09-04-2016, 05:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-05-2016, 12:12 AM by Lord Diamond.)
Victory! The Wise One, leader of the Necromancer kingdom has won by Rex Victory
(control 4 or more regions), regards to all who made this game an exciting
Game End Status Points
Place Kingdom Player Results-25 Grand Total
1 NE The Wise One 17,600 23,800
2 IL Netstrider 8,080 13,631
3 DE Atuan 6,700 12,595
4 DU Titus 7,400 12,360
5 AN DuPont 6,970 12,103
6 TY Drogo 7,400 11,758
7 UN Tomag Ironfist 5,320 8,897
8 SA Rytek 4,060 8,455
Congratulations to the The Wise One on his victory!
This was a strange game. I started out by forgetting to set both my kingdom customizations and ESO. So the IL had many fewer wizards then possible. I did have great luck finding goodies, however, and that helped down the road. Or at least until someone stole most of them
There was some early action in the North with the DE taking R3 from the Warlock on T9. That would be Jumping Fist (I believe) executing his advice for the other kingdoms to jump on the mage kingdoms early, I believe
Being in the middle of the map, I avoided conflict to build my wizard corp and collect the local loot. This kept me in good position with status points and held out hope for a shot at a status point victory. At T12 it looked like:
Demon Princes 1,475 1,875
Ancient Ones 1,130 1,605
Illusionist 1,290 1,565
Necromancer 1,200 1,500
Lizard Men 1,050 1,500
Sacred Order 1,015 1,490
But the DE was the obvious problem with that plan since they had possession of two regions to my one and would out produce everyone else. I saw no reason to let the DE (who I thought was JF) walk away with it, so maneuvered to launch a devastating sneak attack on T15. I moved all my emissaries and a couple of units into the Steppes and cackled with glee as I waited for my turn results. Man, the big bad JF was going down!
Who would have thought that all his Princes would be in the Steppes? And his armies? And that he would have Dome of Invulnerability? Or that he would masterfully double denigrate me? On my first turn of my brilliantly planned and executed invasion I lose 3 dukes and failed to take a single PC. Great start!
So fine, I'll teleport to R1 with my military. He can't have high ranking Wizards everywhere, right? Well, that's correct, but it looks like the NE has witnessed my attack and figures this might be a good time to jump in. So now I get domed in R1. Sigh.
Meanwhile, R8 witnesses a flood of DE emissaries and I'm knocked out of control. I'm also assaulted by agents, losing a handful of my best artifacts. Someone has found my hidden capital. It looks pretty grim. On the bright side my best agent armed with Demon Death does take out a Demon Prince. Baby steps, right? On the bad side a TY army has decided to check out R8. Oh come on now!
In R3 and R6 the NE pummels both the DE and my feeble efforts. He clearly has better wizards than I do or just uses them better. But with the DE out of R8, I do manage to regain control. The TY is stymied by my own domes and wanders around for a few turns with no effect. The UN also shows up with an army but runs into one of my better groups with heavy mage support. No problem there. I find the DE capital in a village in R8 and liberate most of my missing Dukes. My mages are still healthy, so my position is decent, but the NE is on a roll and there's not much I can do to slow him down. Between defending R8 from the TY/UN and a few DE emmys I can't fully engage in R6. The SA crumbles under the NE assault and he has his four regions for victory. Well played!
(control 4 or more regions), regards to all who made this game an exciting
Game End Status Points
Place Kingdom Player Results-25 Grand Total
1 NE The Wise One 17,600 23,800
2 IL Netstrider 8,080 13,631
3 DE Atuan 6,700 12,595
4 DU Titus 7,400 12,360
5 AN DuPont 6,970 12,103
6 TY Drogo 7,400 11,758
7 UN Tomag Ironfist 5,320 8,897
8 SA Rytek 4,060 8,455
Congratulations to the The Wise One on his victory!
This was a strange game. I started out by forgetting to set both my kingdom customizations and ESO. So the IL had many fewer wizards then possible. I did have great luck finding goodies, however, and that helped down the road. Or at least until someone stole most of them

There was some early action in the North with the DE taking R3 from the Warlock on T9. That would be Jumping Fist (I believe) executing his advice for the other kingdoms to jump on the mage kingdoms early, I believe

Being in the middle of the map, I avoided conflict to build my wizard corp and collect the local loot. This kept me in good position with status points and held out hope for a shot at a status point victory. At T12 it looked like:
Demon Princes 1,475 1,875
Ancient Ones 1,130 1,605
Illusionist 1,290 1,565
Necromancer 1,200 1,500
Lizard Men 1,050 1,500
Sacred Order 1,015 1,490
But the DE was the obvious problem with that plan since they had possession of two regions to my one and would out produce everyone else. I saw no reason to let the DE (who I thought was JF) walk away with it, so maneuvered to launch a devastating sneak attack on T15. I moved all my emissaries and a couple of units into the Steppes and cackled with glee as I waited for my turn results. Man, the big bad JF was going down!
Who would have thought that all his Princes would be in the Steppes? And his armies? And that he would have Dome of Invulnerability? Or that he would masterfully double denigrate me? On my first turn of my brilliantly planned and executed invasion I lose 3 dukes and failed to take a single PC. Great start!
So fine, I'll teleport to R1 with my military. He can't have high ranking Wizards everywhere, right? Well, that's correct, but it looks like the NE has witnessed my attack and figures this might be a good time to jump in. So now I get domed in R1. Sigh.
Meanwhile, R8 witnesses a flood of DE emissaries and I'm knocked out of control. I'm also assaulted by agents, losing a handful of my best artifacts. Someone has found my hidden capital. It looks pretty grim. On the bright side my best agent armed with Demon Death does take out a Demon Prince. Baby steps, right? On the bad side a TY army has decided to check out R8. Oh come on now!
In R3 and R6 the NE pummels both the DE and my feeble efforts. He clearly has better wizards than I do or just uses them better. But with the DE out of R8, I do manage to regain control. The TY is stymied by my own domes and wanders around for a few turns with no effect. The UN also shows up with an army but runs into one of my better groups with heavy mage support. No problem there. I find the DE capital in a village in R8 and liberate most of my missing Dukes. My mages are still healthy, so my position is decent, but the NE is on a roll and there's not much I can do to slow him down. Between defending R8 from the TY/UN and a few DE emmys I can't fully engage in R6. The SA crumbles under the NE assault and he has his four regions for victory. Well played!