11-30-2015, 09:30 PM
Similar to the public diplomacy game that is currently running (with 49 pages of dialogue), I would like to start a thread for a new game, similar rules as that one, including some clarifications that arose during the game:
- Open/Known Personae, 12 Players
- 2/Week Turns (W-Sat)
- Rex or SVC
- Chivalry (verified based on the latest Valhalla)
- Communication Only in the Public Forum Thread (obviously on the honor system, but I think we have an honorable player base), including no codes or clever naming of emissaries to communicate privately
(some coding seems ok for identifying where a pop center might be based on a pop center you both know, but again only in the public forum)
- Role-Playing Encouraged But Not Required
- "Everybody Be Cool" (kind of a nebulous concept, but it's more a state of mind, things such as honor your word, stick to the spirit of agreements, relax and lower the intensity, have fun with the role-playing, don't let hard feelings or grudges develop, let everyone know if you decide to drop, etc. etc.)
I would like to play the Elf
- Open/Known Personae, 12 Players
- 2/Week Turns (W-Sat)
- Rex or SVC
- Chivalry (verified based on the latest Valhalla)
- Communication Only in the Public Forum Thread (obviously on the honor system, but I think we have an honorable player base), including no codes or clever naming of emissaries to communicate privately
(some coding seems ok for identifying where a pop center might be based on a pop center you both know, but again only in the public forum)
- Role-Playing Encouraged But Not Required
- "Everybody Be Cool" (kind of a nebulous concept, but it's more a state of mind, things such as honor your word, stick to the spirit of agreements, relax and lower the intensity, have fun with the role-playing, don't let hard feelings or grudges develop, let everyone know if you decide to drop, etc. etc.)
I would like to play the Elf