01-19-2025, 01:55 PM
Place Kingdom Player Results-28 Grand Total
1 DK Ozymandius 52,694 67,886
2 SO uncledarkseid 34,947 45,753
3 SA Xerro 28,974 41,336
4 GI Rargrim 12,100 28,417
5 GN Milo007 17,125 27,107
6 UN TenFangers 5,294 12,748
This began this game in Nyvaria with the DE in Diamond Coast. I decided I would move on him ASAP. I was fortunate that the DE and DU (in Darkover) had gotten in a dispute, so he was split between two regions when I moved onto the DE on turn 8. I took his city turn 9 and believe he dropped on turn 11. In hindsight, he could have fought me pretty well - I never found his hidden town, and two of the three known towns in the region were in the sea, where he had a substantial fleet.
Next up was the DU. An interesting perk of the DK is that one can move into a region and not really care if it is hostile, as your troops don't lose morale due to regional reaction. My attack was methodical rather than quick. I would always dispel a dome on towns and would often sit a turn on a town to raise wizards, but also block DU emissary movement. Another nice perk of the DK is dispelling dome at level 3, so I had all the necessary dispels. The DU did protect some towns for a while by doubling or tripling up on domes, but at the end of the day, I had more p-3s than he had p-6s.
I wanted to locate his hidden capital, so I began divining DU groups in the region even before I attacked. I had some notion of where it might be, but the possible area (Darkover is a big region) was too large to search. Then, the DU told me where it was - in an indirect manner. He moved numerous princes to my pop centers in Nyvaria and the Diamond Coast. I noticed he went only so far south and only so far east. As they were all princes (he had a bunch), I assumed they came from his capital. This allowed me to frame his capital to six possible squares, one of which I had already visited. Of course, his capital was in the last one I looked at, but once located, I dropped two strong groups there, and in short order, he was out.
Looking south, the GI and SO seemed to be the two big players. The GI had four regions at one point but appeared to be losing ground. Looking at Stormgate, I was surprised that it had not been developed to any extent. Pellinor looked like a good target, as most of the PCs were on land. I took a turn to set up and moved on both. As luck would have it, I put a group on the GI capital just after it was forced to move. I felt sorry for the GI as I took his capital, Stormgate, and much of Pellinor all in the same turn.
However, that didn't give me the win, as Stormgate had been recruited to the point where controlling it didn't provide control of the city. Back up to MQ I went to grab the village and the win.
An interesting tidbit is that I did no artifact searching this game, finding only two by chance. This allowed me to use more orders towards conquest. I still ended with 17 artifacts, from conquest, theft or of my own creation.
Looking back, the DK felt fairly overpowered in many ways. The kingdom has a powerful military, good companions, a unique summon in the Pit Fiend, tier 2 wizards, the evil advantage, and good agents. Being death-immune is huge - I felt no fear from DU wizards as he couldn't use slay or summon death vs me. I must admit I had the advantage of always pressing the attack and was never the target of an attack.
1 DK Ozymandius 52,694 67,886
2 SO uncledarkseid 34,947 45,753
3 SA Xerro 28,974 41,336
4 GI Rargrim 12,100 28,417
5 GN Milo007 17,125 27,107
6 UN TenFangers 5,294 12,748
This began this game in Nyvaria with the DE in Diamond Coast. I decided I would move on him ASAP. I was fortunate that the DE and DU (in Darkover) had gotten in a dispute, so he was split between two regions when I moved onto the DE on turn 8. I took his city turn 9 and believe he dropped on turn 11. In hindsight, he could have fought me pretty well - I never found his hidden town, and two of the three known towns in the region were in the sea, where he had a substantial fleet.
Next up was the DU. An interesting perk of the DK is that one can move into a region and not really care if it is hostile, as your troops don't lose morale due to regional reaction. My attack was methodical rather than quick. I would always dispel a dome on towns and would often sit a turn on a town to raise wizards, but also block DU emissary movement. Another nice perk of the DK is dispelling dome at level 3, so I had all the necessary dispels. The DU did protect some towns for a while by doubling or tripling up on domes, but at the end of the day, I had more p-3s than he had p-6s.
I wanted to locate his hidden capital, so I began divining DU groups in the region even before I attacked. I had some notion of where it might be, but the possible area (Darkover is a big region) was too large to search. Then, the DU told me where it was - in an indirect manner. He moved numerous princes to my pop centers in Nyvaria and the Diamond Coast. I noticed he went only so far south and only so far east. As they were all princes (he had a bunch), I assumed they came from his capital. This allowed me to frame his capital to six possible squares, one of which I had already visited. Of course, his capital was in the last one I looked at, but once located, I dropped two strong groups there, and in short order, he was out.
Looking south, the GI and SO seemed to be the two big players. The GI had four regions at one point but appeared to be losing ground. Looking at Stormgate, I was surprised that it had not been developed to any extent. Pellinor looked like a good target, as most of the PCs were on land. I took a turn to set up and moved on both. As luck would have it, I put a group on the GI capital just after it was forced to move. I felt sorry for the GI as I took his capital, Stormgate, and much of Pellinor all in the same turn.
However, that didn't give me the win, as Stormgate had been recruited to the point where controlling it didn't provide control of the city. Back up to MQ I went to grab the village and the win.
An interesting tidbit is that I did no artifact searching this game, finding only two by chance. This allowed me to use more orders towards conquest. I still ended with 17 artifacts, from conquest, theft or of my own creation.
Looking back, the DK felt fairly overpowered in many ways. The kingdom has a powerful military, good companions, a unique summon in the Pit Fiend, tier 2 wizards, the evil advantage, and good agents. Being death-immune is huge - I felt no fear from DU wizards as he couldn't use slay or summon death vs me. I must admit I had the advantage of always pressing the attack and was never the target of an attack.