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Okay guys, once Draugr/Jon Doe selects Ancient Ones in the game queue this contest will begin.
My hope is that everyone will post often and seek to include everyone. Remember, this thread is the ONLY communication allowed in this game.
All tribute can be sent to the Sacred Grove in Oakendale beginning on turn four.
Hopefully a stranger can follow this thread and track the Druid's path to Alamaze Rulership from our posts!
Good luck everyone.
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Hail and Well Met to all the Kings and Queens of Alamaze,
The Lord of Illusions wishes to establish peaceful relations with all his neighbors that border the majestic lands of Arcania. In addition, given the skill of my merchants (Tricks of the Trade), I would like to establish a few trading partners, perhaps a few in the north, as I have heard the chant "Winter is Coming" already. I am also open to negotiating for towns and villages that find themselves on the wrong side of a border or for mutually beneficial reasons like expanded shipping lanes. Very soon, I can also be called upon by my allies to bless the fertile lands of their regions and provide additional bounty to their food supplies. Of course, if any would like to establish ironclad alliances, I am open to such offers as well.
May the gods of Alamaze smile upon you,
Quicksilver, Lord of Illusions
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Hail Lord of Illusions
Dark is our reign, but we are not mad dogs. We respect the knowledge you have attained and would like peaceful relations and trade. We look for blood elsewhere provided you agree to do the same. Cordially, at least as cordially as our nature allows,
The svart alfar
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Hail to the kings, Queens, and Regents of Alamaze, I Strongwill, am the hand of the NE King. We seek peaceful relations with our neighbors and we are looking for trade partners as well. Good luck and gaming to all, and most of all have fun...
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Hail Noble Lords,
We the Ancient Council would like to open talks with all kingdoms. A lot has happened since our last visit to these bless lands and it does trouble us that only one devout kingdom remains. We have seen peace in our lands at least for the near future.
King of the Dark Elf,
It would seem you are the last of the elder races to still call this realm home. We would like to offer you an alliance of mutual defense against would be invaders. We would agree to defend each other’s homelands but are not honor bound to join in any attacks outside the homelands. Another matter is the town that lies within the boarders of the Sands. We propose you keep this town and that we are allowed to take a PC in the sea of drowning after you have gained control of your region. We also have knowledge of an artifact within your boarders and would like to claim this artifact. Would you be willing to unearth it for us and keep any golds found or at least allow us to come claim it?
Thoughts Great King of the Drow?
The Ancient Council
Lord Quicksilver of the Illusionist,
We would like to discus a trade of towns within each other’s regions. We propose to help gain control of our respective regions that we share the location of these towns and make them available for control in three months time. So no military group after this turn to allow political movements in the second month. To not stretch our emmisaries thin I would also propose we each overtax these PCs in months one or two.
Noble Lord of the Sacred Order,
May we first commend you in keeping your faith in the Gods. Fate does promise glorious battles for you. We would like to ask that our village in amberland be left alone for 3 cycles of the moon while we solidify our position in the Sands. If you wish we will reveal the location of this village or keep it secret as you choose.
Our deepest respects,
The Ancient Council
Honorable Gnome,
With the Illusionist seeking norther trade partners we would like to ask that you consider entering into a trade partnership with us. The Gods have blessed us with additional income so if you like we could even declare ally in this first month and begin trading with you in the following month. If you prefer we could also wait a few months as I know influence is stretched thin at this time.
The Ancient Council
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(01-13-2018, 05:30 PM)Diws Wrote: Hail Lord of Illusions
Dark is our reign, but we are not mad dogs. We respect the knowledge you have attained and would like peaceful relations and trade. We look for blood elsewhere provided you agree to do the same. Cordially, at least as cordially as our nature allows,
The svart alfar
The svart alfar,
Excellent! I have a village in Synisvania. I would be interested in ceding it to you in return for a sea/coastal village in Synisvania so that I might establish shipping lanes there. This is not something that needs to be done now and we both likely have more pressing concerns but I'd like you keep a lookout for a place that would work for you. I can tell you where this village is whenever it is prudent for you to know.
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Greetings Kings and Queens of Alamaze from the always peace-loving Druids.
