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5524 Forum 48 Hr 2021 Steel
Noob questions. To submit a turn first hit save then ready? (Messed up my first turn) Second is there a list somewhere that lists the region bonuses?

We have a village off the coast of Krynn. We would like to work out an equitable exchange - perhaps we might offer a seaside retreat in Zamora once our envoys have explored the lands here? If no such arrangement can be made, we would like to move our emissaries safely to their homes in the south, and can certainly provide such aid to your own folk that may need to travel great distances.

Great druid, word has reached us of a settlement from the first age that has been preserved as if out of time. This town can be found in the midst of Mythgar, and we wish to work with you to ensure a peaceful accommodation or exchange that would be mutually beneficial. We can provide the location to this town. As a show of goodwill: our scouts report that there are no settlements to be found in YM or XN.

Our wizards report the discovery of a superior artifact among your lands. We would like to work out an exchange, such that a patrol might teleport there (next turn) and return it to our lords; or we share the knowledge in exchange for future trade or services. Our divinations indicate this artifact would not be of interest to Wizards (it is not a Wizard item).


We would be happy to allow you to keep your village in the sea (a valuable location) off Krynn's coast in exchange for our keeping the town we begin with in your region.
Lord Thanatos

(01-06-2021, 06:44 AM)Ruingurth Wrote: Noob questions. To submit a turn first hit save then ready? (Messed up my first turn) Second is there a list somewhere that lists the region bonuses?

It's best to save early and often, like every time you make a few changes that you want to keep.  Only hit ready when you are satisfied with everything.  Using the ready button just allows the turn to process earlier than the due date but EVERYONE has to be ready.
The Maelstrom stuff is on on the orders generation page in the middle row under 3rd cycle stuff.  There is lots of other useful stuff there too.

(01-06-2021, 06:58 AM)Loren Wrote: EL > AM
We have a village off the coast of Krynn. We would like to work out an equitable exchange - perhaps we might offer a seaside retreat in Zamora once our envoys have explored the lands here? If no such arrangement can be made, we would like to move our emissaries safely to their homes in the south, and can certainly provide such aid to your own folk that may need to travel great distances.

Great druid, word has reached us of a settlement from the first age that has been preserved as if out of time. This town can be found in the midst of Mythgar, and we wish to work with you to ensure a peaceful accommodation or exchange that would be mutually beneficial. We can provide the location to this town. As a show of goodwill: our scouts report that there are no settlements to be found in YM or XN.

Our wizards report the discovery of a superior artifact among your lands. We would like to work out an exchange, such that a patrol might teleport there (next turn) and return it to our lords; or we share the knowledge in exchange for future trade or services. Our divinations indicate this artifact would not be of interest to Wizards (it is not a Wizard item).

Elf King, thank you for reaching out and sharing your knowledge with us.  Our scouts have located your settlement and it is indeed magnificent.  We would propose you stay in the town for 3 more moon cycles and then release the town to us (tax it on turn 4).  We hope this is an acceptable agreement and wish to keep relations open and friendly with your kingdom.  Please propose alternatives if this is not to your liking.

(01-05-2021, 11:13 PM)Wookie Panz Wrote: UN - DA
We have the location of an artifact of the fine nature in your region.  We offer you the location, and the money you get with it, if you will sell it to us for 10K gold.  Of course you are busy with other things so lets say by turn 10 if that works for you?  

Billy da Blade, talking fo da Boss.

Same deal as above for a fine artifact in your region.


Well it looks like youzze guys were too busy to answer or maybe Billy was hard to unerstan.  He's like that.  The offers is still on da table if ya want the location of the prizes and will sell em back to us.  If not, no big deal.  Four finger Fred is always up for a road trip if ya no what we mean?

Johhnie - Billy's udder broder

Thank you Wookie! you are a gentleman and a scholar!

(01-05-2021, 11:18 PM)Acererak Wrote:
(01-05-2021, 10:20 PM)Wookie Panz Wrote:
(01-05-2021, 03:48 PM)Acererak Wrote: (SO) Greetings all.

SO-UN: We have a village in Darkover, we're open to relinquishing to you as a trade or for other remuneration to be discussed.

SO-AM: We have a town in Krynn, we're open to relinquishing to you as a trade or for  other remuneration to be discussed.

Best wishes to all.
Greetings spell caster.  We are always open for business.  We have a town in your region that I think you would like.  Certainly we could swap pc's but a town for a village is a lop sided deal. 
We would not mind keeping our respective settlements and we can give you some protection down the road to balance the deal.
Another thing that comes to mind is swap the 2 pop centers and you do some of that fancy bounty stuff to balance things, hopefully before winter is over.
If you like either of these suggestions lets us know and also if you want the location for the world to know.  Or you may think of something else?

