11-08-2016, 02:14 AM
(11-07-2016, 07:10 PM)Atuan Wrote: (DU) - NO. Greetings King of the Sand, the Lord of the Forest is interested in how we might go about working towards a common goal. We also would like to see the release of our kinsman this turn and how we might facilitate that.
(DU) - SA/RA/GN - The Lord of the Forest has considered your proposals of peace and we would be agreeable to have peace through turn 26 to start. While we have known peace with 2 of you the third party is new to us and we prefer to start slow on these things. We would be happy to look at this again in 4 months time and see if this relation blooms.
Atuan - Middling Centaurian Scribe
SA> Let it be written that this is Done. We shall keep silent of your movements, good hunting to you.