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The Secret of Steel

Lord, from this castle, we can see Stormgate north over the bay.  The Untamed Lands to the southwest, and the nearly as inhospitable Mythgar with its religious cults to the south.   For centuries, a duplicitous scheming political power occupies The Bronze Canyon and its rich region.   Darkover makes its magic plays to its neighbors, while the dynastic rulers of Triumiva look down their noses at all. 

Here, from glorious Pellinor we can conquer Maelstrom.  Using all our assets and optimizing our leading individuals in all disciplines, with a unique and unexpected plan filled with clever twists and misdirection, and ultimately, great power through our greatest strengths, we will reign supreme, under your firm and insightful leadership.

Grasp your great sword, arise from your throne, hearken your generals and summon your wizards, send forth your nobles, plot your spies and assassins.  Now is the time.  Now we strike out and lead our people to rightful dominance of savage Maelstrom!

Sound the horns!

Steel, silent, claim your draft position here first come first served.  (This is a 12 player game with no in-game communication.  You declare you are in by posting with your persona, and choosing a draft position from 1-12 to choose either a kingdom or region and in the second round in a snake draft {12 also picks 13}, choose the other.)

New players gain a chivalry bonus of an additional starting 20k. 

See the map of Maelstrom attached. 

Well, are you face down in your bowl of gruel, or are you mounting your steed, sword in hand?
I choose 9.
I choose 3
Canticar chooses 2
5 please
11 is the number that I choose.
I'll take 6
3-Son of Conan
6-Diamond Cutter
11-The Painted Man
I will take #7

3-Son of Conan
6-Diamond Cutter
7- Ashgar
11-The Painted Man
I choose 8
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