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(05-12-2020, 10:25 PM)RELLGAR Wrote: [ -> ]Sorcerer  of the no longer hidden capital.  We did not acquire any cures or artifacts in Mythgar.  We left the sighting of the strange wizard, when we saw you was there. The old men dont put up much of a fight. All that's left after our dragon breath are a lot of false teeth.

My dapper draconian dear... are you saying that there was someone else in my region flying about attempting to... "snake"... items and wizard types? I only saw you. From my no-longer-hidden capital.

I thought the NE had crap troops. My goodness.

Want some more? Guess what my # is against groups? Higher.

I guess I'll try the RA. 

Please leave. Note, I said please.

(05-12-2020, 11:35 PM)Pine Needle Wrote: [ -> ]AT-TY

I thought the NE had crap troops. My goodness.

Want some more? Guess what my # is against groups? Higher.

I guess I'll try the RA. 

Please leave. Note, I said please.


P.S. is 154% morale good?
(05-12-2020, 10:42 PM)The Painted Man Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-12-2020, 10:25 PM)RELLGAR Wrote: [ -> ]Sorcerer  of the no longer hidden capital.  We did not acquire any cures or artifacts in Mythgar.  We left the sighting of the strange wizard, when we saw you was there. The old men dont put up much of a fight. All that's left after our dragon breath are a lot of false teeth.

My dapper draconian dear... are you saying that there was someone else in my region flying about attempting to... "snake"... items and wizard types? I only saw you. From my no-longer-hidden capital.

That's what I am saying. I guess I should have attacked you.  Its moot point now. To bad for the both of us now.
(05-13-2020, 01:40 AM)RELLGAR Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-12-2020, 10:42 PM)The Painted Man Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-12-2020, 10:25 PM)RELLGAR Wrote: [ -> ]Sorcerer  of the no longer hidden capital.  We did not acquire any cures or artifacts in Mythgar.  We left the sighting of the strange wizard, when we saw you was there. The old men dont put up much of a fight. All that's left after our dragon breath are a lot of false teeth.

My dapper draconian dear... are you saying that there was someone else in my region flying about attempting to... "snake"... items and wizard types? I only saw you. From my no-longer-hidden capital.

That's what I am saying. I guess I should have attacked you.  Its moot point now. To bad for the both of us now.

I've yet to see the downside for me. But yes, if you're going to go to the trouble to scout out an entire region, you have to assume that you'll likely annoy the inhabitant of said region. So either don't scout or attack. That would be my recommendation. For next time. Sir.
(05-12-2020, 11:46 PM)Pine Needle Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-12-2020, 11:35 PM)Pine Needle Wrote: [ -> ]AT-TY

I thought the NE had crap troops. My goodness.

Want some more? Guess what my # is against groups? Higher.

I guess I'll try the RA. 

Please leave. Note, I said please.


P.S. is 154% morale good?
Haha it was much better than the unpaid and starved moral my troops had Wink
(05-12-2020, 05:05 PM)Brekk Wrote: [ -> ]No i was showing pine why he saw an order to trade with him. I simply forgot to take out the "fake" orders (I simply chose AN/AT because they are the first 2 in the list) i used the orders to see how much incoming gold/food I would receive from taking PC's this turn. It just makes the order entry easier since there is no way to enter gold/food in any other way, hope that clears it up Smile
Yeah, I do this as well and sometimes forget to remove the 'fake' order. I hate to trouble Uncle Mike because he's made us such an excellent order input system, but I would not be upset if at the next update, there was a box you could plug in extra good and food for your calculations, ideally one that you could have several of and put the order number you expected to get the stuff on (such as #215 for unilateral transfers or #500 for Underworld getting paid for agent training, #140 for an unusual encounter, etc).
And allowing it to be a negative number as well for lost pc’s
An added feature would be to allow you to budget for destroyed brigades.
Mr. Dragon,

That seems overkill for a village, don't you think? But hey, I'm not really one for strategy.

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