





The Lycans rule a malevolent kingdom steeped in darkness and fueled by the desire to consume and convert. This kingdom is the epitome of wickedness, and its primary objective is to spread the curse of lycanthropy to everyone to bolster their power. The Lycans’ citizens are loyal to their overlords, and they revere their lycanthropic abilities as a gift, and not as a curse as those in the other kingdoms would call it. The Lycans’s animalistic cunning and ruthlessness in battle make them deadly foes in battle, and their ambushes in the dead of night are the stuff of nightmares. The Lycans are feared by all other kingdoms due to their cruel tactics,

Lizard Kings





The Empire of the Lizard Kings, once the revered rulers of the land of Alamaze, now stands as a fallen dominion on the precipice of revival. Emerging from the ashes of a collapsed society, they are resolute in their determination to rebuild their former glory. While facing disdain from other races, who regard them as savages, the Lizard Kings are steadfast in their quest to reclaim their rightful place. The Lizard Kings have subjugated the Swampmen, utilizing their servitude to aid in the reconstruction of their empire. Though looked down upon by others, the Lizard Kings possess an unyielding spirit and an unwavering belief in their inherent superiority.






The Sphere of the Illusionist is a kingdom whose power and influence are derived from the mastery of illusion magic, fostered by none other than their enigmatic leader, The Grand Illusionist. With their profound expertise in the realm of illusions, they wield unparalleled strength, enabling them to exert control and influence in a myriad of ways. At the heart of their dominion lies the hidden capital city, expertly cloaked from prying eyes through intricate illusionary enchantments. This invisibility affords the kingdom a remarkable advantage, shielding their strategic assets and operations from external threats. Furthermore, the illusionists utilize their magical prowess to shroud their






The Commonwealth of the Halflings is an economic superpower, harnessing its vast wealth and influential trade networks to navigate the complexities of the realm and secure allies while avoiding direct conflicts. Lacking substantial military defenses, the halflings rely on a meticulously woven web of alliances to safeguard their interests and protect their homeland. To solidify and maintain these alliances, the halflings strategically cultivate economic interdependence, ensuring their allies become reliant on their trade. At the heart of their economic prowess lie the Hobbit Inc. Trading Companies, strategically established along their coastlines.






The Golden Principality of the Gnomes exists as a thriving kingdom, benefiting from numerous advantages that have propelled their civilization to great heights. Nestled within resource-rich and defensible geography, their realm boasts bustling population centers that serve as hubs of commerce and innovation. The gnomes’ inherent ingenuity has fostered a society marked by exceptional proficiency in both magic and alchemy, positioning them as pioneers in these fields. Leading the Golden Principality, the Grand Councilor guides their nation with astute leadership. The levies imposed on commerce are reinvested to drive further advancements, fostering the






The Giants Above the Trembling Ground once stood as an overlooked and underestimated nation, with their immense size being their sole attribute of value, making them ideal shock units for other nations. However, in recent cycles, this kingdom has undergone a rapid transformation, emerging as a force to be reckoned with in both military strategy and diplomatic affairs. Despite their newfound advancements and expanding influence, a lingering sentiment persists among the giants that they have yet to attain the position they rightfully deserve, yearning to establish themselves as a leading power in the world.
Militarily, the giants possess an impressive arsenal.

Free Traders





The Expanse of the Free Traders represents a kingdom that originated as a loose alliance of merchant families, united by the common pursuit of profit and protection. Over time, this collective has evolved into a recognized and flourishing kingdom in its own right. Central to their society is the art of trade, where the accumulation of wealth and assets, as well as the art of negotiation, are revered for the mutual enrichment of all involved. Renowned for their extensive trade routes that span the world, the Free Traders possess significant leverage in their interactions with other nations. Their robust network of commerce empowers them to establish prosperous economic ties and wield influence on a global scale.






The grotesque failed results of countless arcane experiments, the Forgotten were those that were discarded and forsaken, but who have since found new strength in others of their kind. It was from these cruel experiments that the Forgotten developed immunity to the very magics that twisted them into what they are today. And it was through these grueling trials that the Forgotten learned to master these magics, bending it to their new wills. Led by the Lost Assembly, the Forgotten seek to rekindle their lost humanity and free the lands of those that once exiled them. Relying on their mutagenic strength, the Forgotten excel in overpowering their enemies with sheer numbers and striking from the shadows, by the time their foes recognize what descends upon them, it is already too late. Lurking among their ranks are the Beholders, monstrosities

Fairy Folk





The Encompassing Realm of the Fairy Folk represents a kingdom inhabited by freedom-loving and forest-dwelling individuals. Ruled by the Noble Queen, their society cherishes not only the prosperity of their people but also the preservation of their unbounded pursuit of joy, free from external constraints. While physically frail, the Fairy Folk compensate for their physical limitations with sheer numbers. Their abundant population enables them to employ swarm tactics, overwhelming their adversaries through sheer force of numbers. Though individually small, their collective strength becomes a formidable force on the battlefield.
The Fairy Folk possess a decent aptitude for the arcane arts. Gifted in spellcraft, they can harness their magical abilities to assail their enemies with a flurry of arcane






The Chaotic Planes of the Elementalist depict a kingdom with unparalleled access to the Elemental Planes of Existence. Their society’s profound understanding of the elements has granted them extraordinary powers, surpassing the capabilities of wizards in other realms. As masters of the arcane arts, they wield devastating elemental combat spells with unrivaled potency. Within the realms of pure arcane might, the Elementalist kingdom stands unrivaled. Their deep connection to the elemental forces allows them to unleash cataclysmic spells that can reshape the battlefield, overwhelming their adversaries with elemental fury. Tornados, firestorms, and earthquakes become weapons at their disposal, capable of buffeting enemy cities and rendering their defenses helpless.

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