abbr...............Kingdom..........................Ruled By
AN...Servants of the Ancient Ones............Clavatus
BL...Dark.Skies of the Black.Dragons..........Canticar
DA...Dominion of the Dark.Elves................ Veltran
DE...Seven Hells of the Demon Princes.......Pendrakuil
DW..Dwarf Lords of the Talking Mountains.. Calmus Var
EL...High Elves of the Golden Woods..........Gruber
GI...Stone Giants of the Trembling Ground.. Ixnay (?)
GN...Great Gnomish Bastions of alchemy.....Bash Grimtooth
RA...Rangers of the Frontier Marches......... Mr. Ted
RD...Terror Reign of the Red.Dragon..........Cloud
SO...Realm of the Hidden Sorcerer........... Brogan
TR...Damned Lands of the Troll Uprising.....Susaraus
UN...Brotherhood of the Underworld...........Wynterbreeze
WA..Firey Reach of the Warlock................ Jumpingfist
WI...Witchlord's Empire of Doom...............Jhereg
And there it is
I did learn one thing from my "mentor".