Dossier for:
The Evergreen Dominion of the High Elves
“Freedom, Honor, Justice”
Dawn of the 4th Cycle of Alamaze
The Evergreen Dominion of the High Elves, also known as the High Elves of the Golden Woods, embody a noble people who hold freedom, honor, and justice as paramount principles. They stand in stark opposition to the Dark Elven Imperium, forging a bitter and long-standing enmity with their dark counterparts. Nestled within the sanctuary of the Golden Woods, the High Elves find solace and protection amidst the verdant canopy. However, the ever-looming threat of breach and intrusion has driven them to become more actively involved in the wider affairs of the world. They understand that standing idle may invite peril, and thus, they take proactive measures to safeguard their realm and extend their influence.
The archers of the Evergreen Dominion are renowned throughout the land, their precision and skill unmatched. From the depths of their enchanted woods, they rain down arrows upon their enemies with lethal accuracy, defending their borders and striking fear into the hearts of their adversaries. Mastery of mithril craftsmanship is a hallmark of the High Elves. Their ability to forge and utilize this rare and precious metal grants them formidable equipment that combines exceptional durability with remarkable lightness. Clad in mithril armor and wielding exquisite weapons, they stand as paragons of elven craftsmanship on the battlefield. In times of dire need, the High Elves can call upon their ancient allies, the Giant Eagles, for aid. These majestic creatures, swift and powerful, descend from the skies to fight alongside the High Elves. Their presence serves as a symbol of unity and a fearsome force against any who would threaten the Evergreen Dominion.
Guided by the wisdom and leadership of the Great Lord, the Evergreen Dominion of the High Elves upholds their principles with unwavering resolve. Their commitment to freedom, honor, and justice drives their actions as they navigate the complexities of the wider world, striving to safeguard their homeland and champion the cause of righteousness.
The discovered country was large enough that each found a region to settle and grow. Denizens of the continent have been encountered as well. Rumors of a Giant
From Your Prime Minister:
Great Lord of The High Elves of the Golden Woods, hear my counsel. The High Elven kingdom enjoys a balance of strengths, and so is free to pursue a variety of strategies. As is well known, our archers are unsurpassed in skill. As always, our arch enemy remains the Dark Elven Imperium, but there are other forces whose acts are so diametrically opposed to the Elven ways that they too must be held in check. Thus we cannot stay withdrawn in our Golden Woods, but must involve ourselves in affairs throughout Alamaze to ensure eventual victory. We must not overestimate our ability to take the control, as there are those with less inviting territories who will covet the apparent sanctuary of our region.
Specialized Traits For Our Kingdom:
The following traits provide special and unique bonuses for our kingdom. These effects are inherent and do not require specific action to enable unless otherwise specified in the section below.
Type | Name |
Cultural | Acuity |
Cultural | Archers |
Cultural | Charisma |
Cultural | Healing |
Cultural | Magic Resistance (Sleep) |
Cultural | Oratory |
Cultural | Spy Network |
Cultural | Trackers |
Magic | Mastery |
- Acuity: Groups are never surprised, acts as entrenched. Agents have a reduced -10 points from being captured during missions. Political emissaries get +5 to their rebel/usurp die roll. Characters of this kingdom that become prisoners get 15 points added to their chance of escape.
- Archers: Kingdoms with the Archers trait get 50% of missile value at long range in the forest (normally 0%) and 100% at short range missile (normally 50%) in the forest. They get 50% long range missile fire in the mountains (normally 25%), also 75% in short range missile fire (normally 50%). They provide excellent rear-guard action, so their kingdom suffers only 50% of normal casualties in retreat (cumulative with other traits).
- Charisma: +1 influence. A bid for an open High Council chair is elevated by 10,000 gold without paying the cost (so a bid of 30,000 actually counts as 40,000).
- Healing: Gains the ability to reduce attrition to kingdom brigades (not entire group). Use Regenerate order #236 with group ID in Column A to heal up to 5% attrition to kingdom brigades. May only issue this regenerate order once per turn per group. An automatic Heal is performed at the end of the turn to all groups that reduces up to 3% attrition to kingdom brigades (no need to issue an order). Leaders and wizards that were killed in battle receive a special saving throw which gives a 33% chance of surviving their wounds instead of being killed.
- Magic Resist Sleep: Kingdom is 33% resistant to sleep effects.
- Oratory: +15% to Maintain Status Quo (#310) and Usurp Control (#330). +1 to starting influence.
- Spy Network: The kingdom has gone to lengths to establish a network of agents. Begins with an additional level 6 agent and level 3 agent at the capital. The cost for agent training is reduced by 20%.
