Very well. Good Loric has signed up for masterminding the evil Lords of Doom in Game 11. We just need four people as brave as he to contest him. Loric is now a Victor. Most of our established players need to move to Victor to get in your two regular games (all Warriors are now in 2 regular games) and an Epic game, and of course you have two standby positions at Victor. Or at Commander you can get in Game #104 and also get 1 standby position.
Loric has the Lords of Doom WI / BL / UN
The Five Teams are:
The Secret Society - GN / RD / SO
The Guardians of Truth - AN / RA / DW
The Cult of Chaos - DA / DE / TR
The Order of Justice - EL / GI / WA -
The Lords of Doom - BL / UN / WI - Loric
Loric has the Lords of Doom WI / BL / UN
The Five Teams are:
The Secret Society - GN / RD / SO
The Guardians of Truth - AN / RA / DW
The Cult of Chaos - DA / DE / TR
The Order of Justice - EL / GI / WA -
The Lords of Doom - BL / UN / WI - Loric