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(12-10-2020, 02:26 AM)PTRILEY Wrote: [ -> ]1. HABEUSCORPUS - Nyvaria - Underworld
2. DROGO - Darkover + Necromancer
3. AGENT ORANGE - Untamed Lands + Amazons
4. WINDSTAR - Triumvia + Lizardmen (joined)
5. ALATARTBW - Krynn + Pirate
6. DIAMOND CUTTER - Druids + Sword Coast
7. PTRILEY - Diamond Coast + Demon Prince (joined)
8. AIRETAR - Pellinor + Elven
9. COSMICWIZARD - Zamora + Warlock
10.EBENEZAR BLACKSTAFF - Zanthia + Gnomes
11.DWELLOMIR - The Crown Islands + Ancient Ones (joined)
12.LORD THANATOS - Mythgar + Red Dragons (joined)


As the Red Dragon I must ask: Where are the dwarfs, gnomes, and hobbits all hiding?
(12-10-2020, 06:47 AM)Lord Thanatos Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-10-2020, 02:26 AM)PTRILEY Wrote: [ -> ]1. HABEUSCORPUS - Nyvaria - Underworld
2. DROGO - Darkover + Necromancer
3. AGENT ORANGE - Untamed Lands + Amazons
4. WINDSTAR - Triumvia + Lizardmen (joined)
5. ALATARTBW - Krynn + Pirate
6. DIAMOND CUTTER - Druids + Sword Coast
7. PTRILEY - Diamond Coast + Demon Prince (joined)
8. AIRETAR - Pellinor + Elven
9. COSMICWIZARD - Zamora + Warlock
10.EBENEZAR BLACKSTAFF - Zanthia + Gnomes
11.DWELLOMIR - The Crown Islands + Ancient Ones (joined)
12.LORD THANATOS - Mythgar + Red Dragons (joined)


As the Red Dragon I must ask: Where are the dwarfs, gnomes, and hobbits all hiding?

Follow the gold.  Surely a dragon has a nose for it?   Idea
(12-10-2020, 06:44 AM)Lord Thanatos Wrote: [ -> ]Was re-reading this thread and saw seasonal forum only communication. I am not certain what that means?  Every three turns after the late season (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) so AFTER turns 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, etc . . .  ? But not once the next early season turn is processed --- until the late season turn is again processed?  Or is this something else entirely?

Got it.  And to all, remember no NAPS, no three party attacks. 

Smack or universal updates (what all players know, like regions or status points) are allowed other turns, but please don't 'accidentlly" diplomicize on none-late season turns.
Sorry for the delay gents.
I thought Mythgar region start provided the location of an enigma encounter for P2? Cannot locate this information on my setup. Of course, I could be mistaken.
(12-09-2020, 11:13 PM)PTRILEY Wrote: [ -> ]1. HABEUSCORPUS - Nyvaria
2. DROGO - Darkover
3. AGENT ORANGE - Untamed Lands + Amazons
4. WINDSTAR - Triumvia + Lizardmen (joined)
5. ALATARTBW - Krynn + Pirate
6. DIAMOND CUTTER - Druids + Sword Coast
7. PTRILEY - Diamond Coast + Demon Prince (joined)
8. AIRETAR - Pellinor + Elven
9. COSMICWIZARD - Zamora + Warlock
10.EBENEZAR BLACKSTAFF - Zanthia + Gnomes
11.DWELLOMIR - The Crown Islands + Ancient Ones (joined)
12.LORD THANATOS - Mythgar + Red Dragons (joined)

(12-10-2020, 02:27 PM)Lord Thanatos Wrote: [ -> ]I thought Mythgar region start provided the location of an enigma encounter for P2? Cannot locate this information on my setup.  Of course, I could be mistaken.
Not location, I think it’s just an auto wizard encounter that’s associated with region, you still have to locate it.
(12-10-2020, 02:58 PM)PTRILEY Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-09-2020, 11:13 PM)PTRILEY Wrote: [ -> ]1. HABEUSCORPUS - Nyvaria
2. DROGO - Darkover
3. AGENT ORANGE - Untamed Lands + Amazons
4. WINDSTAR - Triumvia + Lizardmen (joined)
5. ALATARTBW - Krynn + Pirate
6. DIAMOND CUTTER - Druids + Sword Coast
7. PTRILEY - Diamond Coast + Demon Prince (joined)
8. AIRETAR - Pellinor + Elven
9. COSMICWIZARD - Zamora + Warlock
10.EBENEZAR BLACKSTAFF - Zanthia + Gnomes
11.DWELLOMIR - The Crown Islands + Ancient Ones (joined)
12.LORD THANATOS - Mythgar + Red Dragons (joined)

(12-10-2020, 02:27 PM)Lord Thanatos Wrote: [ -> ]I thought Mythgar region start provided the location of an enigma encounter for P2? Cannot locate this information on my setup.  Of course, I could be mistaken.
Not location, I think it’s just an auto wizard encounter that’s associated with region, you still have to locate it.

Is Stormgate - the city - also an entire region by itself?
Yes that with the village
Stormgate at NP plus the village at MQ make up a 13th region that starts as Human controlled. Nice city stats and nice village stats. Always an early target.
great info I had no idea thanks
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