- Trackers: Provides an intrinsic (no order required) level 4 agent recon of each active group area. Detects groups in ambush but not invisible groups. Can locate hidden sites if ending movement on them.
Special Rules For The Evergreen Dominion of the High Elves Kingdom:
- Terrain Adeptness: Supremacy in Forest, Disadvantaged in Swamp
- Magical Prowess: Mastery (Tier 2 of 7)
- Spells available earlier than prowess base: Bounty, Invisible Brigade, Unveil Group Location
- Giant Eagles (Order #565 Recruit Companions) are available for our kingdom to transport our troops. These flying and majestic creatures are capable of carrying our forces, up to 5 brigades total (division-sized or less including the Eagles) may be flown.
- Because of our supreme proficiency in the Forest, our groups can mask the size of their force when ending movement in a Forest area. This masking occurs automatically, without requiring either a spell or order.
- Special Order: Evasion (Order #118). Evade prevents combat with the specified group if in Forest terrain. Not considered as a retreat for either group and is the equivalent to a normal defensive order (so cannot attack groups/pop centers/encounters nor rest/set ambush). Evasion is limited to groups of up to 5 brigades.
- Special Order: Equip Mithril Item (Order #606). This order is only available to the Dwarven and Elven kingdoms due to their master skill level and craftsmanship. Group must be located at kingdom-owned pc with forge. Group must already be equipped with the improved forged item (armor/weapons) in order to upgrade to their mithril version. Mithril armor provides +50% combat protection. Mithril weapons provides +50% combat effectiveness. Cost for forging either mithril armor or weapons is 1,000 mithril ingots. Group may only be equipped once a turn with forged armor/weapons.
- Special Order: Equip Advanced Item (Elven Bows) (Order #607, 500 mithril), elven bows are an advanced weapon group attachment similar to forged improved weapons and cannot be traded. The elven bows provide an extra 20% leader/wizard death effect during group combat. Equip elven bows to group at kingdom-owned pc with forge. Group must have one or more brigades in group. Group must already be equipped with improved weapons or mithril weapons from forge (Order #605). Only able to equip improved weapons, mithril weapons, or advanced weapons to a group once on the same turn.
Your first group begins as your most powerful and important group. In addition, should you earn your Early Strategic Objective or qualify for an Appeal to the Gods (Epic Game only) there are possible awards that only go into your first group (see General Rules).
Early Strategic Objectives:
Enter your selections for the Early Strategic Objectives with your orders on turns 1 through 3. Use Order #991 and reference the instructions in the Official Rulebook. If you do not select any objectives, your kingdom will receive the default objectives listed below:
Control a region | worth 2 points |
Have 3+ Dukes (not Demon Princes/Consuls/King/Queen/Regent) | worth 1 point |
We are pursuing a MINOR ESO!
On turns 10 through 15, if our kingdom has achieved the above requirements to total 3 achievement points, we may claim awards worth 3 points!
Victory Conditions:
This campaign has NORMAL victory conditions.
Therefore a kingdom may win via Rex (control 5+ regions) or by Lion’s Share (most status points at end of the game).
Skeletons In The Closet:
The following skeletons, if revealed, will have detrimental impact on your influence and on regional reaction in some regions.
Type | Code | |
MAJOR | 9476 | The King Is A Shocking Sexual Deviant. |
MINOR | 4651 | The King Had Knowledge Of The Assassination Of His Father. |
MINOR | 6313 | The King Has Made Underhanded Dealings To Increase His Wealth. |
Magical Prowess:
Proficiency: Mastery (Tier 2 of 7)
Maximum assured Power level attainable: 9 (includes +2 levels from Immortal)
(Spellcasters may attempt to research beyond the assured level, but may fail about 50% of the time, and the gold cost is still consumed)
Gold cost per research level: 8,000
(Plateau levels have additional cost. At 3rd level, +10,000 gold. At 5th level, +30,000 gold. At 7th level, +60,000 gold. For example, to increase a pwr-2 wizard to pwr-3, the cost is the gold-cost-per-research-level x level + plateau cost, or 34,000 gold. To reach 5th level, the cost is 70,000 gold. To reach 7th level, the cost is 116,000 gold.)
