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Game 517: 20 Kingdom Slugfest (Confluence)
        Place Kingdom    Player                Results-31  Grand Total

          1     DW     Jumpingfist               14,100      20,500
          2     IL     Atuan                     13,655      23,169
          3     WA     Jumpingfist                9,640      16,525
          4     SA     Canticar                   9,240      15,423
          5     EL     Vball Michael              8,200      14,925
          6     RA     Atuan                      6,945      13,947
          7     NE     DuPont                     5,700      12,553
          8     BL     Canticar                   7,315      12,523
          9     CI     DuPont                     6,005      11,447
         10     HA     Son of Conan               3,980       9,150
         11     DU     Vball Michael              4,600       8,225
         12     GN     Son of Conan               2,000       5,750
         13     NO     Lord Diamond               2,500       4,450
         14     AN     Lord Diamond                 300       2,365

My suffering is over. Congratulations Jumpingfist!
 Lord Diamond

Please do not take any of my comments as a personal insult or as a criticism of the game 'Alamaze', which I very much enjoy. Rather, I hope that my personal insight and unique perspective may, in some way, help make 'Alamaze' more fun, a more successful financial venture, or simply more sustainable as a long-term project. Anyone who reads this post should feel completely free to ignore, disregard, scorn, implement, improve, dispute, or otherwise comment upon its content.


  • We hold the following emissaries captive:

          Rank              Name                  Kingdom         Area       Points

          Prince            Bborg                 Dwarven          SQ         180
          Prince            Bcat                  Dwarven          SQ         180
          Prince            Bilbo Baggins         Halfling         SQ         180
          Prince            Flim Bogbottom        Halfling         SQ         180
          Prince            Frodo Baggins         Halfling         SQ         180
          Prince            Harry Duststormer     Halfling         SQ         180
          Prince            Sahnker Goldgut       Gnome            SQ         180
          Princess          Telly Rednose         Halfling         SQ         180
          Prince            Ugluk Evilstench      Gnome            SQ         180
          Prince            Yunky Fangbuster      Gnome            SQ         180
          Prince            Zethas Strongwife     Dwarven          SQ         180
          Duke              Sandis Flick          Nomad            SQ         160
          Duke              Xerxes                Ancient Ones     SQ         160
          Count             Olo Grittongue        Halfling         SQ         140
          Countess          Xerxas                Dwarven          SQ         140
          Governor          Ikkor Nightsky        Nomad            SQ          80
          Governess         Juno                  Ancient Ones     SQ          80
          Ambassador        Jumpingfart           Nomad            SQ          60
          Ambassadress      Keli of Desmoon       Nomad            SQ          60
          Ambassador        Maccott Desbro        Nomad            SQ          60
          Ambassadress      Niomi Flasheyes       Nomad            SQ          60
          Agent 17          Hound                 Halfling         SQ         255
          Agent 13          Owl                   Ancient Ones     SQ         195
          Agent 12          Gladeshire            Nomad            SQ         180
          Agent 11          Danevor               Nomad            SQ         165
          Agent 10          Allure                Ancient Ones     SQ         150
          Agent 10          Secret Passage        Gnome            SQ         150
          Agent 4           Leopard               Nomad            SQ          60
          Agent 3           Despair               Ancient Ones     SQ          45
          Fanatic 3         Intrepid              Ancient Ones     SQ          45
          Agent 2           qdip                  Halfling         SQ          30
  • AN Agent 8 Stealth Dead
    AN Counsul Eve Dead
    AN Governor Macbeth Dead
    DW Duchess Arvil Ironhammer Dead
    DW Prince Mihaz The Mighty Dead
    GN Agent 17 Downward Spiral Dead
    GN Agent 17 Old Gang Dead
    GN High Priestess Hotseer Dead
    GN King Hexa Goldgrinder Dead
    GN Prince Azget Dead
    HA Ambassador Bugsy the Masked Dead
    HA Baron Ozzie Greenbriar Dead
    NO Agent 10 Scorpion Dead
    NO Duke Korak Farsight Dead
    NO Duke Kurt of Vanasheen Dead
    NO Duke Windslicer of Myr Dead
    NO Fanatic 4 Ramborn Dead
    NO Governess Hyena Dead
    NO Governor Antelope Dead
    NO High Priestess Southwinds Dead
    NO King Khan Drago Dead

I had a good time Smile

I started out as the AM/SO. My plan was to invade R7 with my AM while my SO sat and built up their wizards. Everything was going to plan, and I was about to teleport my SO groups in R7, until the DU / EL swept in and took R4 almost completely uncontested. My SO couldn't hold them off. Next time, I will definitely not split up my forces like I did, lol

Was this format a good experience for players? Would anyone be interested in playing another confluence? Maybe with the Dispersed kingdoms added? Smile

Congrats to JF for the victory!

