11-29-2022, 06:58 PM
In the category of How the Heck did that Happen comes this little ditty of a Druid who was almost eliminated in the first few turns, but stayed in the game and just accumulated points to win on turn 40 with status points while the rest of us beat the crap out of each other. Very nicely done, Canticar. And great job by Brek with the Lycans who almost single-handedly stopped my win like 20 turns ago, then a bunch of people jumped in, and the LY still held onto first place right up until the final bell rang. Also, nice job by Windstar to hang in there and help stop the Lycans when they were about to win.
Place Kingdom Player Results-40 Grand Total
1 DU Canticar 64,800 82,550
2 DK Vball Michael 48,172 77,089
3 LY Brek 39,586 74,061
4 GN Windstar 20,171 34,756
Place Kingdom Player Results-40 Grand Total
1 DU Canticar 64,800 82,550
2 DK Vball Michael 48,172 77,089
3 LY Brek 39,586 74,061
4 GN Windstar 20,171 34,756