Fairy Folk


Dossier for:

The Encompassing Realm of the Fairy Folk

“I Am All”

Dawn of the 4th Cycle of Alamaze

Two centuries after the advent of The 3rd Cycle, explorers from various seafaring races sailed west over what became known as The Endless Sea in hopes of finding a land not embroiled in endless wars. Though the sea was treacherous and some missions encountered kraken to their demise, the efforts eventually succeeded in discovering an entirely new continent. They established colonies there, and merchants returned to their old homes with rare metals, jewels, spices and stories of dragons and other creatures there. Knowledge of this new world and the navigation of safer passages became known to all peoples of Alamaze, and each sent its own expeditionary missions to establish their own colonies in the new land.

The discovered country was large enough that each found a region to settle and grow. Denizens of the continent have been encountered as well. Rumors of a Giant Ant race; of an undead uprising led by a powerful being called The Night King, and the establishment of a society called the Lycans: breathing men and beasts but not like normal mortals.

Borders were established. Cultivating this new territory and making use of ample materials combined with new construction technologies developed in the last two centuries led to rapid development of whole ranges of structures, including castles. Peace was found and endured for the next two generations, but then the old rivalries and jealousies reemerged. Discourse has become tinged with aggression and innuendo. It is clear the innate desire to establish empire has reemerged in all the kingdoms.

It seems to the sages that the outbreak of war is inevitable and only a few months away. Each kingdom is preparing in their own best way: militarily, economically, covertly and magically, all using the new sciences of steel and construction and the advantages they provide to their desired ends. It is a frenzy of development and preparation.

The time, and so the land as well, in this intense swirl of activity in a world still with many unknowns has come to be called The Maelstrom, and The 4th Cycle of Alamaze!


From Your Prime Minister:

Noble Queen of The Fairy Folk of the Forest, hear my counsel. As is well known, our military is not the strongest, or the bravest, however we are great in numbers to overwhelm our foes. Our skill in the arcane arts is well respected among all.

Specialized Traits For Our Kingdom:

CulturalMagic Resistance (Sleep)
  • Healing: Gains the ability to reduce attrition to kingdom brigades (not entire group). Use Regenerate order #236 with group ID in Column A to heal up to 5% attrition to kingdom brigades. May only issue this regenerate order once per turn per group. An automatic Heal is performed at the end of the turn to all groups that reduces up to 3% attrition to kingdom brigades (no need to issue an order). Leaders and wizards that were killed in battle receive a special saving throw which gives a 33% chance of surviving their wounds instead of being killed.
  • Magic Resist Sleep: Kingdom is 33% resistant to sleep effects.
  • Secretive: The kingdom begins with a hidden capital and an additional level 4 agent. On turn 0, the capital will be given a Glyph of Concealment. This magical effect is permanent and is not transferrable to another popcenter by any means (even if relocating the capital, the glyph stays at the former capital). Hidden popcenters will not be discovered when a group travels over them nor will they be revealed by a High Priestess divination. A hidden popcenter may only be discovered if a group ends movement upon it (not searching for popcenters) or by a level 4+ agent performing a single recon (#970) but not trail group (#691/971) or search for popcenters (#976).

Special Rules For The Encompassing Realm of the Fairy Folk Kingdom:

  • Terrain Adeptness: Supremacy in Forest
  • Magical Prowess: Mastery (Tier 2 of 7)
  • Spells available earlier than prowess base: Bounty, Destroy Undead, Fertile Fields, Heal
  • Our kingdom is the only non-wizard kingdom that has full access to the Summon Monster I-IX spells. These creatures are of standard caliber without any special abilities, though they are quite useful in combat.
  • Chimera (Order #565 Recruit Companions) is a mythical creature from the deep forest of the woodland realm. A Chimera is a fierce flying creature that has 3 special attacks (at pwr-2 level): its dragon head breathes fire as a Firestrike (increased during Ice Age games), its lion head roars with a sonic attack that produces a Guarded Attack for the group’s highest-level wizard (sonic damage vs opposing groups plus protection for our wizard), its goat head’s gaze causes confusion as a Chaos spell. The Chimera is a powerful and ancient creature that is greatly revered by the fairy folk.
  • Our reinforcements of Fairy Folk brigades that occurs every five turns are the most plentiful in the realm, and we may further bolster our forces with many brigades of Sprites and Pixies. We may be weak in nature, but we are many in number!
  • Because of our supreme proficiency in the Forest, our groups can mask the size of their force when ending movement in a Forest area. This masking occurs automatically, without requiring either a spell or order.
  • Special Order: Evasion (Order #118). Evade prevents combat with the specified group if in Forest terrain. Not considered as a retreat for either group and is the equivalent to a normal defensive order (so cannot attack groups/pop centers/encounters nor rest/set ambush). Evasion is limited to groups of up to 5 brigades.
  • Due to a plentiful harvest of gathering of nuts and berries, our kingdom starts with 40,000 extra food in our treasury
  • Our fairy queen is an Immortal being