                                    [b][i]Ancient Ones In Memorium
                             Emissaries No Longer at Court[/i]

             Title                Name                    Turn Lost

            Governor             Macbeth                     13
            Governess            Juno                        17
            Agent 8              Stealth                     17
            Agent 10             Allure                      19
            Agent 3              Despair                     19
            Fanatic 3            Intrepid                    19
            Duke                 Xerxes                      21
            Consul               Eve                         23
            Duke                 Klausen Shune               23
            Agent 13             Owl                         24  

                                       [b][i]Nomads In Memorium
                             Emissaries No Longer at Court[/i]

             Title                Name                    Turn Lost

            Duke                 Windslicer of Myr            9
            Duke                 Korak Farsight              10
            Duke                 Kuut of Vanasheen           10
            King                 Khan Drogo                  12
            Governor             Antelope                    12
            Governess            Hyena                       12
            Governor             Ikkor Nightsky              12
            Agent 10             Scorpion                    12
            High Priestess       Southwinds                  12
            Agent 12             Gladeshire                  13
            Agent 11             Danevor                     15
            Fanatic 4            Ramhorn                     17
            Duke                 Sandis Flick                18
            Agent 4              Leopard                     18
            Agent 4              Tarantula                   18
            Ambassadress         Keli of Desmoon             19
            Ambassador           Maccott Desbro              20
            Ambassadress         Niomi Flasheyes             22
            Ambassador           Jumpingfart                 23

Atuan (RA/IL) caught be by complete surprise and destroyed both of my kingdoms. He started off my destroying my reinforced Nomad capital and it got worse from there. The worst for me was that the only turn that I didn't try for my AN ESO was the only turn that I would have achieved it. Some interesting points:
  • I destroyed what was left of Vanasheen with an invisible division. Atuan wasn't expecting that so this spiteful act made me happy.
  • I enamored several neighbors in the Southern Sands and Arcania hoping to encourage invasion.
  • I used my Consul Sleep quite a bit and I like to think that this was annoying.
  • My Nomads used their Sanctuary once and my Ancient Ones used theirs twice and ended the game in one.
  • The Nomads ended the game with 1 town and 3 villages, plus a Sanctuary and Hidden Oasis.
  • Each kingdom had exactly one wizard left.
  • I was very sad about the Warlock casting Summon Death to kill my 8 Nomad brigades, even the elite one, when I was happy to leave him the region.
 Lord Diamond

Please do not take any of my comments as a personal insult or as a criticism of the game 'Alamaze', which I very much enjoy. Rather, I hope that my personal insight and unique perspective may, in some way, help make 'Alamaze' more fun, a more successful financial venture, or simply more sustainable as a long-term project. Anyone who reads this post should feel completely free to ignore, disregard, scorn, implement, improve, dispute, or otherwise comment upon its content.


(08-24-2016, 04:33 PM)Lord Diamond Wrote: [*]I enamored several neighbors in the Southern Sands and Arcania hoping to encourage invasion.

Besides myself, who wasn't friendly in the sands due to your consuls. I gave up trying to lower people as it was fruitless.

I'll post my write up in a bit as it will be a touch long. Too many people wanting to party where I was vacationing.

Congrats to JF, and well fought to LD and SoC. I very much enjoyed this contest and would happily play it again(no way can you fit dispersed in and I wouldn't be interested in them being in this).

CI/NE Wow, was this format ever so much fun! I really hope it gets run again. I was originally going to play the AN/NO but somebody else really wanted them, so I switched. Things went well early on - I was one of the first two players to get my region. I really should have had the CI as the primary holder because they get better winter production, but given what I started with, the NE was the better to get it fast. I built up for a few turns, got lucky with some artifacts like the Stone of All Minds and figured I'd hit the DW/WA before he could hit me. Two things changed that - the DW/WA left my pop centers in the mountains alone, even after I took his. Whereas the EL/DU had not only taken mine in Oakendell, he'd assassinated a mid-level agent I'd left behind for no good reason. I realized the DW/WA was offering an olive branch, so I took it and started to move toward the west. I did divine the pop centers in both #3 and #5 if I needed them in a hurry, though. I landed in Oakendell just after the EL/DU had invaded Toravale and this gave me an advantage. I took the EL capital a couple of times before he moved it into the water of the Sea of Mystery and found the DU hidden capital and routed it as well. Then I followed him into #4, taking care not to hit the remnants of the SO. As it turned out the SO didn't return the favor and took a few of my pop centers, so I then ended that one-sided truce, but it really wasn't of any significance. The EL/DU was doing a good job of defending and I made a couple of dumb moves with my troops, but I was building a fleet and was going to go hit the EL capital when the BL/SA invaded #2. I'd consider that risk, of course. I had hoped that he would see that the DW/WA was the bigger threat and move east, but no luck. I realized then I'd have no chance of winning - I'd now be in a two-vs-one fight for the most part as the AM/SO seemed gone from Trovale. The only question was who to focus on. I chose to confront the BL/SA though I knew this would let the DU/EL up off the mat. The rest of the game was just hopping around trying to keep the BL/SA from getting into any position to win. The EL/DU camped out outside my capitals nuking them but I was too interested in chasing down the BL/SA to make a full effort to stop him.
I was happy enough when the game ended - I wasn't going to be able to hold off two good players forever and nobody else looked like they'd be getting involved in that corner of the map. Would have been interesting to see what might have happened if the SA/BL had gone after DW/WA but that's not how the game played out.
Let me say again that this format was FUN! Please run it again!

