Dossier for:
Shadow Brotherhood of the Underworld
“Anything Is Possible For The Right Price”
Dawn of the 4th Cycle of Alamaze
The Shadowy Brotherhood of the Underworld is a clandestine kingdom operating in the depths of secrecy. They are a secret society proficient in the art of finding and trading secrets, with cunning and subterfuge being deeply ingrained in their culture. Their covert operations are unparalleled, and their Agencies produce the world’s most skilled spies, assassins, and covert operatives, whom they offer for hire to other nations at a steep price. This unique position has granted the Shadowy Brotherhood immense influence over the major world powers. Their agents are sought after by nations in order to maintain a competitive edge. Through this soft power, they have managed to deter invasion, as no nation wants to risk the exposure of their own secrets or face the consequences of the Brotherhood’s retaliation.
While lacking in military might, the Shadowy Brotherhood does maintain a formidable force of pirates who protect the coasts surrounding their territory. These pirates act as a deterrent and a line of defense, ensuring the safety of their realm should their political influence fail.
At the helm of the Shadowy Brotherhood is the enigmatic Shadow Master, whose ambition lies in furthering their power through political influence and manipulation. Their goal is to expand their reach, solidify their position of influence, and ensure the continuation of their covert operations.
From Your Master Of Assassins:
Great Tyrant, Alamaze is yours for the taking. We are stronger than any as this 3rd Cycle begins. Of course, we don’t want a major engagement against other military powers in ground of their choosing, and we may need to take some time to consolidate our widely separated forces, or else, make inroads in several regions. We have many strategic options, we must recruit our Companions wisely and as our economy allows. We have a surprise addition with a banished wizard having recently assumed wraith form pledged to our side, bolstering our otherwise suspect magic capabilities.
Specialized Traits For Our Kingdom:
The following traits provide special and unique bonuses for our kingdom. These effects are inherent and do not require specific action to enable unless otherwise specified in the section below.
Type | Name |
Cultural | Adventurers |
Cultural | Cunning |
Cultural | Evil |
Cultural | Feudal |
Cultural | Foreknowledge (Demon Bane) |
Cultural | Foreknowledge (Palantir Crisnia) |
Cultural | Forethought |
Cultural | Secretive |
Cultural | Spy Network |
Cultural | Trick Of The Trade |
Magic | Advantage |
- Adventurers: +10 points to group strength in Unusual Sighting encounters. Automatic entry to encounters that require a wizard to cast Light Of The Evening Star or Bridge Of Mist for access. +10 points to leadership promotion and -10% to leader and wizard death in unusual encounters. +10 points to agent rescue and emissary escape attempts. Warriors, the soldier portion of a party’s strength rating, are worth +5 in Unusual Encounters.
- Cunning: +15 point bonus to Incite Rebellion (#320) and Stir Unrest (#315). +3 levels to max agent training. Agent training reduced by -1,000 gold.
- Evil: Only Evil kingdoms may summon undead if in spell lists. Undead brigades cannot become Elite. Undead brigades have a floor morale of 80 and cannot raise above 120. Damned, Skeletons, and Zombies may be summoned from pop center areas (not in wild only). Only Evil kingdoms may recruit Trolls. Brigade maintenance is -25% for Evil kingdoms. Only Evil kingdoms may have Nazgul, Wraith, or Lich figures. Evil kingdoms gain a pop center’s full production value in food and gold (not reduced by seasonal effects) when conquered. Rule of Law has cost of 0 for Evil kingdoms. Evil kingdoms start Hostile in all regions except for capital and second town regions. When an Evil kingdom first controls a particular region, all non-Evil kingdoms have their regional reactions changed to Hostile. If an Evil kingdom has control in a region with Loyal reactions, non-Evil kingdoms cannot improve their regional reaction there. An Evil kingdom may not enamor a region that is Loyal to any non-Evil kingdom. Agent training is -1,000 gold to a minimum of 1,000. Maximum agent training is +2 levels.
- Feudal: The kingdom has a more developed societal and noble system that provides it with additional members of its noble court and additional influence. The kingdom begins with an additional Baron and Ambassador at the capital, and +1 Influence.
- Foreknowledge: Kingdom has the short name of one or more artifacts on setup. Varies by kingdom as to number and which specific artifacts.
