12-29-2015, 12:34 AM
(12-28-2015, 08:10 PM)Jumpingfist Wrote: 4 spots still available if any of these players want the spot please claim it. After these we will have gone at least 9 deep in all positions so I think fair to open it up to anyone that want to play the position at that point Tuesday at noon EST. if we get at least one more player will see if Ry Vor would like to form the game with less than 15 kingdoms.
Any of the player can claim at this time.
AN - Mauler, Rogal, Wynand, Morgan Kane, Arch Mage of Entropy(bananas), Telrandir
DA - Whitewolf, Turdargh, Damelon, Diamond Cutter
DW - Hawk, Kornin, Netstrider, The Gray Mouser
WA - Eregnon, Jumbie, Nikodemus, Stillgard
...Nope, can't bring myself to respond to the name "Turdargh"...