05-17-2013, 05:37 PM
Lords of Alamaze,
Because we will not be processing Alamaze turns until a week after the normal due date, here are two things we wish to do for you:
1. All normal subscription renewal dates will be pushed back at least one week.
a. "The 30", so everyone whose first game was G100 or G101 all have renewal dates currently of May 28. That will be adjusted to June 4.
b. Players starting in G102 or G103 will have seven days added.
c. Players starting in G104 or G105 will have their renewal pushed forward to 30 days from when the first turn is processed.
2. We invite all Alamaze players to enjoy a free game of Fall of Rome. We encourage you to try Fall of Rome for a game that uses many of the same concepts as Alamaze but in a completely different setting and using a full GUI. This offer is intended especially for this week off from Alamaze, as a good time to try it out.
a. If you already have a Fall of Rome account, you know to sign into your account and join the queue for a new game. The last game you signed up for in Fall of Rome just started 1 minute ago, so the queue is mostly empty now.
b. If you don't have a Fall of Rome account yet, visit the Sign UP page from the main page at www.fallofromegame.com. From there, begin the registration process through the point of confirming your email address by clicking on the link sent to your email. Don't continue after that and instead send an email to signup@alamaze.co requesting your free Fall of Rome game. I'll then clear you through the payment process and send you a return email. Then you'll be able to log in to your account and select Join a New Game where you select your kingdom preference.
c. If you enjoy Fall of Rome and want to enter more games, we are offering Victor Level Service there for just $6.95 monthly for players with any current Alamaze service by adding "Barbarian" to your Alamaze account.
We hope the above helps us all get through the withdrawal of a week from Alamaze!
Because we will not be processing Alamaze turns until a week after the normal due date, here are two things we wish to do for you:
1. All normal subscription renewal dates will be pushed back at least one week.
a. "The 30", so everyone whose first game was G100 or G101 all have renewal dates currently of May 28. That will be adjusted to June 4.
b. Players starting in G102 or G103 will have seven days added.
c. Players starting in G104 or G105 will have their renewal pushed forward to 30 days from when the first turn is processed.
2. We invite all Alamaze players to enjoy a free game of Fall of Rome. We encourage you to try Fall of Rome for a game that uses many of the same concepts as Alamaze but in a completely different setting and using a full GUI. This offer is intended especially for this week off from Alamaze, as a good time to try it out.
a. If you already have a Fall of Rome account, you know to sign into your account and join the queue for a new game. The last game you signed up for in Fall of Rome just started 1 minute ago, so the queue is mostly empty now.
b. If you don't have a Fall of Rome account yet, visit the Sign UP page from the main page at www.fallofromegame.com. From there, begin the registration process through the point of confirming your email address by clicking on the link sent to your email. Don't continue after that and instead send an email to signup@alamaze.co requesting your free Fall of Rome game. I'll then clear you through the payment process and send you a return email. Then you'll be able to log in to your account and select Join a New Game where you select your kingdom preference.
c. If you enjoy Fall of Rome and want to enter more games, we are offering Victor Level Service there for just $6.95 monthly for players with any current Alamaze service by adding "Barbarian" to your Alamaze account.
We hope the above helps us all get through the withdrawal of a week from Alamaze!