- Forethought: Increases +2 standing orders allowed at onset, +1 per region controlled over standard. +3 (instead of +2) orders allowed over influence.
- Secretive: The kingdom begins with a hidden capital and an additional level 4 agent. On turn 0, the capital will be given a Glyph of Concealment. This magical effect is permanent and is not transferrable to another popcenter by any means (even if relocating the capital, the glyph stays at the former capital). Hidden popcenters will not be discovered when a group travels over them nor will they be revealed by a High Priestess divination. A hidden popcenter may only be discovered if a group ends movement upon it (not searching for popcenters) or by a level 4+ agent performing a single recon (#970) but not trail group (#691/971) or search for popcenters (#976).
- Spy Network: The kingdom has gone to lengths to establish a network of agents. Begins with an additional level 6 agent and level 3 agent at the capital. The cost for agent training is reduced by 20%.
- Trick Of The Trade: Gets 25% more in a trade with another kingdom that does not possess the same trait (Trick of the Trade) than the indicated amount (this does not come from the other player’s treasury). Agents have -25% to being captured (so a 40% chance of capture becomes 30%). Sea movement by a group is 25% less likely to be interdicted.
Special Rules For The Underworld Cult of Secrets Kingdom:
- Terrain Adeptness: Standard
- Magical Prowess: Advantaged (Tier 3 of 7)
- Spells available earlier than prowess base: Augment Title, Conjure Scandal, Curse, Lesser Masking, Summon Death
- The Underworld has great control over the hiring and training of agents throughout Alamaze. In game terms, this is reflected by the Underworld receiving 1,500 gold each time an agent is hired and each time an agent or fanatic is trained.
- Set Global Agent Training Cost (Order #994). As the Underworld sponsors the training of agents throughout the realm, they may set the price of the training for all kingdoms, which may range from 2,000 gold to 8,000 gold. The initial price of training is 5,000 gold. The Underworld may vary the required amount for everyone within the range by issuing this special order. Enter the new price that will be required for all kingdoms to pay for their agent training, plus or minus 1,000 gold from the current cost. Keep in mind that increasing the global training cost for developing agents may discourage others from training their agents, which may be beneficial for our kingdom since there will be fewer and lowered-level agents performing counter-espionage/guard to deal with on our missions. However, raising the global training cost also means that our kingdom will receive less gold each turn since others will not develop their agents if it becomes too expensive. The opposite strategy of lowering the global training cost to the minimum will have the reverse effect, plentiful agents of higher-caliber to bypass making our missions more difficult, but we will receive more gold each turn due to the greater participation of others to train their agents. This order is unavailable prior to turn 4.
- Early Kidnap Figure (Order #295). The Underworld has expanded its intelligence network. As a result, our kingdom may issue orders to kidnap personnel (emissaries, priestesses, agents) before the figure may undertake their directed action. It should be noted that magical wards and agents on guard duty may affect our agent’s chances.
- Early Rescue Prisoner (Order #290). The Underworld ruler may give the order to rescue prisoners before the opposing kingdom may issue a directive (such as to execute the prisoner). It should be noted that magical wards and agents on guard duty may affect our agent’s chances.
- Rapid Agent Training (Order #501, 6,000 gold). Underworld agents may undergo an intensive training regimen and immediately advance to level 4 (from levels 1-3). This specialized training will advance any lower-leveled agent to level 4.
- Underworld agents and fanatics cost only 50% of the normal cost for most of their missions. The Early Kidnap/Rescue missions (Orders #295, 290) are the exceptions with these incurring their full cost. A level 4 agent costs our kingdom 1,000 gold per mission.
- Underworld emissaries will be captured upon the military conquest of the pop center that they are located only 25% (rather than 50%) of the time.
Your first group begins as your most powerful and important group. In addition, should you earn your Early Strategic Objective or qualify for an Appeal to the Gods (Epic Game only) there are possible awards that only go into your first group (see General Rules).
Early Strategic Objectives:
Enter your selections for the Early Strategic Objectives with your orders on turns 1 through 3. Use Order #991 and reference the instructions in the Official Rulebook. If you do not select any objectives, your kingdom will receive the default objectives listed below:
Control a region | worth 2 points |
Have 3+ Dukes (not Demon Princes/Consuls/King/Queen/Regent) | worth 1 point |
We are pursuing a MINOR ESO!
