09-23-2016, 09:18 PM
(RA) Here is a recap of the high council - please correct me if I have the facts wrong. The order of joining was GO, PI, SA, NO, RA. No issues were heard the first two turns. Since then every issue has been influence increase and it has gone in the following order: Turn 3 PI, turn 4 PI, turn 5 GO, turn 6 PI, and turn 7 GO has the bid again. I know the bid was over 4000 if anyone cares.
If we go on a rotation till everyone gets one I suggest we do it in the order we joined for those who have not gotten a vote yet. That is to say SA, NO, and RA, in that order. I think this is what has been suggested and I am in favor of this. There seem to be several suggestions of what happens after and that could be clarified.
Humble Ranger Horseman
If we go on a rotation till everyone gets one I suggest we do it in the order we joined for those who have not gotten a vote yet. That is to say SA, NO, and RA, in that order. I think this is what has been suggested and I am in favor of this. There seem to be several suggestions of what happens after and that could be clarified.
Humble Ranger Horseman