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Steel - The Choosing
Ok I was confused on remaining positions. I'll try Necromancer.
Lord Brogan

156 - GN


I am a new player too.  I got the email offering a free game, it looks like the Ancient Ones are open to play?  If so I'll hop back in to Alamaze as them.


Returning folks. I STRONGLY suggest you take up Draugr's offer to give advice! I'd be happy to help as well but I am nowhere near his league.

(11-03-2018, 04:17 PM)Calidor Wrote: Returning folks.  I STRONGLY suggest you take up Draugr's offer to give advice!   I'd be happy to help as well but I am nowhere near his league.
Might be time for another team mentor game?  Maybe?

Mentoring would be awesome, figuring this stuff out is challenging. You guys are tough! Luving the challenge though.


VballMichael - DU
Canticar - DE
Eregnon - RD
Drogo - RA
DuPont - LI
Dominion - BL
Son of Conan - UN
Loijin - SO
Brogan - NE
MrTed - AN

Just need a GN/HA player and we're good to go. Everyone else go ahead and get signed up on the game queue!

Isn't there a game creation where we just pick one kingdom?

(11-03-2018, 06:05 PM)VballMichael Wrote: Isn't there a game creation where we just pick one kingdom?

Yes if you choose no draft type it becomes first come first serve.  Effectively pick one kingdom

(11-03-2018, 06:05 PM)VballMichael Wrote: Isn't there a game creation where we just pick one kingdom?

In your case, pick the druid first - the rest that you pick don't matter. Since nobody else will pick the druid first, you will get it.

To new players:

When you join the queue (Game Queue on the left panel after you login), you may be asked to pick 12 kingdoms.  This is supposed to be for when there are games with random draft orders, but is also in place for fixed draft order games like this one.  So as said above, be sure to pick your kingdom selected here on the forum first, and then any other 11 kingdoms in any order to fill in the form.

Will give any new players wanting in until 3pm Eastern today (Sunday) to join, otherwise an existing player will take the position.

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