Spell List
Level 0: Rite Of The Magi, Self Invisible, Wizard Assist Encounter
Level 1: Bridge Of Mist, Create Food, Create Gold, Diplomacy, Fear, Light Of The Evening Star, Lightning Attack, Magic Research, Protect Heroes and Wizards, Raven Familiar, Reveal King’s Influence, Shield, Stun Leader, Valor, Ward
Level 2: Bridge Of Mist (Intrinsic), Dispel Magic, Firestrike, Guarded Attack, Heal, Invisible Patrol, Lesser Masking, Light Of The Evening Star (Intrinsic), Ship of Mist, Sleep, Speed, Teleport Self, Wind Storm
Level 3: Command Tornado, Conceal Emissary, Dire Wolf Familiar, Dispel Dome of Invulnerability, Dispel Storm at Sea, Eagle Familiar, Fertile Fields, Flash Flood, Greater Masking, Hidden Ore, Instant Self Teleport, Invisible Brigade, Kill Leader/Wizard, Mirror Image, Presence (Intrinsic), Raise Population Center Census, Strengthen Walls, Teleport Patrol
Level 4: Chaos, Destroy Undead, Dispel Regional Effect, Earthquake, Instant Summon Phantasmal Forces, Protection from Regional Effect, True Seeing, Unveil Group Locations, Unveil Population Centers, Wall of Flame, Ward Population Center
Level 5: Blinding Light (Regional Effect), Bounty (Regional Effect), Create Magical Item, Dire Wolf Familiar (Intrinsic), Ice Torrent, Invisible Division, Project Image Of Group, Summon Minotaurs, Summon Rock Golems, Teleport Brigade
Level 6: Chain Lightning, Conjure Prestige, Conjure Scandal, Dome of Invulnerability, Enhance King’s Aura, Infuriate Populace, Invisible Army, Meteor Strike, Raise Regional Census (Regional Effect), Revelation, Storm at Sea, Teleport Division, True Seeing (Intrinsic)
Level 7: Augment Title, Charm Region, Prismatic Rays, Simulacrum, Summon Death, Teleport Army
Level 8: Crack The Sky, Incendiary Cloud, Power Word Stun, Teleport Army Group
Level 9: Arcane Disjunction, Disintegrate, Summon Iron Golem
The Evergreen Dominion of the High Elves Military Dossier
Kingdom Brigade Description:
Renowned throughout Alamaze for their marksmanship with Elven bows, they are Riders and are also above average with the charge phase. Well trained and armed infantry is respectable in close combat.
Kingdom Brigade Ratings:
LR Missile | SR Missile | Charge | 1st Melee | 2nd Melee | Combined | Storm (PC) | Defense |
Awesome | Very Good | Above Average | Above Average | Above Average | Above Average | Above Average | Above Average |
Recruit Troops (Order #560), Recruit Companions (Order #565), or magically summoned brigades fight at their respective values for all kingdoms. They move according to the kingdom’s movement table. They consume food and gold at their respective rates. Groups at sea fight according to the fleet quantity and quality in the given sea.
Special Note: Flyers may be available for your kingdom through the Recruit Companions (Order #565) or as a Wizard Summoning Spell. All flying groups, either as natural flyers like Dragons or groups enhanced with special brigades/artifacts that bestow flying capabilities, are considered flying at all times. When specifying the group’s movement, all terrain costs are calculated as normally in your movement order (including when flying over water areas). However, flying groups whether they are all-natural flyers (e.g., all brigades of Griffons) or non-natural flyers (ground-based troops that gain flying by acquiring an artifact or by recruiting Giant Eagles) are checked throughout the turn if their situation changes. Flying status may be lost if the group no longer meets certain criteria such as losing division-sized status required by certain artifacts due to transferring troops between groups, combining groups together, or gaining additional troops through battle as what may occur with special troops like Zombies that eat the dead and grow in number. Or Lycanthrope that spreads among the injured on the battlefield and the group acquires new Lycan brigades. Another possibility to consider is if the group will receive any troop reinforcements, which occurs at certain intervals throughout the game. So, even though a ground-based, non-natural flying group may start the turn as a flyer, its status may change throughout the course of the game. A flying group that flys over or lands upon a water area may be issued any movement order (e.g., 720 and not required a sea movement order like 710).
Natural flyers are: Black/Red Dragons, Great Bats, Phoenixes, Specters, and Wyverns, as well as the new troop types of Air Elementals, Beholders, Chimeras, Cockatrices, Fairy Folk, Gargoyles, Giant Eagles, Griffons, Manticores, Mephits, Pixies, Rocs, and Sprites. Giant Eagles and Rocs are the only natural flyers capable of bestowing flight to ground-based troops. Artifacts that are capable of bestowing flight to others are: Great Red Bats of the Lost Caves, Green Dragon Mates, and the Last Herd of Winged Stallions. If a group consists of only natural-flyers or ground-based troops that become capable of flying, the following flight bonuses apply: +20% attack bonus vs pop centers, immune to Earthquake, Flash Flood, and Wall of Flame spells, patrol-sized groups have 32 (rather than 20) movement points (only for patrols of the Black Dragon, Red Dragon, and Fairy Folk kingdoms), may fly over water without a naval fleet being involved (may finish movement upon a water area), automatically performs a reconnaissance of the group’s location as a level 1 agent, and the flying group may not be flanked in battle (a special attack maneuver that certain kingdoms may perform).
