06-07-2016, 06:35 PM
A marathon game won on T40 by Rex!
Place Kingdom Player Results-40 Grand Total
1 GN DuPont 12,515 22,285
2 RD Vball Michael 13,440 21,077
3 DA Netstrider 8,980 19,272
4 WI Canticar 9,120 17,270
5 EL Son of Conan 4,275 12,385
6 GI Jhereg 4,300 9,275
My first podium finish, which is kind of exciting.
This was a really fun game that I completely enjoyed. Everyone left me alone in the Eastern Steppes for most of the game and I was content to build my forces and wizards and accumulate toys. By T17 I was just thinking that it was time to expand and saw that the DE had dropped. Joy! I had enamored R8 already and staged forces in that direction, so on T18 I moved on R8 with my armies and emmys. In my T19 reports I was able to get a very good view of the world and see that the RA was also moving on R8. My secret weapon, however, were the two crystals of seeing that I possessed. With these two I was able to gather great intel on the RA agents trying to move on R8. I also had a good stable of agents at this point, led by my best agent with the ring of invisibility. He was able to kill many emmys before the end of the game.
On T20 the RA tried to usurp a bunch of towns he couldn't take and I captured a prince and two dukes. That hurts. I made progress in R8 against the Ranger, playing defense against assassinations and thefts of my goodies. Never really figured out who stole some of my best gadgets. On T23 I was able to get in a strong blow, assassinating a RA prince and countess and L10 agent. On the same turn I did lose a P5 which was annoying.
On T25 I took R8. Things were looking good, 3rd in the standings and with the highest points currently. I'm thinking I'm going to win this game and now it's really time to go on the offensive! R9 seemed like the next best target as the RA was already severely weakened by my brutal assassination campaign. R10 looked like it would be worth exploring as well. The RD hadn't done much to this point and was sharing the region with the SO who had apparently retreated there. Moving on R10 turned out to be a horrible idea. So, on T25 I start to move on R9 but land emmys into towns belonging to both the SO and RD. Whatever, I'm feeling cocky. I can take on everyone! And for a while it actually went ok.
T29 - Uh oh. WI conducts a dastardly sneak attack on the Eastern Steppes, knocking me out of control. The SO also strikes a telling blow, taking out 2 (I think) of my best agents. But I kill his king in return and I think that was probably the last of him.
But now I have problems. I'm fighting to regain R6 against a powerful WI kingdom while the RD begins to sack PCs in R8. The RA and SO may still have been around for a while as well, but it's all just a big blur of trying to regain R6 and losing PCs to dragon armies. My 2 good remaining agents continue to take a toll on the WI emmys and I think he probably just about ran out by the end of the game. I've got just enough emmys to try and take back PCs in R6 and that goes well until he decides to start destroying towns and villages. I do manage to reclaim R6, but lose R8 and all other holdings in R9 and R10. It's obvious I'm not going to win this one. After several turns of not being able to capture towns in R6 because they keep getting domed (3 domes at least once), I decided fighting in R2 will be easier and teleport my army there. It's fun, but I can't win by this point. I did hold on to my 3rd place position, though, and that is still pretty good considering the competition!
Thanks a lot for a great game everyone!
Place Kingdom Player Results-40 Grand Total
1 GN DuPont 12,515 22,285
2 RD Vball Michael 13,440 21,077
3 DA Netstrider 8,980 19,272
4 WI Canticar 9,120 17,270
5 EL Son of Conan 4,275 12,385
6 GI Jhereg 4,300 9,275
My first podium finish, which is kind of exciting.
This was a really fun game that I completely enjoyed. Everyone left me alone in the Eastern Steppes for most of the game and I was content to build my forces and wizards and accumulate toys. By T17 I was just thinking that it was time to expand and saw that the DE had dropped. Joy! I had enamored R8 already and staged forces in that direction, so on T18 I moved on R8 with my armies and emmys. In my T19 reports I was able to get a very good view of the world and see that the RA was also moving on R8. My secret weapon, however, were the two crystals of seeing that I possessed. With these two I was able to gather great intel on the RA agents trying to move on R8. I also had a good stable of agents at this point, led by my best agent with the ring of invisibility. He was able to kill many emmys before the end of the game.
On T20 the RA tried to usurp a bunch of towns he couldn't take and I captured a prince and two dukes. That hurts. I made progress in R8 against the Ranger, playing defense against assassinations and thefts of my goodies. Never really figured out who stole some of my best gadgets. On T23 I was able to get in a strong blow, assassinating a RA prince and countess and L10 agent. On the same turn I did lose a P5 which was annoying.
On T25 I took R8. Things were looking good, 3rd in the standings and with the highest points currently. I'm thinking I'm going to win this game and now it's really time to go on the offensive! R9 seemed like the next best target as the RA was already severely weakened by my brutal assassination campaign. R10 looked like it would be worth exploring as well. The RD hadn't done much to this point and was sharing the region with the SO who had apparently retreated there. Moving on R10 turned out to be a horrible idea. So, on T25 I start to move on R9 but land emmys into towns belonging to both the SO and RD. Whatever, I'm feeling cocky. I can take on everyone! And for a while it actually went ok.
T29 - Uh oh. WI conducts a dastardly sneak attack on the Eastern Steppes, knocking me out of control. The SO also strikes a telling blow, taking out 2 (I think) of my best agents. But I kill his king in return and I think that was probably the last of him.
But now I have problems. I'm fighting to regain R6 against a powerful WI kingdom while the RD begins to sack PCs in R8. The RA and SO may still have been around for a while as well, but it's all just a big blur of trying to regain R6 and losing PCs to dragon armies. My 2 good remaining agents continue to take a toll on the WI emmys and I think he probably just about ran out by the end of the game. I've got just enough emmys to try and take back PCs in R6 and that goes well until he decides to start destroying towns and villages. I do manage to reclaim R6, but lose R8 and all other holdings in R9 and R10. It's obvious I'm not going to win this one. After several turns of not being able to capture towns in R6 because they keep getting domed (3 domes at least once), I decided fighting in R2 will be easier and teleport my army there. It's fun, but I can't win by this point. I did hold on to my 3rd place position, though, and that is still pretty good considering the competition!
Thanks a lot for a great game everyone!