04-26-2017, 05:29 AM
Quite an unusual game and i did not expect to gain Arcania on turn 22 so missed a Rex victory previous turn. It was a spur of the moment move since i knew that when i got my 3rd region in Runnimede everyone would be gunning for me. Im going to post everything and you can see i made a few mistakes this last turn as well.
Victory By Rex Is The Nomad Kingdom!
Game End Status Points
Place Kingdom Player Results-23 Grand Total
1 NO Thunderbolt 17,565 21,965
2 EL Wookie Panz 11,870 16,080
3 GN Wayde 8,400 13,500
4 DW Ohman the Heartless 8,740 12,880
5 SA Avantar 5,200 9,100
[b]Status Points
Current Update #23 Total
NO Subtotal: 17,565 21,965
5,000 Victory Standard Victory
1,000 Regional Control of a region: Runnimede
1,000 Regional Control of a region: Arcania
1,000 Regional Control of a region: Synisvania
1,000 Regional Control of a region: Southern Sands
400 Military Have a warlord: (3NO) Warlord Hannibal
200 Military Have a marshal: (1NO) Lord Commander Zanno the True
200 Military Have a marshal: (1NO) Marshal Bravos Scorpano
200 Military Have a marshal: (3NO) Grand Marshal Jakara Oasis
200 Military Group with > 50k vs. PC: (1NO) 67,928
400 Magic Have a pwr 7+ wizard: (1NO) Pwr-7 Cleric of Pel
200 Magic Have a pwr 5-6 wizard: (1NO) Pwr-6 Quixno Vix
200 Magic Have a pwr 5-6 wizard: (5NO) Pwr-6 Kaznar the Comet
200 Magic Have a pwr 5-6 wizard: (5NO) Pwr-5 Eklar
100 Artifact Based on Item: Valyrian Steel
400 Artifact Based on Item: Great Red Bats of the Lost Caves
100 Artifact Based on Item: Champion Stallions
200 Artifact Based on Item: Morgal Blade
400 Artifact Based on Item: Narsil, Flame of the West
200 Artifact Based on Item: Altar of the Holy Ancients
200 Artifact Based on Item: Crystal of Seeing
100 Artifact Based on Item: Knowledge Totem
200 Artifact Based on Item: Oracle of the Old Gods
200 Artifact Based on Item: Crystal of Seeing
400 Political Have an influence of 20+: 25.00
200 Political Member on the High Council
400 Political Per active kingdom declaring you as an enemy: Gnome
400 Covert Have an agent 11+: Agent 13 Calenron
400 Covert Have an agent 11+: Agent 13 Geena
400 Covert Have an agent 11+: Agent 12 Leopard
160 Covert Based on Prisoner: (Gnome) Duke Astred At Area YU
105 Covert Based on Prisoner: (Gnome) Agent 7 Veil Piercer At Area YU
400 Economic Total gold production of 150k+: 315,299 gold per month
400 Economic Total food production of 100k+: 284,561 food per month
[b] 1,000 Citizenship Survive until end of game[/b]
[b]Political Events and Status of the Realm:
Entity Report
Order #410 This order was cancelled as a standing order (410 20000 1 R NO O)
Korak Farsight Had already undertaken a mission so was unable to execute the second
command that was received. (310 KO)
Gaza Heights The people of Gaza Heights (Area NS) have rebelled against our rulership!
Arioch Dosro Baron Arioch Dosro report on the mission to usurp control of the Sacred
Order town of Croc Den located in area QG: My delivery would not be
affected by the Sacred Order inconclusive influence in Arcania. I chose my
free the common man approach, since the people of Arcania were ambivalent
toward the Sacred Order reign. I found a motivated core of resistance
resisting my overtures, in support of the Sacred Order regime. There seemed
no rebellous political unrest in favor of changing the government. I am
honored to report that my subtle, undetected deals have prompted the people
here to rebel against their former ruler and join our kingdom!
Sandis Flick The town of Kusko is already under our control - no coercive action was
Zaaco Dunerunner Ambassador Zaaco Dunerunner report on the mission to usurp control of the
Sacred Order village of Plethoria located in area PN: My delivery would not
be affected by the Sacred Order middling influence in Arcania. I chose my
favorite intellectual approach, since the people of Arcania were
unemotional toward the Sacred Order reign. I found a motivated core of
resistance resisting my overtures, in support of the Sacred Order regime.