Our fair lands are open to receiving delegations from even the farthest corner of Alamaze. Our water is the most pure, most sweet, and most life-sustaining in all the realm. Pilgrimages have been made from distant lands simply to request a drink from the brooks of Lorethane. It has been said that the water of our land will aid the most belligerent of souls to calmly consider the purpose of his existence. In such a state, many kings of old drafted agreements of trade and alliance which lasted for many generations. Please send delegations to meet with our elders at your earliest opportunity.
Great Priest of the Sacred Order,
We ask to renew our mutual promises of trust and understanding from the distant past. Please confirm that you still possess the ancient college which your ancestors established in Oakendale. We, of course, will assist in your maintenance of that splendid seat of learning. I ask only that once you again control your lands you offer a similar location in Amberland where we can begin to instruct others of the benefits of communion with the land and all its creatures.
Dread Lord of the Northern Mists,
The proof of our ancient cooperation is evident from the maintenance of embassies in our respective lands. I implore you to decide whether we will continue to maintain the existence of these embassies or whether we will exchange them. If the later, I suggest we each double tax the town on turn two. We are also open to mutual promises of peace.
Mighty Sorcerer,
We druids seek peace with you and permission to continue spreading healing and tending our groves in the small village we have established in your lands. Please let us know whether these two small requests are amenable to you.
Lord of Illusions,
It is with joy that we learn that you have revealed your presence to the lands of Alamaze. We wish peace and prosperity to you and your lands. The Druids of Oakendale would be pleased to accept your offer of trade agreements and even alliance if you are so inclined. Our sacred songs speak of a strong trust that our long-dead elders cultivated with your ancient Masters. The songs tell of mutual campaigns to bring peace among the least-enlightened war mongers of ancient times. The omens speak clearly that it is time to renew these ancient bonds. Alternatively, if your strength is not yet consolidated sufficiently that you are comfortable with a formal alliance we still offer both lasting peace and mutual trade. During Winter months especially we will need your assistance to provide for all the rampant life in the forest of Oakendale. Our songs remind us that Summer months are especially trying times for those under your protection. We await your reply, Lord. My druid brother indicates that one of our proudest, strongest, most life-sustaining Oaks in the heart of our sacred circle was planted as proof of our ancient alliance by the joint efforts of a Master of Illusion and our Eldest Druid. A renewal is upon us!
Our elders remain eager to accept the delegations of all kings and queens of Alamaze in this new age!
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(01-13-2018, 07:57 PM)Draugr Wrote: Hail Noble Lords,
Lord Quicksilver of the Illusionist,
We would like to discus a trade of towns within each other’s regions. We propose to help gain control of our respective regions that we share the location of these towns and make them available for control in three months time. So no military group after this turn to allow political movements in the second month. To not stretch our emmisaries thin I would also propose we each overtax these PCs in months one or two.
Ancient Ones,
Yes, I would be willing to swap towns with you. However, I would also want some sort of non-aggression pact or alliance to go with that swap given that you are making outreach to both the Drow and the Gnomes. Once I have those assurances, we can reveal those locations.
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01-13-2018, 10:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2018, 10:21 PM by Strongwill.)
Greetings Druid King, our intentions are of peace with your great kingdom. There is no need to tax our populations, in each other’s regions. You are more than welcome to stay in our region. Our kingdom in the North will always seek peace in these lands of Alamaze.
We would even consider an alliance if it was reciprocated.
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Greeting fellow lords from the Gnomish Kingdom of Runnimeade.
We welcome peace and discussions with all of our neighbors.
IL - Your offer of trade is gratefully accepted and, of course, alliance is preferred. We will not rule out trades with others - no jokes about short selling please. We small folks are sensitive about stature jesting. We also have an item of interest that we would like to retrieve in the near future if that is acceptable?
SO - Welcome and peaceful borders to our most learned neighbor. No doubt you will soon hear of our cousins within your border and we do hope that they may live in peace with you? Certainly we will welcome and return the favor in some way.
AN - Greeting to the Elders who have our humble respect. Your area is also home to some of our distant cousins who wish to live in peace with you. We would welcome secure borders and friendship. We have an ancient relic we would like to retrieve or would offer you the location if you care to retrieve it for us?