12-12-2013, 03:39 AM
I chose the UN for this game because I wanted to play a 'bad' kingdom and role-play it a bit. I started off making a deal with the GN to split Runnimede with him getting control and me getting the city. I also dealt with the RD (more on that later) so he'd be busy up north and not messing around in region 7. Early turns went well except for the fact that my agents seemed to be particularly unlucky. I think this may also have been the last game where the UN can immediately jack up the rates of agents.
Once the GN and I were secure in our region, we moved north into Torvale. The TR had wandered into 7 with a group a few turns before, stomping on villages, but I really didn't want to take him on – all my efforts were focused on the AN. There was some initial progress, but then a stalemate developed when the TR and the EL both got drawn into it. I settled for holding a town and a village that I had snagged and left it at that.
I'd made deals with the DE, so there was no chance of moving that direction and I really didn't want to go into the Sands. With much of my diplomatic corps in Torvale, and the DW having just taken the Northern Mists to add to the Talking Mountains, I figured he might be getting close to winning, so I should move against him. I divined his pop centers in the Mists; he didn't have Viperhead (the RD did) and so his control was kind of narrow. Because so many of the centers were very high up, I couldn't invade them all in one turn – it was sort of a slow-motion attack. On Turn 16, just as the DW tried a victory check, I managed to cause him to lose control of the Mists by just one village. I strongly suspect that was the difference, though I'm curious to see what the DW has to say about it. I actually felt a little bad because I can just imagine the frustration at reading his turn results.
I continued to push into the Mists and now started moving into the Talking Mountains as well. Must have been perfectly timed as it seems he'd moved his emmies out of the Mountains back to the Mists to get back control there. The end result was that I was able to knock him out of control of the Mountains as well.
I was aware that while the DW was now a long way from victory, the RD must be very close. However, I had made a deal with him not to attack and so I left his cities alone. I felt if somebody else wanted to stop him, it was up to them to organize. I wasn't at all surprised when he won and congrats to him.
I do want address what the RD mentioned about me taking actions against his pop centers. It's quite possible and I can't say for sure if all the ones he is thinking of were things I was responsible for – I only know of two for certain. In every case, they would have been mistakes as a result of not knowing who was controlling the city. I had made the decision early on to do a lot of stealing from cities – mostly this was a role play thing as well as a way to level my (lousy) agents. On turn 2, I hit Zabzanka and the RD sent me a rather pointed note asking if I was responsible and suggesting I should return the money. Well, I had gotten the idea that the DW was going for Zabzanka and I also wasn't expecting anybody to control it on turn 2 – at most, I thought it might be neutral in which case the order would fail. Either way, as I hadn't done it on purpose and the RD hadn't said that he'd have the city, I considered it an accident and simply took Zabzanka off my list of targets. Same with Viperhead when I saw he had that one, too. I hit Evanon several times, but at one point a recon revealed the RD now held it as well, so I removed that one, too. (I believe that may have been when the RD saw me as it was a mega-sabatoge and a couple of my guys got caught – I was still thinking it was the GI or WA and I wanted them to think a land attack was on the way and not move in my direction.) I don't regret stealing from people I was not allied with – I think that's what the UN is supposed to do – but I never would deliberately target somebody I had an agreement with.
As it was, my agents were crappy, crappy, crappy. I think I had a lot of bad luck – I'd really like to play the UN again sometime soon. But again, congrats to the RD in this game! Well deserved victory.
Once the GN and I were secure in our region, we moved north into Torvale. The TR had wandered into 7 with a group a few turns before, stomping on villages, but I really didn't want to take him on – all my efforts were focused on the AN. There was some initial progress, but then a stalemate developed when the TR and the EL both got drawn into it. I settled for holding a town and a village that I had snagged and left it at that.
I'd made deals with the DE, so there was no chance of moving that direction and I really didn't want to go into the Sands. With much of my diplomatic corps in Torvale, and the DW having just taken the Northern Mists to add to the Talking Mountains, I figured he might be getting close to winning, so I should move against him. I divined his pop centers in the Mists; he didn't have Viperhead (the RD did) and so his control was kind of narrow. Because so many of the centers were very high up, I couldn't invade them all in one turn – it was sort of a slow-motion attack. On Turn 16, just as the DW tried a victory check, I managed to cause him to lose control of the Mists by just one village. I strongly suspect that was the difference, though I'm curious to see what the DW has to say about it. I actually felt a little bad because I can just imagine the frustration at reading his turn results.
I continued to push into the Mists and now started moving into the Talking Mountains as well. Must have been perfectly timed as it seems he'd moved his emmies out of the Mountains back to the Mists to get back control there. The end result was that I was able to knock him out of control of the Mountains as well.
I was aware that while the DW was now a long way from victory, the RD must be very close. However, I had made a deal with him not to attack and so I left his cities alone. I felt if somebody else wanted to stop him, it was up to them to organize. I wasn't at all surprised when he won and congrats to him.
I do want address what the RD mentioned about me taking actions against his pop centers. It's quite possible and I can't say for sure if all the ones he is thinking of were things I was responsible for – I only know of two for certain. In every case, they would have been mistakes as a result of not knowing who was controlling the city. I had made the decision early on to do a lot of stealing from cities – mostly this was a role play thing as well as a way to level my (lousy) agents. On turn 2, I hit Zabzanka and the RD sent me a rather pointed note asking if I was responsible and suggesting I should return the money. Well, I had gotten the idea that the DW was going for Zabzanka and I also wasn't expecting anybody to control it on turn 2 – at most, I thought it might be neutral in which case the order would fail. Either way, as I hadn't done it on purpose and the RD hadn't said that he'd have the city, I considered it an accident and simply took Zabzanka off my list of targets. Same with Viperhead when I saw he had that one, too. I hit Evanon several times, but at one point a recon revealed the RD now held it as well, so I removed that one, too. (I believe that may have been when the RD saw me as it was a mega-sabatoge and a couple of my guys got caught – I was still thinking it was the GI or WA and I wanted them to think a land attack was on the way and not move in my direction.) I don't regret stealing from people I was not allied with – I think that's what the UN is supposed to do – but I never would deliberately target somebody I had an agreement with.
As it was, my agents were crappy, crappy, crappy. I think I had a lot of bad luck – I'd really like to play the UN again sometime soon. But again, congrats to the RD in this game! Well deserved victory.