08-05-2024, 09:36 PM
Something else that is irritating is losing wizards so easily on US and combat. Even w shield spell up. I have enough problems fighting the board, but a game algorithm screwing me is BS. Lost a P3 and P2 on a victory over a pop center, w a shield spell up. Changes the whole game in one fight. Mostly done as a huge set back. Might be different if you could hire wizards but that’s impossible if you have the min of three I think. What if there was no restriction except the normal hiring like leaders. Just increase the cost exponentially higher for those wanting to buy many? Not even sure the numbers though. Just a load of crap for a mid kingdom w a mixture of wizard power and military to be destroyed by 1 die roll. Start with 6 lose two down to 4 can’t hire a new one so kingdom is now less than what its capability can be. (Little bit of a rant, but u get the idea).