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can someone do a side by side comparison with FallOfRome?
Can someone give the general information of Alamaze in comparison with Fall of Rome
1. game turn number, such as 24, 30, or some other number?
2. highest ruleship (i.e. number of orders) per turn?
3. winning condition, Rex? secret winning condition?


(03-19-2013, 01:39 AM)Lord1 Wrote: Can someone give the general information of Alamaze in comparison with Fall of Rome
1. game turn number, such as 24, 30, or some other number?
2. highest ruleship (i.e. number of orders) per turn?
3. winning condition, Rex? secret winning condition?


Fall of Rome is up to 30 turns, Alamaze is up to 40, but historically Alamaze games concluded around turn 27 on average.

Alamaze is 15 players on a square grid map that is maybe 15% smaller than the hexagonal map of Fall of Rome with 12 players. Future Alamaze maps are most likely to be hexagonal and with more map areas per player.

Alamaze has Influence for the king that doubles as both Influence and Rulership in Fall of Rome. In Alamaze, you can issue two more commands than your influence. In Fall of Rome, you issue commands equal to Rulership but transfer orders are "free" - don't count against Rulership limit.

The original Fall of Rome had three different secret victory conditions that each player could choose. This was discontinued by player proclamation in Fall of Rome II. Alamaze has dozens of different secret victory conditions that are assigned to kingdoms. Many of these involve doing better than a kingdom's natural enemy, giving teeth to that concept. Alamaze also has the Early Strategic Objective that is checked on turn 10 and turn 15 and provides significant benefits if achieved. Alamaze has the Appeal to the Gods for the team in last place status points, Fall of Rome does not. Alamaze has Skeletons in the Closet, Fall of Rome does not.

In general, Alamaze has many distinguishing features, special orders by kingdom, many types of artifacts, spell effects. Fall of Rome has a graphic user interface, complete automation, and more depth in terms of battle tactics and agent orders, but no spell casting other than the High Priestess.

I think Alamaze game length will increase without drops.

Also, Alamaze has navies.

Alamaze map might be smaller but geographically it's a lot harder to move around imo. Not all races (troop types) are as equal.

(03-19-2013, 10:32 PM)Kalrex Wrote: I think Alamaze game length will increase without drops.

Also, Alamaze has navies.

Alamaze map might be smaller but geographically it's a lot harder to move around imo. Not all races (troop types) are as equal.

That's a good point about the reduced number of dropping players will increase the game length.
 Lord Diamond

Please do not take any of my comments as a personal insult or as a criticism of the game 'Alamaze', which I very much enjoy. Rather, I hope that my personal insight and unique perspective may, in some way, help make 'Alamaze' more fun, a more successful financial venture, or simply more sustainable as a long-term project. Anyone who reads this post should feel completely free to ignore, disregard, scorn, implement, improve, dispute, or otherwise comment upon its content.


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