OK here is your wizard who should be a power 8.
You will need to reload your turn and if you have issues send me an email at brekpbm@gmail.com
Although the game turn sheet may not show the power eight if you go to the turn order entry sheet, you can see the power eight. The spells they can cast will also be available but will show next turn.
BL Eye of Death 8
DA Ja Midiris 8
DK Laarmoq 8
DU Cassandra 8
FO Paktof Blaides 8
FT Exan Wyny 8
GI Sarielle Syfyn 8
GN Goldenbrain 8
HA Blue Eyed Robin 8
IL Mouse 8
NE Eagle Borne 8
SO Saurus Ve Xa 8
You will need to reload your turn and if you have issues send me an email at brekpbm@gmail.com
Although the game turn sheet may not show the power eight if you go to the turn order entry sheet, you can see the power eight. The spells they can cast will also be available but will show next turn.
BL Eye of Death 8
DA Ja Midiris 8
DK Laarmoq 8
DU Cassandra 8
FO Paktof Blaides 8
FT Exan Wyny 8
GI Sarielle Syfyn 8
GN Goldenbrain 8
HA Blue Eyed Robin 8
IL Mouse 8
NE Eagle Borne 8
SO Saurus Ve Xa 8