(01-19-2014, 01:31 PM)davekuyk Wrote: Seems to me if Rick, Cipher and others are actively playing in games they should make the diplomacy math public knowledge. A diplomacy on a key pop center can be a huge turning point and having knowledge of what will and won't succeed would be nice to have.
Here my table/ Guess
Wizard---- Friendly------Tolerant------SUSP
1-----------1.5----------- 5.3---------- 8.3
2 -----------.75-----------4.3--------- 7.3
3 ----------- .29 ----------3.3 -----------6.3
4 ------------.15---------- 2.3---------- 5.3
5-------------low----------- 1.3-----------4.3
6 -------------low-----------..75------------3.3
There is a lot of guessing in this and I need more data for a better table.
The number is the ratio of group vs. PC defense to 171 a controlled PC.
Data that falls outside of these ranges would be appreciated.