11-15-2016, 04:35 AM
(PI) I know you get it Atuan and I know you have not seen his capital for I know you would of posted all that information already. why is the WA not posting data on the LI or the LI posting data about the WA? LI knows better but WA, your getting beaten back, maybe a free agent might really slow down the LI, maybe not, but posting data is free, no actions required. Worst case scenario, you post about a group an agent and 3 lame envoys, you probably just cost your opponent a few orders on guard duty. Think about it, target you post about is coming at a risk, do I change my tactics and move before I get killed? Do I waste gold and orders on counter espionage? Do I force march or waste a wizard spell to move my units so an agent does not steal from it? All of these actions mean your opponent either takes a risk at an agent attack, or waste resources to prevent an attack, and all you did was post on a form. 25 orders is not enough for most kingdoms, why not use that to your advantage?