
Ancient Ones





The Secret Servants of the Ancient Ones, guided by their motto “We Alone, Are Pure,” consider themselves the epitome of nobility among the kingdoms. Led by the Great Archon and three Consuls, each possessing the powers and responsibilities of rulership, they operate in the shadows, driven by ambitions of influence, power, and ultimate domination over their neighboring realms. They excel in the craft of political maneuvering, employing intricate webs of alliances, subterfuge, and manipulation. Their methods are subtle, often weaving illusions of friendship while secretly working towards their own agenda. The Secret Servants possess the arcane ability to induce sleep in others, utilizing this power to advance their clandestine schemes undetected.






The Alchemist is a kingdom renowned for its relentless pursuit of scientific knowledge, particularly in the field of alchemy. In this society, alchemy reigns supreme as scholars dedicate their lives to the study of chemical compounds and their transformative properties. Through their mastery of alchemy, they have become inventors of wondrous and unique items, constantly pushing the boundaries of possibility. One of the kingdom’s greatest assets is their ability to transmute gold, which has led to a vibrant and prosperous economy. This alchemical prowess has made them a sought-after trading partner among neighboring kingdoms.

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