From the RD perspective.
After looking over my set-up and assessing the kingdoms around me things looked good for the RD. There was only one pure Mage the Druid with two close 2nds GN and DA. I knew I would need to avoid these kingdoms or attack at the offset. The RA and NO were the remaining souther kingdoms. RA another I figured take early or feel there power once built up. Up north other than the Druid nothing much to worry about I could likely take them on with my military might at any time.
As a disbursed kingdom I started with My capital and village in region 8, a town in R7, and my last village in R3. This was a good setup for RD as it quickly allowed me to combine my two groups and could move the patrol from R3 when I saw fit. I decided my emissaries were in the best position to cause havoc for the RA.
I scouted with my groups and used my extra gold from being Rich to build my Mage to level 2 so I could ward vs the RA sleeps that would surely becoming in. I took the city at UM on T3 with a 170 order after my emmies softened it up the turn before. T3 I also got off a denigrate vs the RA so he could not take the other city. This was mostly to keep his resources low to keep him from raising wizards. I then started hunting the RA, taking anything his emissaries moved on and found his capital taking it a few times. At one point the nomad moved in and we met at one of the RA PCs I figured the Nomad was showing me he was helping. So I let his group live but took the PC. He got the hint and did not return to Arcania. After dispatching the RA and claiming Arcania I quickly made the GN an ally to try and let him know I was not heading his way. The GN never took my town in R7 and I left his village in R8 alone.
With some luck from early battles I got my leader promoted and a single bat became a veteran. That would be all I needed to beable to send the bat and a marshal up to NN to start recruiting from turn 4. I first made some wyvern then began making a Pheonex and two wyvern three turns in a row and sending them off to join groups. I was careful not to make more than three PH because you can only gave 1 per group and they can limit your options if you have to many. As it was I would recruit 3 units each turn transfer them to another group then combine them with one of my three combat groups.
Looking to my next target it would be SA or CI. The DW had not touched my village in R3 so I did not want to take him anytime soon. SA it would be. By turn 10 I had built enough troops trained up my wizards and influence up. I had two fools at this point thanks to the RA. I launched my attack actually somewhat hurried on turn 10 because I needed to make sure to take enough villages in the north to survive through the winter. Then it happened at the worst time right after I launched with winter coming the Alamaze grimlin hit my account and I would miss the next two turn. My troops that would have had the needed food, would instead starve for two turns. Recieving no in game compensation for any of my 12 games/17 kingdom effected by this likely cost me more than one podium spot and possibly gold in this one. But Alamaze goes on I would spend the next three turns in a up hill battle to take over amberland as now the SA had two full turns of warning. I did get a break on turn 12 I could see both a CI and SA army group on a village I had a division at but when I got turn 13 neither attack my division. Turn 15 I would get control of amberland and begin moving on the Mists since I was now already fighting the CI in Amberland.
The first PCs I took in the Mists I captured some DW emmies. I was like oops sorry little buddy did not mean to stop your invasion but these mists belong to me. I would take the mists after mostly battling the DW. It wasn't until I sent in a support request over a strange quirk about the acute trait I felt was a glitch that I even realized the DW was being played by Mr Mouse. now with three region I needed to try and take a 4th looking around I had already divined the Steps for a rainy day. My emmies were hostile in the talking mountains so why not make another enemy. I only made 5 at this point and 2 already dropped the RA and CI. So I rushed in and took the steps over in one turn and declared victory. But as the DW noted he took vipehead. I guess I was just hoping he wanted the game to end as at that time he would have placed on the podium. I actually could have won if I knew the CI was dropping. I was sacred off the CI capital by his large groups just sitting there. Had I taken it his final turn before he dropped I would have still had enough of the mists. But that is what I get for playing it safe

At this point everyone's ears must have perked up. I got attacked by the GN AT DU. AT obviously wanted his region back and I did not stop him. But then he would continue to move into Arcania. The GN would break our lasting piece and attack me in Arcania. The DU clearly having built up over the last 25+ turns would attack me in Amberland, Mists and Steps. Of course I still had the SA/PI nibbling at me in amberland and DW in the mists. It seems I caused a World War only the DA and AM was not involved. Good thing nobody was organized with others so I could continue to march around with my groups. It looked like the DU was trying to sneak a quick win so I put the entirety of my military and political force vs only him. Also I had felt his attack was the most cowardly. I hit him for a couple turns then figured out he was not moving and quickly finished off Oakendale.
The GN was on a roll. He took Arcania and Torvale from the AM. He was moving on Oakendale when the DA finally decided to join in taking my capital I had just moved away from as Arcania was falling. This would be the only time I saw any action against me by the DA. I believed I held the GN off in Oakendale just long enough to allow the others to switch gears and begin attacking the GN. Odd thing was I saw an army group sitting on my capital in Oakendale and then the next turn I never saw a GN again and my capital never fell the entire game even though I had fought with a total of 9 kingdoms.
Now around turn 30 I owned no regions and was clinging to staying around. With most now looking at the GN I began my resurrection. I still had my 25 influence my full court +extra and most important my troops. I could split 3 elite RD a PH and WY for an attack strength of 40K+. Having so many warlord and elite brigades it was easy to maintain my military dominance over most anyone except that one pesky large DW group and its 4 or 5 weapons. Sure I could have combined all my units together and likely taken it out but I found it much more fun to just let it March back and forth as I flew over head. Anyway back to now turn 30. I decided to take Oakendale over with emissaries and since the DW was still in the mists I would go take the talking mountains over with my military. I would take the the talking mountains and combine all my units together to take his capital at CU. Then move to the mists as he moved back into the mountains and take the mists. Then move to Oakendale to take what the PI had taken from me.
Around turn 35 I had another choice to make. Move in on the AM who I had already divined long ago. Mostly I had divined everything since the DW was so kind to donate a few priestess to me. Or go back into amberland. I decided to not attack the only kingdom that did not join the band wagon of crush Big red. Into amberland and took it over without an issue. Trouble would be how to keep it. I owned three regions again. So I would go after the next easiest one. The talking mountains I moved a couple groups into the steps to maybe keep the AT at bay while I did my main attack on the mountain once again. I could see with the DW finally fanning out his large group he would take the mists and likely amberland would fall at the end. I decided to deny the DW the mists by turning a couple PCs neutral on the last turn not sure why the surprise over this since we were at war most the game. I would have left the mountains alone except the DW kept coming back into the mists to try and take it from me.
This was an action packed game for me and I found the RD a lot of fun with few Mage kingdoms in play. Great job by the DW blocking my first win attempt. Also great job by SA and PI sticking it out even though they were non contenders, they were the key to preventing me from winning the game in the end by sticking it out until turn 40.
PS SA I had found your capital hiding in the water just inside torvales boarders. It was not only the PI sending those agents from time to time