On turns 10 through 15, if our kingdom has achieved the above requirements to total 3 achievement points, we may claim awards worth 3 points!
Victory Conditions:
This campaign has NORMAL victory conditions.
Therefore a kingdom may win via Rex (control 5+ regions) or by Lion’s Share (most status points at end of the game).
Skeletons In The Closet:
The following skeletons, if revealed, will have detrimental impact on your influence and on regional reaction in some regions.
Type | Code | |
MAJOR | 2780 | The King Has Zoophobia: He Fears All Animals. |
MINOR | 4935 | The Queen Is A Heretic. |
MINOR | 6506 | The Queen Is A Shocking Sexual Deviant. |
Magical Prowess:
Proficiency: Advantage (Tier 3 of 7)
Maximum assured Power level attainable: 7
(Spellcasters may attempt to research beyond the assured level, but may fail about 50% of the time, and the gold cost is still consumed)
Gold cost per research level: 9,000
(Plateau levels have additional cost. At 3rd level, +10,000 gold. At 5th level, +30,000 gold. At 7th level, +60,000 gold. For example, to increase a pwr-2 wizard to pwr-3, the cost is the gold-cost-per-research-level x level + plateau cost, or 37,000 gold. To reach 5th level, the cost is 75,000 gold. To reach 7th level, the cost is 123,000 gold.)
Spell List
Level 0: Rite Of The Magi, Self Invisible, Wizard Assist Encounter
Level 1: Create Food, Light Of The Evening Star, Lightning Attack, Magic Research, Protect Heroes and Wizards, Raven Familiar, Shield, Stun Leader, Valor
Level 2: Bridge Of Mist, Create Gold, Diplomacy, Fear, Firestrike, Guarded Attack, Kill Leader/Wizard, Lesser Masking, Light Of The Evening Star (Intrinsic), Reveal King’s Influence, Sleep, Speed, Ward
Level 3: Bridge Of Mist (Intrinsic), Conceal Emissary, Dire Wolf Familiar, Dispel Magic, Dispel Storm at Sea, Fertile Fields, Hidden Ore, Invisible Patrol, Mirror Image, Presence (Intrinsic), Ship of Mist, Strengthen Walls, Teleport Patrol, Teleport Self, Wind Storm
Level 4: Chaos, Command Tornado, Curse, Dispel Dome of Invulnerability, Dispel Regional Effect, Flash Flood, Greater Masking, Instant Self Teleport, Invisible Brigade, Protection from Regional Effect, Raise Population Center Census, Raise Zombies, True Seeing, Wall of Flame, Ward Population Center
Level 5: Cold Darkness (Regional Effect), Conjure Scandal, Create Magical Item, Destroy Undead, Dire Wolf Familiar (Intrinsic), Earthquake, Imp Familiar, Instant Summon Phantoms, Invisible Division, Summon Minotaurs, Summon Skeletons, Teleport Brigade
Level 6: Augment Title, Conjure Prestige, Ice Torrent, Invisible Army, Project Image Of Group, Raise Regional Census (Regional Effect), Revelation, Sacrifice, Storm at Sea, Summon Ghouls, Summon Kraken, Summon Rock Golems, Teleport Division, True Seeing (Intrinsic), Unveil Group Locations, Unveil Population Centers
Level 7: Chain Lightning, Charm Region, Demonic Visions (Regional Effect), Dome of Invulnerability, Enhance King’s Aura, Famine (Regional Effect), Infuriate Populace, Meteor Strike, Plague (Regional Effect), Summon Death, Summon Demon, Summon Specters, Summon Wights, Teleport Army, Transform to Nazgul, Wraith Form
Level 8: Crack The Sky, Prismatic Rays, Simulacrum, Summon Leviathan, Teleport Army Group, Transform to Lich
Level 9: Incendiary Cloud, Summon Mummies
The Underworld Cult of Secrets Military Dossier
Kingdom Brigade Description:
Shadow Master, our kingdom troops are not envied by other kingdoms. Our brigades are mainly light infantry, lightly armored if at all, with some skirmishers for support. We shall not prevail on the backs of our kingdom troops. Over time, perhaps by winning a few battles and preserving our brigades and leaders that gain experience, we can really enhance our military by recruiting the formidable Companions we have had relationships with in the past: Hill Giants and Ogres.