Kingdom and Recruitable Troop Types (Food/Gold Amount Is Cost To Recruit):
Type | ID | Food | Gold | Max Per Group | Notes |
Elves | EL | N/A | N/A | Unlimited | Kingdom brigade, not recruitable but receive as reinforcements |
Mythians | MY | 6,000 | 8,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within Zanthia (6), The Sword Coast (8), Zamora (10), Mythgar (11), or The Untamed Lands (12) and requires General and 1 Veteran brigade |
Northmen | NM | 4,000 | 6,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within The Crown Islands (1), Darkover (2), The Diamond Coast (3), Triumvia (5), or Stormgate (13) and requires Captain |
Nyvarians | NY | 4,000 | 6,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within The Diamond Coast (3), Nyvaria (7), Pellinor (9), The Untamed Lands (12), or Stormgate (13) |
Paladins | PA | 8,000 | 10,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within Darkover (2), Krynn (4), Triumvia (5), Nyvaria (7), or Pellinor (9) and requires General and 1 Veteran brigade [Only permitted for non-evil kingdoms] |
Stormgate Guard | ST | 10,000 | 10,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within Stormgate (13) and requires General |
Vikings | VI | 6,000 | 9,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within The Crown Islands (1), Darkover (2), or The Diamond Coast (3) and requires General and 1 Veteran brigade |
Westmen | WE | 4,000 | 6,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within Krynn (4), Triumvia (5), Zanthia (6), The Sword Coast (8), or Stormgate (13) and requires Captain |
Zamorans | ZA | 4,000 | 6,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within The Sword Coast (8), Pellinor (9), Zamora (10), Mythgar (11), The Untamed Lands (12), or Stormgate (13) and requires Captain |
Companions (Order #565): | |||||
Centaurs | CE | 4,000 | 8,000 | 5 | Recruit in wild (no pop center) in Forest terrain and requires General and 3 brigades |
Giant Eagles (Flyer) | GE | 4,000 | 8,000 | 5 | Recruit in wild (no pop center) in Mountains terrain and requires Captain and 1 Veteran brigade |
Wood Elves | WO | 4,000 | 8,000 | 5 | Recruit in wild (no pop center) in Forest terrain and requires General and 1 Veteran brigade |
Summoned (By Spell): | |||||
Iron Golem | IG | N/A | N/A | 1 | Summon in wild (no pop center) in Mountains terrain |
Minotaurs | MI | N/A | N/A | 5 | Summon in wild (no pop center) in Forest, Mountains terrain |
Phantasmal Force | PM | N/A | N/A | 5 | Summon in wild (no pop center) in any terrain |
Rock Golems | RG | N/A | N/A | 5 | Summon in wild (no pop center) in Mountains terrain |
Resource Consumption per Brigade (Each Turn):
Type | Food | Gold |
Elves | 1,500 | 1,700 |
Mythians | 1,700 | 2,100 |
Northmen | 2,000 | 2,000 |
Nyvarians | 2,000 | 2,000 |
Paladins | 2,700 | 2,700 |
Stormgate Guard | 3,000 | 3,000 |
Vikings | 1,800 | 2,200 |
Westmen | 2,000 | 2,000 |
Zamorans | 1,600 | 1,600 |
Companions (Order #565): | ||
Centaurs | 1,700 | 1,900 |
Giant Eagles | 1,700 | 1,700 |
Wood Elves | 1,400 | 1,700 |
Summoned (By Spell): | ||
Iron Golem | 3,000 | 3,000 |
Minotaurs | 2,300 | 2,500 |
Phantasmal Force | 0 | 0 |
Rock Golems | 500 | 1,500 |
Reinforcement Schedule (Receive As Kingdom Brigades):
Turn 5: | 2 |
Turn 10: | 2 |
Turn 15: | 1 |
Turn 20: | 2 |
Turn 25: | 2 |
Turn 30: | 1 |
Turn 35: | 2 |
Turn 40: | 2 |
Terrain Combat Adjustment:
Terrain Type | Movement Point Cost | Movement (Ice Age) | Elven | Trait |
Plains | 5.0 | 6.25 | 0% | |
Forest | 4.0 | 5.00 | +30% | Supremacy plus Greater Masking and Evasion |
Mountains | 8.0 | 10.00 | 0% | |
Desert | 7.0 | 8.75 | 0% | |
Marsh | 8.0 | 10.00 | -10% | Disadvantage |
Sea | 5.0 | 6.25 | 0% | |
vs PC’s | * | * | 0% |
Intercept Radius:
Your intercept radius is 4 areas (for Order #732).
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