I've asked the play testers to choose their kingdoms for one of the first two games. We want to limit the very first release to 30 players in two games. After a few turns are under our belt and working flawlessly, we will open the sign-up to everyone. I offered the playtesters to share the info with friends on the sign up so I don't want our forum members to miss out either.
But for right now, if you want to reserve a position, you can post here with any smack, but also send an email to request your position with your name, 3 kingdom preferences, and your in-game persona - up to 27 characters. This persona is how you will be known in games, in Valhalla, and in inter-player messages. Unlike Fall of Rome, you might only have one persona in Alamaze, so choose carefully. BTW, we might block some personas that are out of character or "poaching" known personas from Fall of Rome.
Send your email with the specifics to signup@alamaze.co (not com). Again, nothing is official until sign up and payment is complete. Details on payment coming next week but you can reserve your spot pending that now.
We expect the first two games to begin Friday, March 29th.
But for right now, if you want to reserve a position, you can post here with any smack, but also send an email to request your position with your name, 3 kingdom preferences, and your in-game persona - up to 27 characters. This persona is how you will be known in games, in Valhalla, and in inter-player messages. Unlike Fall of Rome, you might only have one persona in Alamaze, so choose carefully. BTW, we might block some personas that are out of character or "poaching" known personas from Fall of Rome.
Send your email with the specifics to signup@alamaze.co (not com). Again, nothing is official until sign up and payment is complete. Details on payment coming next week but you can reserve your spot pending that now.
We expect the first two games to begin Friday, March 29th.