There seemed no radical body in favor of changing the local regime. I am
honored to report that my subtle, undetected deals have prompted the people
here to rebel against their former ruler and join our kingdom!
Fighter Way An emissary of the Dwarven kingdom has relocated here (Area PV).
Wisteria A high ranking emissary of the Elven kingdom has relocated here (Area LI).
Denigrate The citizens of Runnimede rejected the slanderous remarks of the Dwarven
intended to denigrate us!
Denigrate The citizens of Runnimede rejected the slanderous remarks of the Gnome
intended to denigrate us!
Order #483 Influence is at the maximum possible through this order.
Oakendell Our regional reaction here has improved due to our enemy losing control of
the region.
Oakendell The Elven kingdom has gained control of Oakendell.
Victory! Thunderbolt, leader of the Nomad kingdom has won by Rex Victory (control 4
or more regions), regards to all who made this game an exciting contest.
Activities of the Royal Court:
Title Name Base & Mission
King Gorgis the Chosen The Nomad city at YU in Southern Sands.
Awaiting further orders.
Duke Jakan Dosro The Nomad city at YD in Runnimede.
Awaiting further orders.
Count Stormbreaker The Sacred Order city at OP in Arcania.
Awaiting further orders.
Baron Arioch Dosro The Nomad town at QG in Arcania.
Succeeded in catalyzing the people here to join our
Baron Duncan The Nomad town at ZC in Runnimede.
Awaiting further orders.
Baron Gurney The Nomad town at WH in Runnimede.
Awaiting further orders.
Baroness Keli of Desmoon The Nomad city at UM in Arcania.
Using considerable influence to maintain status quo.
Baron Korak Farsight The Nomad city at YU in Southern Sands.
Escaped to the capital during the fall of Jukanta!
Baron Sandis Flick The Nomad town at RI in Arcania.
Attempted to usurp control of a pop center we already
Governess Niomi Flasheyes The Nomad village at VB in Runnimede.
Awaiting further orders.
Ambassador Drax The Nomad village at UI in Arcania.
Awaiting further orders.
Ambassador Paul Atreides The Nomad village at WF in Runnimede.
Awaiting further orders.
Ambassador Zaaco Dunerunner The Nomad village at PN in Arcania.
Succeeded in catalyzing the people here to join our
Fool Haaka Silversand The Nomad city at YU in Southern Sands.
Awaiting further orders.
Agent 13 Calenron The Sacred Order village at RG in Arcania.
Awaiting further orders.
Agent 13 Geena The Dwarven village at MS in Eastern Steppes.
Attempted a covert mission.
Agent 12 Leopard The Nomad village at XL in Arcania.
Attempted a counter-espionage mission.
Agent 4 Serpent The Nomad town at RI in Arcania.
Awaiting further orders.
Agent 4 Tarantula The Nomad city at YU in Southern Sands.
Awaiting further orders.
Fanatic 4 Scorpion The Nomad village at XL in Arcania.
Attempted to transfer artifact.
Agent 1 Bittersweet The Nomad village at VS in Southern Sands.
Attempted to transfer artifact.
Agent 1 Wasp The Nomad village at UI in Arcania.
Awaiting further orders.
High Priestess Emerald The Nomad city at YU in Southern Sands.
Awaiting further orders. She is in Good health.
High Priestess Fire Opal The Nomad town at RO in Arcania.
Awaiting further orders. She is in Good health.
High Priestess Onyx The Gnome village at VF in Runnimede.
The High Priestess undertook the summoning of a lesser
angel. She is Weary.
Nomad Regional Summary:
Regional Reaction Controlling
Region Influence Level Kingdom
Oakendell (1) Unestablished Suspicious Elven
Northern Mists (2) Minor Friendly Elven
Talking Mountains (3) Unestablished Suspicious Dwarven
Torvale (4) Unestablished Friendly Elven
Amberland (5) Minor Friendly Sacred Order
Eastern Steppes (6) Unestablished Friendly Dwarven
Runnimede (7) Control Friendly Nomad
Arcania (8) Control Friendly Nomad
Synisvania (9) Control Friendly Nomad
Southern Sands (10) Control Friendly Nomad
Activities of the High Council
The Issue Decided By The High Council This Past Month Was:
The Sacred Order Kingdom Put This Motion Before The Esteemed High Council:
For Repeated Actions In Direct Opposition To The Benevolent Intent Of This Council We Move
That The Dwarven Ruler Be Immediately Expelled From The High Council.