Billy da blade, speaking fo da boss.

SO-UN: I might be up for keeping respective but depends on if your town is in the sea. Those are more valuable as you know. Let’s see if we come up with a reference point this turn and can discuss next turn?
UN - SO   Da Boss said ta let youzze know our boys passed several vills on da way home.  If ya want ta make a deal, (it pays to keep the boss happy) maybe tell him where your vill is and offer him a bounty spell and he will turn over the town and give the locations of the 2 vills.  Package deal ya cee?   He'll find your vill this turn anyway if he don't hear from ya.

Billy da Blade

(01-06-2021, 05:51 PM)Wookie Panz Wrote:
(01-05-2021, 11:18 PM)Acererak Wrote:
(01-05-2021, 10:20 PM)Wookie Panz Wrote:
(01-05-2021, 03:48 PM)Acererak Wrote: (SO) Greetings all.

SO-UN: We have a village in Darkover, we're open to relinquishing to you as a trade or for other remuneration to be discussed.

SO-AM: We have a town in Krynn, we're open to relinquishing to you as a trade or for  other remuneration to be discussed.

Best wishes to all.
Greetings spell caster.  We are always open for business.  We have a town in your region that I think you would like.  Certainly we could swap pc's but a town for a village is a lop sided deal. 
We would not mind keeping our respective settlements and we can give you some protection down the road to balance the deal.
Another thing that comes to mind is swap the 2 pop centers and you do some of that fancy bounty stuff to balance things, hopefully before winter is over.
If you like either of these suggestions lets us know and also if you want the location for the world to know.  Or you may think of something else?

Billy da blade, speaking fo da boss.

SO-UN: I might be up for keeping respective but depends on if your town is in the sea. Those are more valuable as you know. Let’s see if we come up with a reference point this turn and can discuss next turn?
UN - SO   Da Boss said ta let youzze know our boys passed several vills on da way home.  If ya want ta make a deal, (it pays to keep the boss happy) maybe tell him where your vill is and offer him a bounty spell and he will turn over the town and give the locations of the 2 vills.  Package deal ya cee?   He'll find your vill this turn anyway if he don't hear from ya.

Billy da h
SO- UN: Fair deal. Do you have a reference point on a village that may be mine on your way home that we can use? Or we can just use digits if not. May take a bit for bounty but you know me as a man of my word from previous games. I definitely want to keep the UN on friendly terms.

(01-06-2021, 06:42 PM)Acererak Wrote:
(01-06-2021, 05:51 PM)Wookie Panz Wrote:
(01-05-2021, 11:18 PM)Acererak Wrote:
(01-05-2021, 10:20 PM)Wookie Panz Wrote:
(01-05-2021, 03:48 PM)Acererak Wrote: (SO) Greetings all.

SO-UN: We have a village in Darkover, we're open to relinquishing to you as a trade or for other remuneration to be discussed.

SO-AM: We have a town in Krynn, we're open to relinquishing to you as a trade or for  other remuneration to be discussed.

Best wishes to all.
Greetings spell caster.  We are always open for business.  We have a town in your region that I think you would like.  Certainly we could swap pc's but a town for a village is a lop sided deal. 
We would not mind keeping our respective settlements and we can give you some protection down the road to balance the deal.
Another thing that comes to mind is swap the 2 pop centers and you do some of that fancy bounty stuff to balance things, hopefully before winter is over.
If you like either of these suggestions lets us know and also if you want the location for the world to know.  Or you may think of something else?

Billy da blade, speaking fo da boss.

SO-UN: I might be up for keeping respective but depends on if your town is in the sea. Those are more valuable as you know. Let’s see if we come up with a reference point this turn and can discuss next turn?
UN - SO   Da Boss said ta let youzze know our boys passed several vills on da way home.  If ya want ta make a deal, (it pays to keep the boss happy) maybe tell him where your vill is and offer him a bounty spell and he will turn over the town and give the locations of the 2 vills.  Package deal ya cee?   He'll find your vill this turn anyway if he don't hear from ya.

Billy da h
SO- UN: Fair deal. Do you have a reference point on a village that may be mine on your way home that we can use? Or we can just use digits if not. May take a bit for bounty but you know me as a man of my word from previous games. I definitely want to keep the UN on friendly terms.

UN - SO 
Sadly,  I have not located your village yet so I'll have to post locations in the open.  I have located enough in Darkover for control on turn 4 if we add your village and you tax it on turn 3 as I am willing to do with the town.  Could you commit to a time on your spell?  I think by turn 10 inclusive is fair and if you have a failed spell just show proof and keep trying.
If you concur I'll send the 3 locations in my reply.

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