I loved and hated this game. I loved the concept and the early game, but fighting 4 kingdoms with 2 kingdoms in a tight area is tough.
I got lucky early, got my region quickly, saw region 4 was partly abandoned and swooped in quickly to take a second region. Then that damned DuPont swooped into my first region and took it quickly while I was still engaged with the AM/SO. But I was ready for his second assault when he came into Torvale and I did some sweet destruction to his groups, wizards, emmies and agents. I had to have killed 50 brigades over time, but he just seemed to keep having armies and army groups no matter how many times I took out brigades.
And earlier, yes Tomag, I did have amazing luck taking out your SO wizards. But we call that Mike luck in my world. And I did have a level 21 agent for that work (max level plus invis ring plus dagger plus weapon artifact).
I was able to basically hold Torvale from DuPont, but it was likely going to be a losing battle over time since DuPont had 2 regions and we were fighting in my region (so he had 2+ regions of gold and food while I was struggling to get production for 2 kingdoms out of one region). He would probably overwhelm me with resources over time, so I just kept trying to kill his emmies and wizards and troops to make his attack costly.
But fortunately, as the game had worked so far with vacated regions, now his first region was open and he got attacked. That relieved some pressure and then DuPont was on the defensive for the rest of the game.
To get some payback, I took invisible patrols on Elite ships to both of his water-based capitals, and then kept summoning troops and doing meteor strikes. I was finally able to take out the NE cap, and was close to taking out the well-developed CI cap, but alas the game was clearly ending soon with 2 failed DW victory checks. I was never in a position to slow JF down and near the end I had no interest in prolonging the game.
It was a lot of work and painful damage each time I got my results. I was doing damage also, but that was just hurting both of us so that we were both too injured to win

It was sad that JF, already a great player, got the advantage of a player drop, This sort of thing really does destroy the game balance. No fault to JF, he should have and did jump on the drop, but I really thought we were adding some sort of standby thing to help keep that from happening.
Anyway, not sure if I would do that format again, but maybe. As I said, I really enjoyed the contest with Tomag and then DuPont, but also hated seeing that much damage and confusion every turn.