08-08-2024, 08:33 PM
My suggestions to improve the Tyrant, a kingdom which seems to rarely perform well:
The Horde
A Tyrant group with fifteen brigades or more is considered a Horde.
The first time the Tryant forms a horde the kingdom gains 0.5 influence and all groups receive a morale boost of five.
Tyrant hordes enjoy a substantial bonus to parley and threaten attempts.
Tyrant hordes lose no morale from being in a hostile region. They gain an additional two morale per turn when in a friendly region.
When a horde ends movement in a region with substantial control or better, it attracts a brigade of regular Orcs or Goblins (equal chance of either) to join. This occurs automatically at the end of movement in any open terrain other than sea and desert.
Tyrant hordes are large, loud, smelly, and thus trivial to track. When a horde is in a region, any kingdom with significant or greater control receives a level one recon of the horde.
In group combat, Tyrant hordes apply an additional 5% fear on enemy groups of army size or smaller. Stalwart trait protects from this effect. This effect also applies to PCs unless it is a capital or legendary castle.
Tyrant hordes suffer substantial additional losses should they need to retreat.
The Long March
Tyrant forces are accustomed to long marches and thus lose only three morale from a forced march, as opposed to the usual seven. Elite troops lose only one morale.
The Tyrant may perform a special movement order - Driven March (order 727). This is only valid for land movement. This order allows the group to move up to 30 movement points. This order causes a loss of seven morale and applies 2% attrition to all non-elite troops. Elite troops lose three morale and gain no attrition. Any green troops are left behind and destroyed! (The Tyrant is not a nice kingdom to work for.)
This order cannot be performed by patrols. The group must have a marshal or better leader to perform this order and morale must be at least 100.
The 1st Tyrant
The 1st Tyrant group holds special significance for the Tyrant kingdom. As such it enjoys an additional 5% attack and defense and has a higher starting morale than other Tyrant groups.
Troops recruited into the 1st Tyrant do so at 110 morale instead of the usual 100.
Leaders in the 1st Tyrant will advance quicker.
If the 1st Tyrant becomes inactive for any reason it will result in a 3.0 influence drop for the kingdom.
Devoted to the Cause
Life-for-Ruin Gambit - A Tyrant fanatic (not agent) of level seven or greater may sacrifice themselves to damage a population center’s defenses. This suicide mission is performed as if the fanatic was seven levels higher (a level seven performs as a level 14). If successful the population center’s defenses are reduced by 10% or 5000, whichever is greater. The fanatic perishes in the attempt regardless.
Final Strike - A Tyrant fanatic (not agent) of level seven or greater may attempt a one-way mission to assassinate a foreign military leader. This mission is performed as if the fanatic were three levels higher, however the fanatic is always lost.
Tyrant warlords are especially fearsome. These figures provide a leadership bonus of 30% instead of the usual 25%. When a new warlord emerges the kingdom gains 0.3 influence. Should a warlord be lost the kingdom loses 1.0 influence.
Groups led by warlords enjoy a significant parley and threaten bonus.
When a Tyrant group led by a Warlord engages another group in combat, the Warlord will seek out enemy leaders to personally challenge. The effect is an increased chance of death for enemy leaders or Marshal rank and below.
A warlord may be outfitted with custom-made weapons and armor. This requires a forge and costs 20,000 gold. The armor and weapon provide protection from death in combat for the warlord, an increased chance of killing an opposing leader, and allows the warlord to further inspire his troops, reflected as another 5% leadership bonus (total of 35%).
Chaos & Revelry
Tyrant groups of division size or larger who are given the rest order gain an additional five morale up to a maximum of 130, rather than the usual 120. A resting Tyrant group will damage the pop center in the process - 500 food and gold production will be lost for divisions, 1000 for armies, and 1500 for army groups.
If a Tyrant group is not fed any green troops will suffer 5% attrition on top of the usual penalties.
Green troops will suffer additional losses in combat due to being “encouraged” to go to the front lines. On the other hand, any green troops that survive have an increased chance of being promoted.
