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Its Harder than it Looks
This is an enterprise that thrives on positive emotion.  It just seems we are cut off on that by various posts, of players, that I think mean well in general.  I just can't get people to shake the thought that we are making lots of money.  We are not.  So more positive responses are more important than you might think.  It is really wearisome to get criticism when we are working below minimum wage to provide what we think is a first rate entertainment alternative to the dreariness of regular life.  We are not some big corporation.  We would like to find new players to sustain what we think is a brilliant multi-player strategy game.  But this kind of game cannot go forward with the impulse to attack the two people who are its caretakers and purveyors of its future. 

I know it is hard - damn hard - to develop an awesome product of any type.  It is probably even harder to keep customers happy since "customers" includes such a wide range of generally thoughtful, intelligent people.  Hell, I think the world of LD -- and have since back in FoR days - yet, he and I often disagree on game mechanics and what we want from a game.  Yet, we both (and probably every player still playing) love Alamaze above every other gaming product out there.  In fact, I am certain that everyone in this community loves Alamaze.  I also know that we should show that appreciation more often.  This, too, is a failing of most human beings.  Even in my own job I find that when I help families keep their homes from the evil banks, or their children from the evil ex-spouse, or their freedom from the evil government I often do not get a "thank you" since many human beings believe they are paying me for that result (instead of for my knowledge and effort since I ethically cannot guarantee a result).  I still see myself as wearing the white hat whether I get a "thank you" or not.  Still, when these people refer others or hire me again I know I am appreciated.  The point is that we -- your gaming enthusiasts - are probably very guilty of expecting you to view our payments as evidence of our love of your product.  I certainly love Alamaze above every other entertainment option!

But I think it is a very different thing when you solicit feedback.  Because then everyone puts on their thinking caps and scrutinizes what is good and what can be improved.  Everyone eagerly, even enthusiastically, shares their personal insight into what could be improved (without dwelling enough on what they view as really very good).  Then when they are not as diplomatic themselves as they expect the owner of the company to be when speaking to customers feathers get ruffled and things look bleak.  When every single person sharing their thoughts on how to improve the game actually loves the game and is enthused to be able to speak directly to the game designer, they forget to start with "this is what I love about the . . ."  This is simply humans being human.

I think I am safe to believe two things:
1) everyone in this community absolutely loves Alamaze; and
2) every suggestion to improve the product is made with the best of positive intentions.

I think I am also safe to believe:
1) Rick appreciates every one of his players; and
2) Rick seeks player input far beyond what most customers would ever dream of.

Everyone hopes to grow the player base.  Yet, everyone disagrees about the best way to accomplish this shared goal.  If business was easy there would be no failure to contrast with the success.  Alamaze is clearly a success!  Whether you continue to seek player input or not, Rick, every one of us is trying in his own way to assist you in growing your business.  I think I can safely speak for all of us that we truly wish the very best of everything to you!

Unclemike has been a godsend to you and to us players.  Thank you!

Lord Diamond and Frost Lord have also truly been marvelous in guarding Valhalla to add value to your business Rick and to us players.  Thank you!

Your efforts to create a brand spanking new Alamaze contest are very much appreciated Rick.  Thank you!
Lord Thanatos

One of the best posts ever.

I think that I've been playing Alamaze for nearly 30 years and still get excited when a turn is about to come in says it all.

Well done Rick and Mike and all others.

I'll go a step further. Today at 9am pacific I had sadness. I didn't have turns running today. But I've changed orders like 3 times for the 5 games with orders due tomorrow.

It's funny, I was inputting my turns into the 2nd cycle turn input page a couple of days ago and I was thinking that I was looking forward to those games ending so I only had to use the 3rd cycle input page. And then I suddenly remembered how much of an improvement the 2nd cycle input page had been over what had been there previously! And it made me really appreciate the quality and improvement of this game.
I don't know how great I am at rah-rah. I do try not to complain very often; I tend to think that I show my satisfaction with the money I spend on the game (I do think I've probably spent more on the game since the relaunch than any other single person simply because I love it so damn much.) I am probably not that great at providing feedback because I tend to be so happy with improvements I don't see any flaws unless they are obvious.
I never had any illusions that anybody is getting rich off of this. I'd love to see more people play - I really don't have anybody in my circle I could get to join, unfortunately. And I'm not a marketing guy - you need hardcore gamers, not casual people off the internet. My only thought would be to have a booth in a few hardcore gaming conventions.

Thanks folks for chipping in.  For me, the drive is mainly from providing a kind of entertainment that enriches the lives in some way of the players we do have. 

And I think both Mike and I have a certain pride in the nimbleness, if you will, that we have shown.  3rd Cycle started just a couple months ago, and in the last two weeks we have started Duel, Confederation, and soon, Confluence.  We just introduced the Centauria map.  I don't think any of the competition has started anything in the last ten years.  I just wish we could find those players of those older-styled games and bring them over.

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