The High Council Vote For This Issue Shall Be By Secret Ballot.
The High Council Voted As Follows:
Dwarven Secret
Elven Secret
Nomad Secret
Sacred Order Secret
The Motion Failed.
The New Issue Before The Council:
No Issue Was Brought Before The High Council.
We hold the following emissaries captive:
Rank Name Kingdom Area Points
Duke Astred Gnome YU 160
Agent 7 Veil Piercer Gnome YU 105
Status of Kingdom Relationships
The following chart shows which kingdoms have declared allies and enemies. In addition, it
shows which kingdoms have entered into marriages of state, a binding form of non-aggression
which prevents hostile military and political actions toward the wedded kingdom. The chart
also displays the natural enemies in the campaign. Natural enemies are enemies which will
always remain enemies throughout the camppaign. A kingdom's influence will rise and fall
proportionally to the failures and successes of its natural enemy. To see the declarations a
kingdom has made, read across the row beginning with their abbreviation. To see the
declarations made for or against a certain kingdom, read down from the column underneath their
abbreviation, as follows:
'A' - Ally ' ' - Neutrality 'E' - Enemy
DW | | | | | E |
EL | | | E | | |
GN | | E | | E | |
NO | | | E | | E |
SA | E | | | | |
Military Encounters and Group Readiness:
Reports of our Military engagements:
Battle between the 1st Nomad army group and the 2nd Gnome full division in the plains of
area WF:
Nomad Gnome
Grand Marshal Zanno the True Commander Vaga the Shaper
Marshal Bravos Scorpano
Major General Scourge of Vale
Power-7 Cleric of Pel Power-5 The Alchemist
Power-6 Quixno Vix
2 Nomads Veteran 2 Ogres Regular
3 Minotaurs Regular 1 Goblins Regular
1 Scorpions Regular 2 Skeletons Regular
8 Northmen Regular
1 Huns Veteran
2 Zamorans Veteran
1 Huns Regular
1 Zamorans Regular
Combat Factors
Excellent Leaders None
High Morale
Tactical Selection
Flanking Attack Stand And Defend
The 1st Nomad morale was boosted due to the valor of the Minotaur brigades. The 1st Nomad
morale was boosted due to the valor of the Zamoran brigades. In the first hour of morning,
with a howl as of hundreds of wolves, the 1st Nomad army group eagerly swept toward the
defensive position of the 2nd Gnome full division commanded by Commander Vaga the Shaper.
Holding that their nation had declared the Gnome to be an enemy of their nation, the Nomad
troops were noticably energized and gained a morale boost as they prepared to meet their
declared enemy! Knowing that their liege had declared the Nomad to be hostile to their
nation, the Gnome forces were noticably energized and gained a morale boost as they
prepared to battle their declared enemy! Across the field, the Gnome's forces saw the
banner of the Nomad 1st group, it's pride. As the attackers swept over the flat
grasslands, the battle began. The Nomad reveled in the intense heat of summer, which
seemed to cause the air to shimmer, and had worn on the Gnome who fatigued while waiting
for battle. The Nomad screamed their war cries and were clearly enhanced, while their foes
grew despondent.
- Archers -
The long range Nomad natural horse and foot archers and the slingers and light archers of
the Gnome force initiated their attack. The Nomad forces dealt out devastating losses upon
the Gnome forces in return, the Gnome dealt out minor casualties against the enemy.
- Conclusion -
Commander Vaga the Shaper saw that fortune was not with the Gnome this day, and signalled
the retreat. The leaders of the Gnome force managed the retreat fairly well, all
considered. Nomad casualties were put at 0.27%. All Nomad leaders survived the battle.
Zanno the True has shown great valor and has earned a promotion to Lord Commander.
