10-10-2016, 12:53 AM
NE > NO I can do nothing for you! You alone chose to block yourself off from expansion with your NAPS. Now that someone else see's a potential threat from your expansion into Amberland, and calls you out on on it you cry foul. Under the table made no reference to any conversations outside of these forums, it only implies that you formed a string of NAPS that forced your neighbors to look elsewhere for expansion. The WA has a nap with me, the DE and a treaty with you. I think this forces him into Amberland. The DE has been quiet, and accepted a nap only with the WA. Protecting his back, smart if you ask me. He has many options open, even the NE is he so choose's. You seem to fear the TY, as you could have moved West into the Mede for expansion against a military rival. You did not choose this path. You laid out your plans as we in the North have also. Mine includes keeping the Center of the map unviolated. I moved Emmies into Amberland, and Torvale, the ones in Torvale took 1 Village, those in Amberland moved into Avalon. Being a relatively new, buy returning player, who has also played in some Pegasus games dating back to the 90's, I forgot to insure that the TY hadn't made Avalon his Capitol. He had and I lost a Prince and a Duke(both escaped) trying to usurp it. As for the SA, he chose to avoid attacking the kingdoms of the North and chose Torvale, I'm sure for it's plains hexes. This IS a war game, and I made my intentions clear. I.m enjoying our chats.