I too found this to be perhaps best variant I have played. I remember an early discussion on how to handle the extra kingdoms and it was decided to add additional PCs to cover. Absolutely the right call. The extra PCs allow both kingdoms to build but at the same time left you hungry for more. Also some side effects by having so many PCs in the regions it was not very easy to take over in one turn you had to fight for it. Hidden capitals were also very hidden.
Will try to get to a write up but would really like to see this happen again.

I'm trying to stay committed to games I signed up for in the past while also not signing up for any new ones now that school has started... but man if I saw this format open I'd be the first to join. Even though I got my butt kicked, I had so much fun while it lasted and I have so many more devious strategies up my sleeve for the next go around Wink

DuPont - I totally misinterpreted your intentions as a saving grace for me. My apologies - I thought you were coming to 'clean us both up' since my SO had tussled a little bit with the EL/DU.

The DU had an absurd rate of success in regards to assassinating my wizards. I swear it was at least 90%. He picked off a P6 and a P5 with a level 7 counter-espionage in the first attempt without losing his own agent two turns in a row. It wouldn't of surprised me if that agent had 2-3 agent artifacts stacked on him...

How to paint a bullseye on yourself by a Hidden Scout.

Turn 1 starts my screw ups... I send 3 high ranking emissaries to one city.. and just 1 to the next. Yep I suck at this game. Its okay though as I failed to use tricks for additional cash as well. One of my eagles doesn't fine anything... later I will realize how difficult that was to due as the regions are PACKed with PCs.

Turn 3 as the Ranger with both cities I am significant... yep this land is huge. we start picking up artifacts including my first crystal of seeing. PCs are starting to come in, while leaving the sands we stumble across a few PCs so I send the IL emissaries to add those to our collection.

Turn 5 we gain our region as do most other... just the 7,9,10 left. Still scouring the rest of the region for artifacts and taking the rest of the Starting PCs.

Turn 7 - On the last of the artifacts, start using my crystal to scout out region 10. Tricks has really paid off as I have 2 P7s 4, and 4 3s as the IL.

Turn 9 - I found most of what is in the sands.. Still don't know the AN hidden capital - it will take awhile to fine that. I use my 2 p7s to summon demon on the NO Duke and stupidily on a AN duke. Thinking they likely have 3 dukes as one of the ESO goals. I also move my emissaries into the sands. My Ragner army also enters the sands.

Turn 10 - Kill 2 more Nomad dukes with my wizards, his and knock him out of control of the sands. My RA army is against the NO army, for the next 3-4 turns he will kick its but across the sands. Then sadly he will stop chasing it... about the time I move it to my wizard Army group.

Turn 12 - I burn the NO capital 37k defense, I catch his King, couple of govs, a priestes and an agent 10. Move to the City for round 2 of fun. I bounce his capital about 4 over the next 5 turns.

Turn 19 the DW gains control of the Steppes... LT had dropped and basically let him walk in for free. Great here I have been fighting tooth and nail against the NO/AN killing/kidnap and JF gets a free region. Plus to add insult someone is training their agents on my villages/towns stealing gold. Yep I am going to have a problem with the GN/HA soon.

Turn 20 - I finally get the sands... I have kidnapped most of the AN/NO agents at this point and my agent squad is becoming dangerous. I am now bouncing the AN/NO capitals and I am close to having them eliminated. Over the next turn or 2 I learn what a sanctuary is and how much BS revolves around them. I also feel enough pressure from the GN/HA that scout them and start tracking movements.

Turn 23- the GN/HA move against us. They send emissaries into the sands and start there. But I am have detected their trick plans and have planted an invisible army at the GN capital.

Turn 24 - Burning capitals are good for you.. agent 17, king and priestess dead for the GN. I add a couple of agents to my dungeons as well. Pop up on both new short people capitals. The RA army crushed GN army and took his p7 with it. Sadly my agent 17 lost 4 levels trailing the 4GN group. Yep there wasn't any Counter Espionage.. he just sucked.

Over the next few turns I burn a good portion of region 7 ensuring I show up from capital to capital while at the same time adding more and more HA/GN emissaries to my dungeons. The DW by this time has rolled over the DA/LI and I know he is looking south. I am still fighting the NO/AN, I have the GN on the ropes and eliminated almost all of his agents and emissary power while working to do the same to the HA... but he has a bunch.

Turn 28 the DW pops down for a visit. He is in most of the sands towns/villages... I am sitting across one of his groups, a flanking will be occuring for him.

Turn 30 My IL leading in status points by a large margin and the DW has failed 2 victory checks already, but I know it will be over soon. While I have started kidnapping him, I still have the NO hitting my PCs and I have the HA/GN working against me. Neither one interested in focusing on the DW/WA.

Turn 31 Game over... DW Victory. While my IL had more total status points, the DW did have 4 regions to my zero. I do wish someone had put up a fight against him before he gained 3 regions, but it was not to be and JF had a quick road to victory.

I will happily play this again and would love to start a new one. While I made some mistakes I am extremely happy with my placement.

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