09-11-2016, 06:31 PM
(09-11-2016, 04:06 PM)Acererak Wrote:RA - NO(09-10-2016, 07:46 PM)Wookie Panz Wrote:(09-10-2016, 02:16 AM)Acererak Wrote: (NO)
NO-RA - Greetings. I have not located your town but if you are going to move on mine, you can tell me where yours is using distance east and south/north in squares from mine in Arcania. I am happy to extend our NAP through turn 12.
NO-LI - I've located your town in the Sands. We now have a point of reference for us.
RA - Lord Acererak, To find our town go south six from yours, then east an additional nine. NAP through turn 12 confirmed.
(NO) Thank you RA. Do you want to go ahead and double tax this turn? I will most likely move on it with military forces to get experience.
Sure, I can double tax it this turn and I am moving out my emissary too. The troops moved out on turn 1. Thanks.