Your first group begins as your most powerful and important group. In addition, should you earn your Early Strategic Objective or qualify for an Appeal to the Gods (Epic Game only) there are possible awards that only go into your first group (see General Rules).

Early Strategic Objectives:

Enter your selections for the Early Strategic Objectives with your orders on turns 1 through 3. Use Order #991 and reference the instructions in the Official Rulebook. If you do not select any objectives, your kingdom will receive the default objectives listed below:

Control a regionworth 2 points
Have 3+ Dukes (not Demon Princes/Consuls/King/Queen/Regent)worth 1 point

We are pursuing a MINOR ESO!

On turns 10 through 15, if our kingdom has achieved the above requirements to total 3 achievement points, we may claim awards worth 3 points!

Victory Conditions:

This campaign has NORMAL victory conditions.

Therefore a kingdom may win via Rex (control 5+ regions) or by Lion’s Share (most status points at end of the game).

Skeletons In The Closet:

The following skeletons, if revealed, will have detrimental impact on your influence and on regional reaction in some regions.

MAJOR8835The King Has Thanataphobia: He Is Terrified Of Dying.
MINOR6774The King, As A Youth Was Cowardly In Battle.
MINOR9086The King Is A Shocking Sexual Deviant.

Magical Prowess:

Proficiency: Mastery (Tier 2 of 7)

Maximum assured Power level attainable: 9 (includes +2 levels from Immortal)

(Spellcasters may attempt to research beyond the assured level, but may fail about 50% of the time, and the gold cost is still consumed)

Gold cost per research level: 8,000

(Plateau levels have additional cost. At 3rd level, +10,000 gold. At 5th level, +30,000 gold. At 7th level, +60,000 gold. For example, to increase a pwr-2 wizard to pwr-3, the cost is the gold-cost-per-research-level x level + plateau cost, or 34,000 gold. To reach 5th level, the cost is 70,000 gold. To reach 7th level, the cost is 116,000 gold.)

Spell List

Level 0: Rite Of The Magi, Self Invisible, Wizard Assist Encounter

Level 1: Bridge Of Mist, Create Food, Create Gold, Diplomacy, Fear, Heal, Light Of The Evening Star, Lightning Attack, Magic Research, Protect Heroes and Wizards, Raven Familiar, Reveal King’s Influence, Shield, Stun Leader, Summon Monster I (Troglodyte), Valor, Ward

Level 2: Bridge Of Mist (Intrinsic), Dispel Magic, Fertile Fields, Firestrike, Guarded Attack, Invisible Patrol, Lesser Masking, Light Of The Evening Star (Intrinsic), Ship of Mist, Sleep, Speed, Summon Monster II (Gnoll), Teleport Self, Wind Storm

Level 3: Command Tornado, Conceal Emissary, Destroy Undead, Dire Wolf Familiar, Dispel Dome of Invulnerability, Dispel Storm at Sea, Eagle Familiar, Flash Flood, Greater Masking, Hidden Ore, Instant Self Teleport, Kill Leader/Wizard, Mirror Image, Presence (Intrinsic), Raise Population Center Census, Strengthen Walls, Summon Monster III (Owlbear), Teleport Patrol

Level 4: Chaos, Dispel Regional Effect, Earthquake, Instant Summon Phantasmal Forces, Invisible Brigade, Protection from Regional Effect, Summon Monster IV (Gargoyle), True Seeing, Unveil Population Centers, Wall of Flame, Ward Population Center

Level 5: Blinding Light (Regional Effect), Bounty (Regional Effect), Create Magical Item, Dire Wolf Familiar (Intrinsic), Ice Torrent, Invisible Division, Project Image Of Group, Summon Minotaurs, Summon Monster V (Manticore), Summon Rock Golems, Teleport Brigade, Unveil Group Locations

