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PI- all.  Aaaaaargh mateys

Aaaaaaare there communication rules to follow?
Yeah, I have been wondering that myself...  The turn result says limited diplomacy, but not sure if that's accurate.
GN - All,

Not sure what the communication rules are so only going to say hello at this moment.
Yes.  I will also say hello... specifically to the pirate player...  A simple observation of the map will reveal that we may share a sea zone.  And, well, I'd like to just point out the dishonor in piracy... you know, in general.  Not like we're making any agreements or anything....  just observations.  Angel
Bah dishonor in piracy, not what I have heard in fact “ Thar be 20,000 reasons to be pillaging the seas maty,”
(02-01-2020, 02:21 AM)Senior Tactician Wrote: [ -> ]Yes.  I will also say hello... specifically to the pirate player...  A simple observation of the map will reveal that we may share a sea zone.  And, well, I'd like to just point out the dishonor in piracy... you know, in general.  Not like we're making any agreements or anything....  just observations.  Angel


Not sure if i can say more
(02-01-2020, 05:35 AM)Brekk Wrote: [ -> ]Bah dishonor in piracy, not what I have heard in fact “ Thar be 20,000 reasons to be pillaging the seas maty,”

Aye though I may been a pirate, but since then I have become a champion of God.  Repent, I have, foul red beast.
Repenting is not in my nature.
(02-01-2020, 01:54 PM)Brekk Wrote: [ -> ]Repenting is not in my nature.

God may judge thee then, foul red beast.  However, tis Gods place to do so, not mine.  I'd no sooner attempt to turn a beast to God than I would make the dog use silverware.  Tis your nature indeed, and I hold it not against you.

Welcome (FOOD) to all from the friendly kingdom (FOOD) of the Halflings.  We are a jovial and peaceful people, if somewhat rotund, that find ourselves (FOOD) in the midst of a troublesome land filled with a plethora (FOOD) of militarily minded kingdoms (FOOD).  As the renowned Napoleon himself once said (FOOD) ... "armies march on their stomachs".  In these challenging times (FOOD) know that we are here with a friendly outstretched hand offering some of the most savory of vittles in all (FOOD) of Maelstrom.

As this bulletin is posted we have already sent out (FOOD) our emissaries --> a rather voluptuous set of Halfling twins, well over 4 feet tall, named Daisy and Dolly with free samples of our delectables to the four corners of the lands. (FOOD).  We have also arranged for an equally well endowed set of Male twins (Duke and Dutch) to act (FOOD) as Halfling Brand ambassadors to the Amazon kingdom where they hope to indeed wet everyone's appetite.

There will naturally be a supply and demand market impact but friendly neighbors to (FOOD) the east and south can be promised a permanent discount (FOOD).

Welcome to Strange Steel ... may your swords stay sharp, your armor stay polished and your stomachs stay full! (FOOD).

Habeus "Half-pint" Corpus

P.S.  We hope (FOOD) to be the breadbasket of Maelstrom to the benefit of all.  Let us join hands and work together to eradicate hunger from these lands.  It is truly time to end WORLD HUNGER. (FOOD)

P.S.S. We are more valuable alive then dead.  Please (FOOD) don't hurt us.
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