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Full Version: New Maelstrom contest?
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I am in, I prefer silent but will do forum. Only because I forget to communicate on the correct turn, ADD.
Anyway this could be made into a mentor game? Lots of new guys, some with early exits from games? Might make for some more experienced players for future games? Just a thought
Thanks for the welcomes. Yes Dwellomir I did play Fall of Rome once upon a time. Smile

So how do we set up the drafts now?

Pick a draft position:

1. + 24.
2. + 23.
3. + 22.
4. + 21
5. + 20.
6. + 19.
7. + 18.
8. + 17.
9. + 16.
10. + 15.
11. + 14.

I think we draft either a region or a kingdom? Correct?
I prefer the two consecutive drafts at positions 12 and 13 if okay with others.

Please just sign up here then we can create the game signup in the order entry program, I think?

I would prefer Forum only communication (I know I will have many questions).
I will take 6
1. + 24.
2. + 23.
3. + 22.
4. + 21
5. + 20.
7. + 18.
8. + 17.
9. + 16.
10. + 15.
11. + 14.


(12-05-2020, 11:30 PM)Lord Thanatos Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Alamaze!

I haven't played in over three years but am interested in attempting a new Maelstrom game. I am certain I will lose handily but want to get a game under my belt if there are enough players wanting to begin a new game.

Let's play?

Welcome back LT.
If someone needs a mentor, just email me at unless I end up playing of course.
I am in ... I will take #1 if available.

I'll go #3
if its open talk on forum, no nap,ill take 2
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