different. Lets go with the RD.
I'm in as the RA
DuPont: RD
I'll give the WA shot
BL please.
DuPont: RD
Mad Hatter: WA

Halfway home! Six players and five open regions.

Let's go SVC unless people have strong objections, I think it will make some of the Kingdoms more viable as a potential winner in this format.
BL please.
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