Fighting gloriously was Scourge of Vale, who again has won further glory. He is now a
Commander. All the Nomad wizards survived the fray. The troops are eager for further
glory: morale is up! Gnome casualties were put at 57.72%. All Gnome leaders survived the
battle. Losses suffered in the effort and depression of defeat have greatly reduced
<> <> <>
Reconnaissance of unusual sighting in area UR by a patrol of the 3rd Nomad:
Wizard Mira Starlight (Power-4) cast a spell that created duplicate images of himself,
confusing the opponent and allowing him to exert his full power in the encounter. Taking a
smoky bottle from his robe and incanting softly, Wizard Mira Starlight (Power-4) created
the Bridge of Mist without difficulty. This is an intrinsic ability for him (does not
count as his spell cast). Wizard Valir (Power-3) cast a spell that created duplicate
images of himself, confusing the opponent and allowing him to exert his full power in the
encounter. A patrol consisting of Warlord Hannibal, Marshal Jakara Oasis, Major General
The Leopard, Power-4 Wizard Mira Starlight, Power-3 Wizard Valir and a dozen or so
hand-picked troops rode ahead to investigate the sighting. It had been decided that the
patrol would persevere even if difficulty was encountered, but would withdraw if the
situation grew very perilous. In the far distance is seen an ancient temple, apparently
deserted and crumbling. As it is approached, indecipherable runes from an ancient tongue
are seen by it's entrance that led to a broad flight of worn steps leading down to
darkness. Descending, the group is met with a howl of chilling cold wind. Passing through
the damp and irregular chambers, it's difficult to keep torches lighted as the howling
winds swirl wildly. A lurid dark image forms instantaneously in front of them, rearing up
to a height of 10' and assaults the group. In the first moments of battle 5 soldiers died
at the hand of this evil opponent. Now the patrol's leaders fought with their full
abilities. the conflict was furious. The shadow demon clearly proved an exceptionally
deadly adversary. The battle raged on, furiously contested for what seemed like hours.
Exhibiting the Morgal Blade, Warlord Hannibal infused his patrol with boldness and
propelled them forward. The battle raged on, furiously contested for what seemed like
hours. The next few minutes saw 2 soldiers lose their lives, but the enemy had been
weakened. Bravely aiding the patrol was Major General The Leopard. Fighting bravely in the
battle was Marshal Jakara Oasis. The next few minutes saw 6 warriors perish. Hope ran
high, though, as the foe was weakened. Finally, the shadow demon was defeated. After
resting from the exhausting battle, the patrol noticed a bright object hidden where the
shadow demon appeared, it is a large pearl worth 14,000 gold. Jakara Oasis again shown
great valor and has earned a promotion to Grand Marshal. Upon completion of the battle,
the patrol finds a gleaming sword of incredible hardness and lightness. Magical runes
along the blade reveal that it is a superior artifact named Narsil, Flame of the West.
Narsil, Flame of the West adds 25% to the group's combat value and increases the chance of
killing enemy leaders and wizards. The risk of death for the possessor is reduced and that
leader has a greater chance of being promoted while using this artifact. Narsil also aids
the group while investigating unusual encounters (by 25 points). Since this relic is a
magical weapon-classed artifact, if in the hands of an agent, it will enable the agent to
inflict lethal damage against an undead leader (nazgul) or wizard (wraith/lich) when
performing an assassination attempt.
<> <> <>
Assault by the 4th Nomad army group on the Sacred Order town of Songbird,
located in area OO of Arcania:
It was already known that Songbird offered a defensive array suitable to the capital of
a young kingdom. At the first light of dawn, General Shakar commanded his 4th Nomad army
group to attack the town. The 4th Nomad morale was boosted due to the valor of the
Minotaur brigades. As the attackers crossed the dark forest, the first missiles sang out.
As the attackers approached, defending missilers were able to still forever some small
percent of their antagonists. The Nomad ranks dealt out severe casualties upon the town's
protectors. Nomad mages dismounted scarcely beyond the range of defending bowmen and began
an elaborate spell. Kaznar the Comet's presence was clear. Earth tremors shot forth from
his position. The Nomad wizards caused substantial damage upon the defenders. Early in the
battle, defending missilers were skilled, and stalled the attack in the early going. The
Nomad lines claimed tremendous losses upon the town's protectors. Within a few hours, the
town defenses were obliterated and an unconditional surrender was offered. The Nomad
banner now waves nobly in Songbird! Nomad casualties were put at 10.16%. All Nomad leaders
survived the battle. Surpassing expectations was Shakar, who again has won further glory.
