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I think after Maelstrom, besides a couple adjustments, I'm going to do a new game.
So, now or never, what do you want to see in Maelstrom we haven't already discussed?
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I'd like to see some enhanced team functionality.
I'd REALLY love to see an in game way of communicating that is similar to the old index card system. By that I mean the ability to send anonymous messages to other players, or messages "forged" from other players...
In general... anything that enhances communication and interaction.
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How about a spell to change the terrain type of a square? Burn down a forest to make it a plains, or raise a volcano to make it mountains?
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What about an order to investigate an act of espionage? Your emissary was assassinated? Gold stolen? Maybe clues were left as to the perpetrator and their current location...
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Some of the features in Fall of Rome considerably add to the gameplay, in my view. For example, being able to garrison PC's. Also, it would make sense that an agent needs to be in the location where he is performing an act, or failing that, could do so at a reduced range. The adding of agents to legions in FoR was a powerful option. Also, with quests where characters are gained, if there is no room in a legion then to me they could just be added to an inactive legion, the way that reinforcements are handled.
in reading the turn reports, I still find it very easy to miss a report of an enemy legion. If it is at the gates of a controlled PC, shouldn't there always be a report on the presence?
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Agents being assigned to military groups and being able to scout in advance. Also have scouts with advanced levels be able to determine group size, leaders and wizard levels.
More wizards, less power. More orders, less resources to execute. (I love Ice Age)
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What about a PC improvement for a city, which allows you to train your military leaders up a level, but only one time, and it cannot train a marshal to warlord level.
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In the past the idea of additional personnel besides just leader was brought up. Like engineers that could travel with the group taking up a leader spot but offering other advantages
Bringing back some kind of appeal to the gods could be cool as well. One that would maybe reward the iron willed type player with some extra resources and/or units/leaders
Kidnapping seems a bit to easy now and should possibly be reduced. Maybe reduce both kidnap and assassination to keep it still slightly favoring kidnapping.
I would also like to see the phase requirement for promotion removed. Have it only be the blooded amount.
I would like the dual games to have the kingdoms always start in opposite regions.
Add hidden capital as a 2 point option for order 11. Enough kingdoms start with it why not make it standard.
Have a variant that would let everyone create there own race. Similar to order 11 but on steroids. Current kingdoms would not have to fit into it with point some likely would actually be more points than possible.
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How about giving wizards a chance to go up in level if they investigate and encounter on a 139?