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Full Version: Looking for a Titan or Warlords match
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Gentlemen (and ladies),

Looking for another Titan or Warlords match-up.

Drop a line if interested.


Morgan Kane.
I've been wanting to try a warlords match. I was hoping for a first time warlords game or something like that, but I'll give it a go.

Maybe a couple other Warlords Rookies and we penalize Moragan Kane's positions to give him a match.
Getting stomped in Warlords sounds fun! I'm in. How many slots does warlords take?
I'm cool with being penalized (within reason, of course). I'm also cool with bowing out and having this be a first-timers Warlords game...believe many players would take to it like fishes to water Smile

Is it possible to run this on a Tuesday/Saturday schedule?
How many players are we missing to get this going?
One more if you let Will play with some kind of handicap (perhaps drafting last, or giving all nine other Kingdoms the chivalry bonus, or some mixture of those). Two more if you want an all new-folks roster.
My last warlords was a complet disaster. Would like to think it was partially bad luck so sign me up so I can give it another try.
Looks like we got a match!

How about Morgan drafts last and we get 2 or 3 chivalry bonuses? 3 seems like a bit much. Although I don't know the warlord draft procedure so maybe it doesn't matter so much.

Communication isn't allowed, I take it?
Correct, the usual house rules are:

1) Ally declarations, trades, and gifts are only allowed between your own three Kingdoms
2) Enemies can be freely declared, but you cannot later declare an enemy neutral
3) No HC issues are allowed to help another player's Kingdoms
4) All HC issues must be by SECRET ballot, and if a player accidentally proposes an open ballot issue, all players must abstain on that vote (i.e. it fails)
5) No drops before T15 (i.e. final orders issued on T15, per Rick's request)
6) Notify everyone as soon as you decide to drop, rather than allowing the computer to do it
7) No sending messages to other players by using new emissary names

Victory is when one team owns six regions on a turn where every team member declares the Team Victory order.

If Will drafts last, the draft would probably look something like:

1) A
2) B
3) C
4) B
5) C
6) A
7) C
8) A
9) B
10) D
11) D
12) D
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