Level 6: Chain Lightning, Conjure Prestige, Conjure Scandal, Dome of Invulnerability, Enhance King’s Aura, Infuriate Populace, Invisible Army, Meteor Strike, Raise Regional Census (Regional Effect), Revelation, Storm at Sea, Summon Monster VI (Ettin), Teleport Division, True Seeing (Intrinsic)

Level 7: Augment Title, Charm Region, Power Word Stun, Prismatic Rays, Simulacrum, Summon Death, Summon Monster VII (Umber Hulk), Teleport Army

Level 8: Crack The Sky, Incendiary Cloud, Summon Monster VIII (Gelatinous Cube), Teleport Army Group

Level 9: Arcane Disjunction, Disintegrate, Summon Iron Golem, Summon Monster IX (Shambling Mound)

The Encompassing Realm of the Fairy Folk Military Dossier

Kingdom Brigade Description:

Fairy Folk troops are weak in strength and bravery compared to other kingdoms however, they are great in number.

Kingdom Brigade Ratings:

LR MissileSR MissileCharge1st Melee2nd MeleeCombinedStorm (PC)Defense
Above AverageAverageVery PoorAverageAverageAverageAverageBelow Average

Recruit Troops (Order #560), Recruit Companions (Order #565), or magically summoned brigades fight at their respective values for all kingdoms. They move according to the kingdom’s movement table. They consume food and gold at their respective rates. Groups at sea fight according to the fleet quantity and quality in the given sea.

Special Note: Flyers may be available for your kingdom through the Recruit Companions (Order #565) or as a Wizard Summoning Spell. All flying groups, either as natural flyers like Dragons or groups enhanced with special brigades/artifacts that bestow flying capabilities, are considered flying at all times. When specifying the group’s movement, all terrain costs are calculated as normally in your movement order (including when flying over water areas). However, flying groups whether they are all-natural flyers (e.g., all brigades of Griffons) or non-natural flyers (ground-based troops that gain flying by acquiring an artifact or by recruiting Giant Eagles) are checked throughout the turn if their situation changes. Flying status may be lost if the group no longer meets certain criteria such as losing division-sized status required by certain artifacts due to transferring troops between groups, combining groups together, or gaining additional troops through battle as what may occur with special troops like Zombies that eat the dead and grow in number. Or Lycanthrope that spreads among the injured on the battlefield and the group acquires new Lycan brigades. Another possibility to consider is if the group will receive any troop reinforcements, which occurs at certain intervals throughout the game. So, even though a ground-based, non-natural flying group may start the turn as a flyer, its status may change throughout the course of the game. A flying group that flys over or lands upon a water area may be issued any movement order (e.g., 720 and not required a sea movement order like 710).

Natural flyers are: Black/Red Dragons, Great Bats, Phoenixes, Specters, and Wyverns, as well as the new troop types of Air Elementals, Beholders, Chimeras, Cockatrices, Fairy Folk, Gargoyles, Giant Eagles, Griffons, Manticores, Mephits, Pixies, Rocs, and Sprites. Giant Eagles and Rocs are the only natural flyers capable of bestowing flight to ground-based troops. Artifacts that are capable of bestowing flight to others are: Great Red Bats of the Lost Caves, Green Dragon Mates, and the Last Herd of Winged Stallions. If a group consists of only natural-flyers or ground-based troops that become capable of flying, the following flight bonuses apply: +20% attack bonus vs pop centers, immune to Earthquake, Flash Flood, and Wall of Flame spells, patrol-sized groups have 32 (rather than 20) movement points (only for patrols of the Black Dragon, Red Dragon, and Fairy Folk kingdoms), may fly over water without a naval fleet being involved (may finish movement upon a water area), automatically performs a reconnaissance of the group’s location as a level 1 agent, and the flying group may not be flanked in battle (a special attack maneuver that certain kingdoms may perform).

