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Missing Orders / Automated Response
I am one of the 3 players that missed getting orders in for game 136 on Friday. This is weird for me as I always CC myself on the email when I send the orders to ActiveGames, just so I know the email went through correctly. I had no issues on my end as I received the CC'd email right away and everything looked good. I had also sent in orders for game 138 and 139 within minutes of the 136 orders as well. 138 and 139 seemed to go through just fine and I received those turns last night.

I guess my point to writing this is .. It would be helpful to receive an email from Active Games saying something along the lines of: " Your email was received. " Other PBM games , Hyborian War in this instance , send out a similar email upon receipt of orders. Is this something that might be added as we wait for automated order entry?


I've had that happen once or twice myself. I would be in favor of this only if it was an automated response, though - not something that had to be done manually.

That was a part of the automated / web-based order entry. On that score, Cipher has a new contact that may pick up the project.

Meanwhile, I don't think we've had anyone miss a turn for that reason in over 10,000 turns processed. Although we can't promise to do so, Grasshopper has generally reached out to someone who is missing orders, but the player has to send them in within a few minutes. Again, don't deliberately test this.

On another note, players might like to know we have professionally hosted servers for the Alamaze program and game files, the website, and the forum, with daily backup. Here's a few stats regarding the Alamaze program and related files from last night's backup (FALL3 is the name of the server with the Alamaze code and game files:

Agent: FALL3
Job: BACKUP Localalamazeinetpub
Retention: DAILY
Job start time: 30-May-2014 23:30:07 -0500
Job end time: 30-May-2014 23:34:21 -0500
Elapsed Time: 00:04:14
SafeSet: 00000138
Errors encountered: 0
Warnings encountered: 0
Files/directories examined: 250,477
Files/directories filtered: 78,132
Files/directories deferred: 0
Files/directories backed-up: 172,330
Files backed-up: 169,770
Directories backed-up: 2,560
Data stream bytes processed: 21,926,153,500 (20.42 GB)
All stream bytes processed: 21,955,117,840 (20.44 GB)
Pre-delta bytes processed: 97,284,088 (92.77 MB)
Deltized bytes processed: 26,518,327 (25.28 MB)
Compressed bytes processed: 13,798,053 (13.15 MB)
Approximate bytes deferred: 0 (0 bytes)
Reconnections on recv fail: 0
Reconnections on send fail: 0

(05-31-2014, 11:47 AM)DuPont Wrote: I've had that happen once or twice myself. I would be in favor of this only if it was an automated response, though - not something that had to be done manually.

Agreed on this point. I certainly don't want anyone doing any extra work. Just something simple like.. "Yep , we got it. "

I appreciate the hard work done by Ry Vor,Cipher and Grasshopper to keep the game humming along at an outstanding pace.

Rolling Thunder Games also sends you a confirmation. They also have a hotmail address that you can CC: orders into along with their primary in case there are ISP issues. So I will always send in orders to both emails just to double cover.
Lord Brogan

156 - GN


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