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Ideas for the Next Scenario?
(10-10-2016, 07:51 PM)Rogal Wrote: Just a thought, if dragon are going to be single unit entities, what about the demon princes.  Currently the Princes are just emissaries, but think back to playing D&D, the demon Princes were usually the end boss fight of an epic campaign, and unless it was a named dragon, the Princes were much more powerful.  I bring this up as what about a king who fight in battle and/or casts spells?  I never understood why the witchlord (ruler) could not cast spells.  Think about it, why would a lich listen to any king unless the king was more powerful then the lich.  I think steps were slowly going the way of more special kingdom special abilities, but how about a caster king who could cast spells, a devote king who could bless his army, or just more unique powers to kings.

That was in Fall of Rome.  A Ruler was also a military commander and hero.  Moved.  It was a risk players had to calculate.

Spent a couple more hours tonight going through all the posts again after I started to bullet point my own things. I do think there are lots of good ideas on this thread, but a few are for a different game than Alamaze.

Not much commentary here on the dispersed kingdoms, regarding the 12 zones. In Fall of Rome, I don't think it was great (though easier on new players) to have one kingdom per region. It became too much of "this is (to be) my region - what are you doing here?" So it kind of eliminated a lot of strategic potentialities, so I think the dispersed should stay, but perhaps kingdoms like the Ancient Ones and Demon Princes become dispersed rather than the primary resident of a region.

The biggest thing to shape lots of other changes is settling on a map. I expect I will do something like a rough draft and then ask Ralf to make it beautiful, but although Centauria looks like it is suitable for framing, I am guessing more players are using my version for DUEL. So I will ask Ralf to make the next one more vibrant/colorful than the great looking Centauria map he did. But the main thing is deciding on the terrain, regions, amount of sea, location of the cities. It really is an art unto itself, if you've studied either the composition of Resurgent or Centauria: it has to make sense and provide lots of possibilities and be fair to all the zones / positions. Again, Alamaze is not "random" - that's some other game. No random map, no random cities. New algorithm for PC and artifact placement.

I need to give thought as well as to what the two new kingdoms replacing the dragons will be. Nothing is really jumping out as an obvious missing piece. Lycans might be interesting, but they or/and Vampires could be interesting, but about as time consuming to do as the Demon Princes were, so not likely. I'd really not like to have a kingdom revisiting the problems that the dragons presented as a kingdom rather than characters.

Seems the pendulum may have swung a bit far in 3rd Cycle toward the wizard kings, although we have lost a few players thinking they were weak, despite the results of completed games. So there will be some adjustments, notably Dome of Invulnerability and possibly limit Summon Death to one attack per group to target group. Potentially also a wizard who casts a spell at his power level, so a P5 casting a P5 spell for his kingdom might become weary, ala the High Priestess. We may introduce other health status like light wounds, serious wounds, critical wounds, which brings the agent order Poison into play. Would like to rework Fanatics.

PC Improvements (buildings) will be in, likely replacing the generic 600 order. This also makes the Sabotage Redux more interesting.

Thinking of adding maybe three new character classes: Engineer, Sage, and Hero. Some buildings can be built without an engineer, but may require a character, rather than just left to the peasants. Some advancements, like advanced armor or weapons may require the coordination of an Engineer and a Sage to create the technology. Green (or Greek) fire may require a Sage.

I'd like to unleash the King, such that he/she is also either a military leader or spellcaster, Hero or even Sage or Engineer. Probably a kingdom customization option. So the King can move with groups. We'll add that third category of characters "Special" to accompany leaders and wizards.

I'm debating a couple game mechanic changes. I do want to simplify transfers (the most confounding thing for players) and some orders like sea patrol, and figure how to eliminate the effect of orders currently carrying over to the next turn. Probably by changing the sequence of some commands, which involves further divorcing from the idea of keeping all orders of a given type together in the sequence of events.

Artifacts will be re-examined. I'm thinking of simplifying the key to superior sighting to just needing "a" key rather than the specific key for a given artifact, and with the new weapon artifacts that are also superior like Elan, such as the Sword from the Sky, they also should require a key. I want to make the artifacts, weapon artifacts in particular are doing what was intended, which includes doing damage to troops, having a good to great chance to kill opposing leaders, heroes, or spell casters, or special characters.

Probably will split Influence (effectiveness of emissaries) from Rulership (number of orders available). Makes the selection of King orders more interesting.
Thinking of requiring causi belli to attack a player owned PC if not already declared enemy. I can see an argument against that, as it could eliminate surprise attacks, but it is somewhat realistic historically and the surprise attacks, particularly two v one are the major cause of drops if not lost players.

Would like to restrict executing prisoners to declared enemies. Otherwise, there is a code in Alamaze, and we expect them to be ransomed back. Along those lines, only a few kingdoms, perhaps those with Adventurer could attempt Escape, the others have to be rescued by an agent or fanatic if not ransomed. I just think the auto execute eliminates a potentially interesting aspect of the game. With these, prisoners will again be at the captor's capital, but a PC Improvement might be Dungeon, which helps secure them, and provides some intrinsic Status Quo.

Anyway, that's some of it.

Mike and I have had a couple discussions and some of what I intended would require a 4th Cycle level commitment, so the next scenario will be cut back somewhat.

We will still have a new map and two kingdoms to replace the dragons.  Currently thinking Lycans (Werewolves) and Valkyries (name may change).

But for right now, I am working on a few new map versions.  Two have a major central sea area with large (like 20 areas) and small islands.  The Horn Bridge that exists on the Resurgent map between the Talking Mountains and the Northern Mists will be more replete in those maps, connecting islands and land masses in a narrow point. 

But my question is, would you instead like a map more like Centauria, as in there is no sea power or it is on the fringes.  Would be a problem for the Atlantians and Pirates, but The Choosing will still be available.

If Navies, Sea Combat/Battles, Fleets, will be expanded to really give the water powers a more competitive edge, then would like water on the map. If all naval remains like 3C, then I'm fine with a Centauria type map.

More Navy but also more land locked areas.  I love the real world history in Europe where Great Britten has strong a Navy and some can compete if they wish.  The real fighting though is still on the main land which would work great for players not wanting to bother with navies.


I like the sea areas because it allows more defensive players a way to limit the size of attacking army they will face.  I also like the new trade system for seas areas.

I think the game would be better if the teleportation of armies was limited to 8 squares just like dragon flight or speed.   You could move patrols unlimited distances but not troops.

That would also add to the defensive aspect of the game.  

I think teleportation should occur during the movement portion of the turns so that a teleported group could be intercepted.

These changes would make physical barriers more significant.

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