10-31-2016, 09:56 PM
(10-31-2016, 09:31 PM)Atuan Wrote: (DU) - 10, 3, 6 are allied. 5,7,8 are allied to each other but have a variety of NAPs. 2 is busy with 10. TY is basically dead. I am pacted out of 3 or 10 but not 6. PI has arrangements with 10. Unsure about the rest.
LI to DU:
If you're willing to go into 6 and keep the DE off my back, that would be great. I can send you an artifact or two for your help. Choose from the following:
Ancient Annihilator
Champion Stallions
Demon Bane <--- really nice if you head into 6
Guardian Talisman
Last Herd of Winged Stallions
Plow of the Prophet
Ring of Protection
Ruler Eliminator
Yeah, they're lame but these were close to my location...