Kingdom Brigade Ratings:
LR Missile | SR Missile | Charge | 1st Melee | 2nd Melee | Combined | Storm (PC) | Defense |
Above Average | Average | Very Poor | Average | Average | Average | Average | Below Average |
Recruit Troops (Order #560), Recruit Companions (Order #565), or magically summoned brigades fight at their respective values for all kingdoms. They move according to the kingdom’s movement table. They consume food and gold at their respective rates. Groups at sea fight according to the fleet quantity and quality in the given sea.
Special Note: Flyers may be available for your kingdom through the Recruit Companions (Order #565) or as a Wizard Summoning Spell. All flying groups, either as natural flyers like Dragons or groups enhanced with special brigades/artifacts that bestow flying capabilities, are considered flying at all times. When specifying the group’s movement, all terrain costs are calculated as normally in your movement order (including when flying over water areas). However, flying groups whether they are all-natural flyers (e.g., all brigades of Griffons) or non-natural flyers (ground-based troops that gain flying by acquiring an artifact or by recruiting Giant Eagles) are checked throughout the turn if their situation changes. Flying status may be lost if the group no longer meets certain criteria such as losing division-sized status required by certain artifacts due to transferring troops between groups, combining groups together, or gaining additional troops through battle as what may occur with special troops like Zombies that eat the dead and grow in number. Or Lycanthrope that spreads among the injured on the battlefield and the group acquires new Lycan brigades. Another possibility to consider is if the group will receive any troop reinforcements, which occurs at certain intervals throughout the game. So, even though a ground-based, non-natural flying group may start the turn as a flyer, its status may change throughout the course of the game. A flying group that flys over or lands upon a water area may be issued any movement order (e.g., 720 and not required a sea movement order like 710).
Natural flyers are: Black/Red Dragons, Great Bats, Phoenixes, Specters, and Wyverns, as well as the new troop types of Air Elementals, Beholders, Chimeras, Cockatrices, Fairy Folk, Gargoyles, Giant Eagles, Griffons, Manticores, Mephits, Pixies, Rocs, and Sprites. Giant Eagles and Rocs are the only natural flyers capable of bestowing flight to ground-based troops. Artifacts that are capable of bestowing flight to others are: Great Red Bats of the Lost Caves, Green Dragon Mates, and the Last Herd of Winged Stallions. If a group consists of only natural-flyers or ground-based troops that become capable of flying, the following flight bonuses apply: +20% attack bonus vs pop centers, immune to Earthquake, Flash Flood, and Wall of Flame spells, patrol-sized groups have 32 (rather than 20) movement points (only for patrols of the Black Dragon, Red Dragon, and Fairy Folk kingdoms), may fly over water without a naval fleet being involved (may finish movement upon a water area), automatically performs a reconnaissance of the group’s location as a level 1 agent, and the flying group may not be flanked in battle (a special attack maneuver that certain kingdoms may perform).