The Horde
A Tyrant group with fifteen brigades or more is considered a Horde.
The first time the Tryant forms a horde the kingdom gains 0.5 influence and all groups receive a morale boost of five.
Tyrant hordes enjoy a substantial bonus to parley and threaten attempts.
Tyrant hordes lose no morale from being in a hostile region. They gain an additional two morale per turn when in a friendly region.
When a horde ends movement in a region with substantial control or better, it attracts a brigade of regular Orcs or Goblins (equal chance of either) to join. This occurs automatically at the end of movement in any open terrain other than sea and desert.
Tyrant hordes are large, loud, smelly, and thus trivial to track. When a horde is in a region, any kingdom with significant or greater control receives a level one recon of the horde.
In group combat, Tyrant hordes apply an additional 5% fear on enemy groups of army size or smaller. Stalwart trait protects from this effect. This effect also applies to PCs unless it is a capital or legendary castle.
Tyrant hordes suffer substantial additional losses should they need to retreat.
The Long March
Tyrant forces are accustomed to long marches and thus lose only three morale from a forced march, as opposed to the usual seven. Elite troops lose only one morale.
The Tyrant may perform a special movement order - Driven March (order 727). This is only valid for land movement. This order allows the group to move up to 30 movement points. This order causes a loss of seven morale and applies 2% attrition to all non-elite troops. Elite troops lose three morale and gain no attrition. Any green troops are left behind and destroyed! (The Tyrant is not a nice kingdom to work for.)
This order cannot be performed by patrols. The group must have a marshal or better leader to perform this order and morale must be at least 100.
The 1st Tyrant
The 1st Tyrant group holds special significance for the Tyrant kingdom. As such it enjoys an additional 5% attack and defense and has a higher starting morale than other Tyrant groups.
Troops recruited into the 1st Tyrant do so at 110 morale instead of the usual 100.
Leaders in the 1st Tyrant will advance quicker.
If the 1st Tyrant becomes inactive for any reason it will result in a 3.0 influence drop for the kingdom.
Devoted to the Cause
Life-for-Ruin Gambit - A Tyrant fanatic (not agent) of level seven or greater may sacrifice themselves to damage a population center’s defenses. This suicide mission is performed as if the fanatic was seven levels higher (a level seven performs as a level 14). If successful the population center’s defenses are reduced by 10% or 5000, whichever is greater. The fanatic perishes in the attempt regardless.
Final Strike - A Tyrant fanatic (not agent) of level seven or greater may attempt a one-way mission to assassinate a foreign military leader. This mission is performed as if the fanatic were three levels higher, however the fanatic is always lost.
Tyrant warlords are especially fearsome. These figures provide a leadership bonus of 30% instead of the usual 25%. When a new warlord emerges the kingdom gains 0.3 influence. Should a warlord be lost the kingdom loses 1.0 influence.
Groups led by warlords enjoy a significant parley and threaten bonus.
When a Tyrant group led by a Warlord engages another group in combat, the Warlord will seek out enemy leaders to personally challenge. The effect is an increased chance of death for enemy leaders or Marshal rank and below.
A warlord may be outfitted with custom-made weapons and armor. This requires a forge and costs 20,000 gold. The armor and weapon provide protection from death in combat for the warlord, an increased chance of killing an opposing leader, and allows the warlord to further inspire his troops, reflected as another 5% leadership bonus (total of 35%).
Chaos & Revelry
Tyrant groups of division size or larger who are given the rest order gain an additional five morale up to a maximum of 130, rather than the usual 120. A resting Tyrant group will damage the pop center in the process - 500 food and gold production will be lost for divisions, 1000 for armies, and 1500 for army groups.
If a Tyrant group is not fed any green troops will suffer 5% attrition on top of the usual penalties.
Green troops will suffer additional losses in combat due to being “encouraged” to go to the front lines. On the other hand, any green troops that survive have an increased chance of being promoted.