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AN to DA
Figure I would repost in hopes my message was just missed
King of the Dark Elf,
It would seem you are the last of the elder races to still call this realm home. We would like to offer you an alliance of mutual defense against would be invaders. We would agree to defend each other’s homelands but are not honor bound to join in any attacks outside the homelands. Another matter is the town that lies within the boarders of the Sands. We propose you keep this town and that we are allowed to take a PC in the sea of drowning after you have gained control of your region. We also have knowledge of an artifact within your boarders and would like to claim this artifact. Would you be willing to unearth it for us and keep any golds found or at least allow us to come claim it?
Thoughts Great King of the Drow?
The Ancient Council
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AN to GN
Reposting as I know messages are easily lost in the volume of text
Honorable Gnome,
With the Illusionist seeking norther trade partners we would like to ask that you consider entering into a trade partnership with us. The Gods have blessed us with additional income so if you like we could even declare ally in this first month and begin trading with you in the following month. If you prefer we could also wait a few months as I know influence is stretched thin at this time.
The Ancient Council
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(01-14-2018, 06:35 AM)Draugr Wrote: AN to GN
Reposting as I know messages are easily lost in the volume of text
Honorable Gnome,
With the Illusionist seeking norther trade partners we would like to ask that you consider entering into a trade partnership with us. The Gods have blessed us with additional income so if you like we could even declare ally in this first month and begin trading with you in the following month. If you prefer we could also wait a few months as I know influence is stretched thin at this time.
The Ancient Council
Draugr, my friend, I had thought I already agreed to this in an earlier missive but perhaps it was just a vision through one of my smoke rings. Yes, alliance and trade are welcome. I am unable to ally with you this turn as other matters are pressing but will attempt to hoard gold for the future turns and trades to come.
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GN to SO
Ohman, most knowledgeable neighbor, I have heard from my cousins in Torvale recently and they seem to be anxious to leave their current local and make an extended visit to their ancient homeland in Runnimeade. You would be welcome to house sit for them which will assist you in early conquest of the region. In return we would ask for something of equal value. Our first choice would be on the Sea of Foreboding and second would be any other sea although we hope to soon have a resort of our own on Mystery. We would hope to recover any lost income promptly and would tax out Torvale pc for you.
Of course all kingdoms should know that the small folk have no intentions of sea conquest, so no patrols away from our homeland. We merely seek new trade routes.
If these matters interest you please send a pigeon and a long term peace plan would receive our warmest greeting.
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(01-14-2018, 03:50 AM)Diws Wrote: (01-13-2018, 08:21 PM)IMPERIAL_TARK Wrote: (01-13-2018, 05:30 PM)Diws Wrote: Hail Lord of Illusions
Dark is our reign, but we are not mad dogs. We respect the knowledge you have attained and would like peaceful relations and trade. We look for blood elsewhere provided you agree to do the same. Cordially, at least as cordially as our nature allows,
The svart alfar
The svart alfar,
Excellent! I have a village in Synisvania. I would be interested in ceding it to you in return for a sea/coastal village in Synisvania so that I might establish shipping lanes there. This is not something that needs to be done now and we both likely have more pressing concerns but I'd like you keep a lookout for a place that would work for you. I can tell you where this village is whenever it is prudent for you to know.
Hail Quicksilver, Lord of Illusions
I think that we can work together on that basis. Nonaggression for a set time, or in perpetuity?
Svart Alfar
Let us begin with 20 turns of peace!
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Dark Princes of the Eastern Steppes,
Your whispers do you justice as I have opted to send Phantom messengers unto your kingdom, lest they not return. I would hope to garner a peace among our peoples and perhaps discuss an exchange of magics as your deceptive illusions rival our own. Feel free to send phantom messengers in return as the sudden appearance of one of your "stature" is often quite startling to the court. We look forward to establishing cordial relations.
Quicksilver, Lord of Illusions
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(01-13-2018, 10:13 PM)PTRILEY Wrote: Greetings Druid King, our intentions are of peace with your great kingdom. There is no need to tax our populations, in each other’s regions. You are more than welcome to stay in our region. Our kingdom in the North will always seek peace in these lands of Alamaze.
We would even consider an alliance if it was reciprocated.
Mighty Dread Lord Necromancer,
We are pleased to have received your message. Your skeleton delivered the scroll of fine (animal?) skin with your kind words magically engraved; we have put the skeleton to its final rest in a grove of land that will prevent its further service to you. We hope you understand that skeletons roaming the land disturb some of the more timid creatures in our forest.
Peace is certainly our intention as well -- let us agree to 20 turns?
Also, we shall each maintain our existing embassies in the other's land.
Alliance is certainly a worthwhile endeavor. Let us make it clear to the kings and queens of Alamaze that an attack in either Oakendale or the Northern Mists is an attack on both. We shall have a mutual defense pact that requires each of us to come to the defensive aid of the other. Is this agreeable Mighty Lord? Later, we can discuss alliance beyond our own borders.
Please send a specter with your response since those are much quicker and nearly invisible; the disruption in our peaceful forest is then minimized.
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(01-13-2018, 10:48 PM)DuPont Wrote: Greetings to all of Alamaze. We, the Brothers of the Sacred Order, wish to convert all of Alamaze to the worship of the greatest of Gods, Father Sky otherwise known as Uranus. Our message to all peoples of the lands is that it is time to contemplate and worship Uranus. Look up to the sky and you will see blessings falling daily from Uranus.
Noble Druid, even though you worship the wife of Uranus, Gaia, rather than Father Sky, this is close enough. We seek peace with you and look favorably upon your proposal.
Great Priest,
We thank you for your favorable response; your college is safe in our forest. We wish you speedy proselytizing in Amberland so that we may lease a similar location once you let us know where that is to be located.
Are you interested in a specifically defined peace term? 20 months? Or have your prayers indicated a different length is more propitious for our two peoples?
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Sorcerer Supreme Mage, salutations from the peaceful folk in Oakendale!
Are you inclined to a set term of peace between our people?
Are you interested in a closer alliance? Such an agreement could include the Dread Necromancer as well in order to establish a safe corner in the realm where we can all peacefully pursue our magical studies. Please share your thoughts on these matters Supreme Mage.
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(01-14-2018, 03:15 PM)WARMASTER Wrote: (01-13-2018, 10:13 PM)PTRILEY Wrote: Greetings Druid King, our intentions are of peace with your great kingdom. There is no need to tax our populations, in each other’s regions. You are more than welcome to stay in our region. Our kingdom in the North will always seek peace in these lands of Alamaze.
We would even consider an alliance if it was reciprocated.
Mighty Dread Lord Necromancer,
We are pleased to have received your message. Your skeleton delivered the scroll of fine (animal?) skin with your kind words magically engraved; we have put the skeleton to its final rest in a grove of land that will prevent its further service to you. We hope you understand that skeletons roaming the land disturb some of the more timid creatures in our forest.
Peace is certainly our intention as well -- let us agree to 20 turns?
Also, we shall each maintain our existing embassies in the other's land.
Alliance is certainly a worthwhile endeavor. Let us make it clear to the kings and queens of Alamaze that an attack in either Oakendale or the Northern Mists is an attack on both. We shall have a mutual defense pact that requires each of us to come to the defensive aid of the other. Is this agreeable Mighty Lord? Later, we can discuss alliance beyond our own borders.
Please send a specter with your response since those are much quicker and nearly invisible; the disruption in our peaceful forest is then minimized. 20 turns is acceptable and may you have very prosperous seasons.