11-01-2016, 01:18 AM
(10-31-2016, 09:56 PM)unclemike Wrote:(10-31-2016, 09:31 PM)Atuan Wrote: (DU) - 10, 3, 6 are allied. 5,7,8 are allied to each other but have a variety of NAPs. 2 is busy with 10. TY is basically dead. I am pacted out of 3 or 10 but not 6. PI has arrangements with 10. Unsure about the rest.
LI to DU:
If you're willing to go into 6 and keep the DE off my back, that would be great. I can send you an artifact or two for your help. Choose from the following:
Ancient Annihilator
Champion Stallions
Demon Bane <--- really nice if you head into 6
Guardian Talisman
Last Herd of Winged Stallions
Plow of the Prophet
Ring of Protection
Ruler Eliminator
Yeah, they're lame but these were close to my location...
SA-LI King of the Reptiles, we have not conversed, but I will not attack you. I offer you a NAP for 6 moons and the possibility of giving you aid in the future if your still outnumbered. Hopefully the Lord of the Forrest can even the odds and join with you. We would be happy to extend NAPs with the DU and you for the duration of your war with the DE and WA.