(10-07-2014, 12:37 PM)unclemike Wrote: (09-30-2014, 09:06 PM)Ry Vor Wrote: But we will put the 565's and some other changes in place for a new scenario we are calling 4th Scenario for now.
Well, if you ever change your mind about adding 565's for 3rd Cycle, I would love to test a new 565 for wizard kingdoms called Golems. More powerful than Ents with magic resistance thrown in, they would be tough to beat and the magic kingdoms won't complain so much about the 170/171 changes. I remember Golems from Forgotten Realms (another Rick's game) that wiped out my archmages when I attacked the city of Waterdeep. A single golem was enough to do the job too...
I have the Golems slated for a 565 for the Gnomes, but then, I also have the Gnomes being eliminated from 4th Scenario.
Again, I have not been too clear, except maybe on a completely different thread:
1. Cipher is implementing the last bit of changes to what we call Classic. Unlike the Classic map, we expect this Cycle and scenario to remain available, as it remains to be seen what players think of the upcoming changes. So, yes, Diplomacy and Parlay (for example) are forever corrected and you will never get control of a controlled city with a brigade sized force via Diplomacy short of very friendly conditions and a Power 8 or so. Accepting that, like Exploratory and the Sea Power changes, and the Resurgent Map, you can play this version going forward.
2. To compound things, the next thing will be 4th Scenario in 2nd Cycle. Perhaps we will do better with the name:
a. On Resurgent map;
b. The 565's and maybe a few other troop types;
c. I want to discuss specifics with Cipher, but:
i. Probably 3 new kingdoms with special abilities;
ii. 12 kingdoms total;
iii. Range differences for emissaries, agents, and spells;
iv. About four new political and agent orders;
v. Several new spells and spell changes;
vi. Hopefully 5 brigade types per group.
Lots of other stuff, but that's a taste.