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Victory By Lion's Share Is The Warlock Kingdom!
Game End Status Points
Place Kingdom Player Results-40 Grand Total
1 WA Brek 70,764 97,813
2 UN Pine Needle 52,109 75,548
3 HA Keeope 48,109 74,523
4 DE uncledarkseid 46,303 71,106
5 IL Wookie Panz 47,407 67,160
6 GN Rellgar 37,390 55,939
7 DU HabeusCorpus 27,905 54,961
8 AN Vball Michael 19,119 36,737
9 AM Lord Garth 16,714 34,039
Congratulations to Brek for a win by lion's share with WA. This was a close race for 2nd by HA and UN who both played their roles well. Several players fought on well when the chips were down. My IL fought against Lord Garth and he deserves a well done for hanging in there and continuing to pick off villages until the very end. I thought I would squeak out control of Triumvia but Garth kept me from it. Well fought by all.
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I hope Brek will chime in as he had this one wire to wire. I was the UN in Zanthia- Halfling in Krynn, Amazon in Triumvia, Druid in Pellinor and Warlock in Sword. My capital was in the far north, so I couldn't mess with the Druid or Warlock that easily. The Halfling was a good trading partner and had a booming economy almost immediately, so all I did with him was bribe a governor and steal an early wild artifact (wand of lightning is a real "meh"). I didn't want to tangle early with the AM, so I looked to Darkover which was easily in range of a red elk agent, and mostly for the rest of them. The DE attacked the Ranger there early, so I kidnapped emis of both, including two Demon Princes and the Ranger King.
Ranger dropped, likely thinking it was 2 on 1, and I offered to share some of the region with the DE. I was going to spice up the offer with a return of his princes, but he rejected it outright and we were at war. I stole the Ring of Spells from the SO in Crown, and he took the DE's offer of cash for my capital and quickly found it. The problem with Darkover and Crown being in agent range from Zanthia meant my capital was in just a couple of squares which SO found right away.
So I unleashed hell on the SO, and killed several of his wizards. I also switched my capital to a town in Crown (other choice was Destiny's End) but he sniffed that out and took it (and all my prisoners!) For the rest of the game, I fought a game SO- bounced against his capital, and he finally dropped. Had the DE joined in, I'm sure I would have lost that war, but I did finally take out the SO and took Crown toward the end of the game.
I think the DE was having issues with the AN who likely stopped him from attacking me.
End game, no one messed with me (I think I had a 25 and 4 21 agents.) I built a bunch of great temples, and even though DE took a built up town from me on 39, I took one back from him, so that was a wash and I edged the HA by less than one great temple.
I was kind of surprised the DU and IL did not podium as the three wizards kingdoms (not the SO) seemed to be growing unchecked from the beginning of the game.
Good game. Good fight SO and DE.
The UN is a very powerful kingdom from turn 15 or so on. Like Glengarry Gless Ross "always be closing", the UN should "always be training". You need multiple top level agents and several on the way up to replace losses, but it you do, almost no one will mess you you.
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This was fun, but it did get a bit boring towards the end...
I wanted to embrace the Halflings and their trading ability. So much so, that I made the decision to not leave Krynn unless invited. But, I had to make myself valuable so I wouldn't entice others to come into Krynn for an easy military victory. Having made good trading partners around me, I spent most of the time building a robust economy. I really thought no one could compete with my production until I found the Warlock capital on turn 25-30. With me not having a port-capable town, there is no way I could compete with that...
The rule regarding "3 consecutive turns trading" worked in my favor. If I could make a decent profit on turn 1, minimal profit on turn 2, and then basically give away the Halfling trading ability to my trading partner on turn 3, I was sure everyone would want in. A magical kingdom getting nearly a 3:2 trade rate would be huge for raising wizards! Plus, the Halfling never really loses money as long as we maintain the advantage with Trick of the Trade. The 2 turns trading with the Underworld cut deep because he also had it, but it was still worth it.
Simple plan. Attack no one. Try not to be attacked. Build an economy and see what you can do with Status Points. I have to say, I really wanted to attack the Warlock after finding his capital. But, I will never knowingly break a promise. It all came down to status points. And since I was stuck with the same 11 population centers throughout the entire game with no chance of expansion, we build! Below is a piece of my final turn. I put a status-point-capable building on every PC I had.
Building can get you close, but you cannot win without conquest.
Regional placement is more important that I thought. Having at least 1 port-capable town would have increased production immensely.
I'm predictable. In my last game I saw a PC with a defense over 300k, so naturally I attempt to beat it the next game....
Base Adjusted
Reg Area Name Type Defense Defense Census Food Gold Other
4 JB Sirocco Major City 345,446 379,991 200,306 196,029 413,530 NA
Buildings: Legendary Castle, Bazaar, Forge, Forum, Granary, Secret Passages, Great Temple,
Thieves Guild, Great Mage Tower, Hobbit Inc. Trading Company
4 NC Cold Orchid Town 183,230 201,553 147,458 9,129 102,191 NA
Buildings: Legendary Castle, Bazaar, Forum, Granary, Secret Passages, Great Temple, Great
Mage Tower
4 NB Lore Song Town 182,633 200,896 150,680 1,668 99,971 NA
Buildings: Legendary Castle, Bazaar, Forum, Granary, Secret Passages, Great Temple, Great
Mage Tower
4 MA Sirroco Town 181,902 200,092 189,323 16,581 119,007 NA
Buildings: Legendary Castle, Bazaar, Forum, Granary, Secret Passages, Great Temple, Watch
Towers, Great Mage Tower
4 HA Purple Plain Village 6,140 6,754 37,628 16,289 13,619 Coastal
Buildings: Motte and Bailey, Bazaar, Granary, Great Temple, Great Mage Tower
4 IE Nimbus Village 5,656 6,222 36,414 13,632 12,838 NA
Buildings: Motte and Bailey, Bazaar, Granary, Great Temple, Great Mage Tower
4 FE New Athenia Village 5,585 6,144 54,071 30,597 107,859 Hidden
Buildings: Motte and Bailey, Bazaar, Granary, Great Temple, Thieves Guild, Great Mage Tower
Possesses: Glyph of Concealment
4 LA Micandia View Village 5,436 5,980 31,738 16,919 13,270 NA
Buildings: Motte and Bailey, Bazaar, Granary, Great Temple, Great Mage Tower
4 RB Grand Prarie Village 5,411 5,952 38,575 15,071 9,368 NA
Buildings: Motte and Bailey, Bazaar, Granary, Great Temple, Great Mage Tower
10 YC Smuggler's Bay Village 5,830 5,830 31,765 71,430 21,385 Capital, Hidden
Buildings: Motte and Bailey, Bazaar, Granary, Great Temple, Thieves Guild, Great Mage Tower
Possesses: Glyph of Concealment, Crystal of Seeing
4 KC Ambrosia Village 4,810 5,291 41,707 12,175 15,046 NA
Buildings: Motte and Bailey, Bazaar, Great Temple, Great Mage Tower
------- ------- -------
959,665 399,520 928,084
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I will post later, very fun game
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I saw HA making level 7 wizards a bunch and I was like- man that guy has some gold.