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Solo Game - GrimFinger - Playing around with the turn order system

Tonight, I created a SOLO game, in order to begin testing the turn orders system for Alamaze.

I have not read the big, thick, lengthy rulebook. Before worrying about the right or best orders to issue, I need to better understand how the issuing of turn orders works via the game's online interface.

Thus far, I have run five turns in SOLO mode, one turn right after the other. I'm not really studying the various options much at all, instead choosing to just issue pretty much a range of different orders, and then seeing what the turn results are.

Primary Lessons Learned From Turn #1:

1. That I need to be aware - and stay aware - of HOW MANY commands that I issue. I should have remembered this from my Fall of Rome days, but I didn't. Turn #1's results sort of gave me a boot to the head, where me trying to issue commands to so many characters. Clearly, Alamaze demands that players adhere to a limited amount of commands, each and every turn.

Using my favorite PBM game, Hyborian War, as a comparison, in Hyborian War, a player can issue a command for every last character that their kingdom has at its disposal. In Alamaze, however, that's not necessarily the case. That's a strong difference between these two games.

2. I made no effort to read the Tutorial advice that the game prints on the turn results. Failing to do so all but ensures that my kingdom will underperform. Again, though, my aim at the beginning is to focus more upon familiarizing myself with the game's interface, rather than focusing upon the actual game mechanics or upon the quality of my turn orders and turn results.

3. I am not a fan of the parchment background of the turn results. I find it to be distracting. There are good reasons why in the real world solid white paper is the primary choice for most communications of information in physical form. The parchment is "pretty," but I don't consider it to be conducive to easy of reading. An option to turn the parchment background on or off would be a plus. That way, those who favor it can retain it, and those that consider it to be a distraction can eliminate that distraction in short order.

4. I learned anew in the present what I recall from my relatively brief amount of time trying my hand at Fall of Rome years ago, with regard to my seeming inherent capacity to spend good in a reckless manner, thereby imperiling my kingdom's ability to stay solvent, even and especially in the beginning stage of the game. Ouch! The economic aspect of Fall of Rome was never my favorite part of that game, and I have a gut feeling that the economic system of Alamaze won't be my favorite part of it, either.

5. The game's interface is helpful, insofar as making it easy to know which commands that any given character can choose from on any given turn. This is not the exact, same thing as the interface being intuitive, per se. My Turn #1 impression is that the interface is a mixed bag. It has its pluses, but everything about it is not a plus, in my book.

These are the main lessons that I took away from Turn #1 of this SOLO game played against no other players.

On Turn #1, I experienced some successes, but many failures, where the issuing of my turn orders was concerned. More failures than successes, by far.

I am a new player (1 month) to Alamaze, but also an old school pbm player.

I think Alamaze is a really good game with the potential to be a great game.

The core systems and design are Really Good, but do take some learning. As with all PBM based games there are somethings that don't work as expected or don't work as they are detailed in the rules. Ideally there should be a sticky thread in the forums addressing this so new players are aware and also the coder to resolve the issues.

The thing that seems to be holding this game back is the lack of numbers currently playing. It restricts the game as most of the games are created as limited diplomacy or non team games. I have no doubt with numbers it would enhance the game as a huge part of pbm is playing games, creating alliances, having conflicts that don't necessary lead to conflict in future games and ultimately making friends.

I do hope that Grim Finger you take the time to play the game, maybe report your experiences to your news letter and ultimately enjoy the game.

(01-21-2023, 09:00 PM)Zar@shand Wrote: The core systems and design are Really Good, but do take some learning. As with all PBM based games there are somethings that don't work as expected or don't work as they are detailed in the rules. Ideally there should be a sticky thread in the forums addressing this so new players are aware and also the coder to resolve the issues.

Per your suggestion, I have created a sticky thread for this purpose, which can be found here.


I issued turn orders for Turn #7, today, resuming where I left off a few days ago.

I was still just playing around with the interface, and tried to issue a variety of different orders, including some that I had never checked for, before. One of these was to check for a victory condition, or to declare a victory status of some kind. I can't see the page, anymore, so I don't know what the exact wording of it was. This generates confusion!

So, one has to check for victory? The game doesn't just end and declare you the victory? Or does it depend upon a particular kind of victory?

When I received my Turn #7 results, my first reaction was one of annoyance. I didn't really expect the tutorial to end, I guess, in spite of me issuing an order to check for a victory condition (or, again, whatever the correct term for it is).

Probably the BIGGEST ANNOYANCE, from my perspective as a newcomer to playing the game, was trying to find a quick and handy link to SIGN IN to the game, in order to get started playing, again. All of this forum clutter, but the most basic of things isn't intuitively obvious to even the most casual person - which it SHOULD be, which it NEEDS to be! Every single extra step that a potential player has to take, in order to just start playing, is an impediment and an obstacle. At a bare minimum, the layout of things can be streamlined, considerably.

I know that it was never intended that things be more difficult for newcomers to Alamaze than it should be, but regardless of whatever was originally intended, it's just evolved (devolved) that way. What is intended and what is intuitive are very distinct and different things.

(01-21-2023, 10:59 PM)Maximus Dominus Wrote: 01/21/2023

I issued turn orders for Turn #7, today, resuming where I left off a few days ago.

I was still just playing around with the interface, and tried to issue a variety of different orders, including some that I had never checked for, before. One of these was to check for a victory condition, or to declare a victory status of some kind. I can't see the page, anymore, so I don't know what the exact wording of it was. This generates confusion!

So, one has to check for victory? The game doesn't just end and declare you the victory? Or does it depend upon a particular kind of victory?

When I received my Turn #7 results, my first reaction was one of annoyance. I didn't really expect the tutorial to end, I guess, in spite of me issuing an order to check for a victory condition (or, again, whatever the correct term for it is).

Probably the BIGGEST ANNOYANCE, from my perspective as a newcomer to playing the game, was trying to find a quick and handy link to SIGN IN to the game, in order to get started playing, again. All of this forum clutter, but the most basic of things isn't intuitively obvious to even the most casual person - which it SHOULD be, which it NEEDS to be! Every single extra step that a potential player has to take, in order to just start playing, is an impediment and an obstacle. At a bare minimum, the layout of things can be streamlined, considerably.

I know that it was never intended that things be more difficult for newcomers to Alamaze than it should be, but regardless of whatever was originally intended, it's just evolved (devolved) that way. What is intended and what is intuitive are very distinct and different things.
In one game that I was in, the player (Painted Man) delayed asking for victory so that he could get 6 regions under his control by the end of the game. He did succeed, though, as the Necromancer.  It also makes it more difficult to win, as if you don't have the requirements for the victory, you get fined a half point of influence. It may seem backwards, but it does work and I like it.

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