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Full Version: Night Attack + Chaos spell
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Are the affects for retreat multiplicative, additive or just the X2? In a recent battle I used both. The description for the Chaos seemed to trump the Night attack. Only the illusions of the Chaos was talked about during the retreat. Nothing about the Night attack. I sure would have liked to use Zombie with the wizard instead if the 2 affects dont stack.
(03-10-2019, 05:33 PM)Rytek Wrote: [ -> ]Are the affects for retreat multiplicative, additive or just the X2? In a recent battle I used both. The description for the Chaos seemed to trump the Night attack. Only the illusions of the Chaos was talked about during the retreat. Nothing about the Night attack. I sure would have liked to use Zombie with the wizard instead if the 2 affects dont stack.

Again, specify game number, turn, kingdom(s) in question for me to look things up...
Turn 7 tyrant 1st vs druid 1st. Wait till next diplomacy before looking please. Game 5246
Can you take look to see what happened with the above battle? And how Night attack and Chaos interacted?