Kingdom and Recruitable Troop Types (Food/Gold Amount Is Cost To Recruit):
Type | ID | Food | Gold | Max Per Group | Notes |
Underworld | UN | N/A | N/A | Unlimited | Kingdom brigade, not recruitable but receive as reinforcements |
Knights of Styx | KS | 8,000 | 10,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within Darkover (2), Krynn (4), Triumvia (5), Nyvaria (7), or Pellinor (9) and requires General and 1 Veteran brigade [Only permitted for evil kingdoms] |
Mythians | MY | 6,000 | 8,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within Zanthia (6), The Sword Coast (8), Zamora (10), Mythgar (11), or The Untamed Lands (12) and requires General and 1 Veteran brigade |
Northmen | NM | 4,000 | 6,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within The Crown Islands (1), Darkover (2), The Diamond Coast (3), Triumvia (5), or Stormgate (13) and requires Captain |
Nyvarians | NY | 4,000 | 6,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within The Diamond Coast (3), Nyvaria (7), Pellinor (9), The Untamed Lands (12), or Stormgate (13) |
Stormgate Guard | ST | 10,000 | 10,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within Stormgate (13) and requires General |
Vikings | VI | 6,000 | 9,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within The Crown Islands (1), Darkover (2), or The Diamond Coast (3) and requires General and 1 Veteran brigade |
Westmen | WE | 4,000 | 6,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within Krynn (4), Triumvia (5), Zanthia (6), The Sword Coast (8), or Stormgate (13) and requires Captain |
Zamorans | ZA | 4,000 | 6,000 | Unlimited | Recruit at pop center within The Sword Coast (8), Pellinor (9), Zamora (10), Mythgar (11), The Untamed Lands (12), or Stormgate (13) and requires Captain |
Companions (Order #565): | |||||
Hill Giants | HI | 10,000 | 12,000 | 3 | Recruit in wild (no pop center) in Mountains terrain and requires Marshal and 1 Elite brigade |
Ogres | OG | 6,000 | 12,000 | 5 | Recruit in wild (no pop center) in Plains, Forest, Mountains terrain and requires General and 3 brigades |
Trolls | TR | 10,000 | 12,000 | 5 | Recruit in wild (no pop center) in Forest, Mountains terrain and requires Marshal and 1 Veteran brigade |
Wildlings | WL | 4,000 | 6,000 | 10 | Recruit in wild (no pop center) in Plains, Forest, Mountains terrain and requires Captain and 3 brigades |
Summoned (By Spell): | |||||
Ghouls | GH | N/A | N/A | 5 | Summon in wild (no pop center) in Forest, Marsh terrain |
Minotaurs | MI | N/A | N/A | 5 | Summon in wild (no pop center) in Forest, Mountains terrain |
Mummies | MU | N/A | N/A | 5 | Summon in wild (no pop center) in Desert terrain |
Phantoms (Flyer) | PT | N/A | N/A | 5 | Summon in any terrain |
Rock Golems | RG | N/A | N/A | 5 | Summon in wild (no pop center) in Mountains terrain |
Skeletons | SK | N/A | N/A | 20 | Summon in any terrain (including pop centers) |
Specters (Flyer) | SP | N/A | N/A | 7 | Summon in wild (no pop center) in Plains, Forest, Mountains, Marsh, Desert terrain |
Wights | WT | N/A | N/A | 7 | Summon in wild (no pop center) in Mountains terrain |
Zombies | ZO | N/A | N/A | 20 | Summon in any terrain |
Resource Consumption per Brigade (Each Turn) [Being Evil Has -25% Incorporated]:
Type | Food | Gold |
Underworld | 1,050 | 1,050 |
Knights of Styx | 2,025 | 2,025 |
Mythians | 1,275 | 1,575 |
Northmen | 1,500 | 1,500 |
Nyvarians | 1,500 | 1,500 |
Stormgate Guard | 2,250 | 2,250 |
Vikings | 1,350 | 1,650 |
Westmen | 1,500 | 1,500 |
Zamorans | 1,200 | 1,200 |
Companions (Order #565): | ||
Hill Giants | 2,025 | 2,025 |
Ogres | 1,725 | 1,200 |
Trolls | 2,100 | 1,875 |
Wildlings | 1,275 | 975 |
Summoned (By Spell): | ||
Ghouls | 375 | 525 |
Minotaurs | 1,725 | 1,875 |
Mummies | 750 | 1,500 |
Phantoms | 0 | 0 |
Rock Golems | 375 | 1,125 |
Skeletons | 0 | 225 |
Specters | 375 | 750 |
Wights | 375 | 750 |
Zombies | 375 | 225 |
Reinforcement Schedule (Receive As Kingdom Brigades):
Turn 5: | 2 |
Turn 10: | 1 |
Turn 15: | 2 |
Turn 20: | 1 |
Turn 25: | 2 |
Turn 30: | 1 |
Turn 35: | 2 |
Turn 40: | 2 |
Terrain Combat Adjustment:
Terrain Type | Movement Point Cost | Movement (Ice Age) | Underworld | Trait |
Plains | 5.0 | 6.25 | 0% | |
Forest | 7.0 | 8.75 | 0% | |
Mountains | 8.0 | 10.00 | 0% | |
Desert | 7.0 | 8.75 | 0% | |
Marsh | 7.0 | 8.75 | 0% | |
Sea | 5.0 | 6.25 | 0% | |
vs PC’s | * | * | 0% |
Intercept Radius:
Your intercept radius is 3 areas (for Order #732).
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