Kingdom and Recruitable Troop Types (Food/Gold Amount Is Cost To Recruit):

TypeIDFoodGoldMax Per GroupNotes
Fairy Folk (Flyer)FFN/AN/AUnlimitedKingdom brigade, not recruitable but receive as reinforcements
MythiansMY6,0008,000UnlimitedRecruit at pop center within Zanthia (6), The Sword Coast (8), Zamora (10), Mythgar (11), or The Untamed Lands (12) and requires General and 1 Veteran brigade
NorthmenNM4,0006,000UnlimitedRecruit at pop center within The Crown Islands (1), Darkover (2), The Diamond Coast (3), Triumvia (5), or Stormgate (13) and requires Captain
NyvariansNY4,0006,000UnlimitedRecruit at pop center within The Diamond Coast (3), Nyvaria (7), Pellinor (9), The Untamed Lands (12), or Stormgate (13)
PaladinsPA8,00010,000UnlimitedRecruit at pop center within Darkover (2), Krynn (4), Triumvia (5), Nyvaria (7), or Pellinor (9) and requires General and 1 Veteran brigade [Only permitted for non-evil kingdoms]
Stormgate GuardST10,00010,000UnlimitedRecruit at pop center within Stormgate (13) and requires General
VikingsVI6,0009,000UnlimitedRecruit at pop center within The Crown Islands (1), Darkover (2), or The Diamond Coast (3) and requires General and 1 Veteran brigade
WestmenWE4,0006,000UnlimitedRecruit at pop center within Krynn (4), Triumvia (5), Zanthia (6), The Sword Coast (8), or Stormgate (13) and requires Captain
ZamoransZA4,0006,000UnlimitedRecruit at pop center within The Sword Coast (8), Pellinor (9), Zamora (10), Mythgar (11), The Untamed Lands (12), or Stormgate (13) and requires Captain
Companions (Order #565):
CentaursCE4,0008,0005Recruit in wild (no pop center) in Forest terrain and requires General and 3 brigades
Chimera (Flyer)CM12,00012,0001Recruit in wild (no pop center) in Forest terrain and requires Marshal and 1 Veteran brigade
EntsEN6,0006,0003Recruit in wild (no pop center) in Forest terrain and requires Marshal and 1 Veteran brigade
Pixies (Flyer)PX2,0002,00020Recruit in wild (no pop center) in Forest terrain and requires Captain and 1 brigades
Sprites (Flyer)SR2,2002,20020Recruit in wild (no pop center) in Forest terrain and requires General and 1 brigades
Summoned (By Spell):
EttinsETN/AN/A3Summon in wild (no pop center) in Plains, Forest, Mountains, Marsh, Desert terrain
Gargoyles (Flyer)GAN/AN/A5Summon in wild (no pop center) in Plains, Forest, Mountains, Marsh, Desert terrain
Gelatinous CubesGCN/AN/A3Summon in wild (no pop center) in Plains, Forest, Mountains, Marsh, Desert terrain
GnollsGLN/AN/A10Summon in wild (no pop center) in Plains, Forest, Mountains, Marsh, Desert terrain
Iron GolemIGN/AN/A1Summon in wild (no pop center) in Mountains terrain
Manticores (Flyer)MCN/AN/A5Summon in wild (no pop center) in Plains, Forest, Mountains, Marsh, Desert terrain
MinotaursMIN/AN/A5Summon in wild (no pop center) in Forest, Mountains terrain
OwlbearsOWN/AN/A5Summon in wild (no pop center) in Plains, Forest, Mountains, Marsh, Desert terrain
Phantasmal ForcePMN/AN/A5Summon in wild (no pop center) in any terrain
Rock GolemsRGN/AN/A5Summon in wild (no pop center) in Mountains terrain
Shambling MoundsSMN/AN/A3Summon in wild (no pop center) in Plains, Forest, Mountains, Marsh, Desert terrain
TroglodytesTGN/AN/A10Summon in wild (no pop center) in Plains, Forest, Mountains, Marsh, Desert terrain
Umber HulksUHN/AN/A3Summon in wild (no pop center) in Plains, Forest, Mountains, Marsh, Desert terrain

Resource Consumption per Brigade (Each Turn):

Fairy Folk900900
Stormgate Guard3,0003,000
Companions (Order #565):
Summoned (By Spell):
Gelatinous Cubes1,7501,750
Iron Golem3,0003,000
Phantasmal Force00
Rock Golems5001,500
Shambling Mounds2,0002,000
Umber Hulks1,5001,500

Reinforcement Schedule (Receive As Kingdom Brigades):

Turn 5:3
Turn 10:3
Turn 15:4
Turn 20:4
Turn 25:5
Turn 30:5
Turn 35:6
Turn 40:6

Terrain Combat Adjustment:

Terrain TypeMovement Point CostMovement (Ice Age)Fairy FolkTrait
Forest4.05.00+30%Supremacy plus Greater Masking and Evasion
vs PC’s**0%

Intercept Radius:

Your intercept radius is 3 areas (for Order #732).

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