He is now a Major General. Stormbringer impressed and has been recognized as a Captain
Major. All the Nomad wizards survived the fray. The troops are anxious for more victories:
morale is up!
<> <> <>
Attack by the 1st Gnome army group on the Nomad city of Jukanta, located in area
OV of Synisvania:
Paid informants revealed that Jukanta was intent on growing into a citadel. It offered
a recently broadened surrounding wall of about 20' in height, ramparts all about,
reinforced gates in each wall, 40' towers in each corner and a solid stone inner keep. At
the first light of dawn, Captain Rock of Cradia commanded his 1st Gnome army group to
execute the attack on the city. Due to the expertise of the Gnome siege engineers, the
city's defenders were shaken by fear against a possible attack. The 1st Gnome group
proudly led the Gnomes. As the attackers crossed the tall woods, the battle began. As the
attackers approached, defending missilers were ineffective against the superior invaders.
The Gnome ranks inflicted heavy damage upon the city's wall defenders. The large shields
of the Westmen troops within the 1st Gnome reduced opposing missile damage. Gnome mages
dismounted barely beyond the range of defending bowmen and began an incomprehensible
spell. Silver Mage's presence was clear. Sonic blasts shot forth from the wizard. Tagli
likewise had his presence be seen in similar manner. Power-6 wizard Tagli glowered
intently and issued indecipherable utterances. A low rumbling began, which quickly
escalated into a full scale earthquake, immediately below the main ranks of the hapless
enemy! Many perished. Zarod the Deaf likewise had his presence be known in similar
fashion. The Gnome mages dealt out devastating damage upon the defenders. Within a few
hours, the city defenses were obliterated and an unconditional surrender was offered. The
Gnome banner now waves nobly in Jukanta! Gnome casualties were put at 4.69%. All Gnome
leaders survived the battle. Rock of Cradia demonstrated tactical awareness and has been
recognized as a Captain Major. All the Gnome wizards survived the fray. The troops are
anxious for more victories: morale is up!
<> <> <>
Attack by the 2nd Nomad army on the Sacred Order village of Naxove Pass, located
in area VL of Arcania:
It was already known that Naxove Pass had as its main defensive structure an earthen
bulwark surrounding the perimeter with open areas for passage on which low wooden towers
could each support a handful of archers. In the first hour of morning, Centurion Whisper
of Death commanded his 2nd Nomad army to advance upon the village. As the attackers
advanced through the rolling plains, the first missiles sang out. As the attackers
approached, defending missilers were courageous, but able to inflict only light losses
against the invaders. The Nomad forces dealt out devastating losses upon the village's
wall defenders. Early in the battle, defending missilers were skilled, and stalled the
attack in the early going. The Nomad forces imposed devastating losses upon the village's
protectors. Within a few hours, the village defenses were obliterated and an unconditional
surrender was offered. The Nomad banner now waves nobly in Naxove Pass! Nomad casualties
were put at 10.93%. All Nomad leaders survived the battle. In the proud tradition of the
Nomad kingdom, a valiant champion has distinguished himself in this battle. He is
Centurion Kyle Armstrong. Group morale was unaffected by the conflict.
Results of our Military maneuvers:
1st Nomad The 2nd Gnome Organized Withdrawal manuever was overridden to be Standard
Battle Plan since our group had successfully flanked their position.
1st Nomad From the battle with the 2nd Gnome, we are unable to advance our brigade's
experience due to not being blooded enough.
4th Nomad From the battle with the town of Songbird (Area OO), we are unable to
improve our brigade's experience due to the battle not lasting long enough.
2nd Nomad From the battle with the village of Naxove Pass (Area VL), we are unable to
improve our brigade's experience due to the battle not lasting long enough.
5th Nomad Successfully sailed as ordered to area SR.
During movement we passed a Nomad village at SR.
4th Nomad Successfully moved as ordered to area SR.
During movement we passed a Nomad village at SR.
1st Nomad Group ordered to force march to destination (starting with area VK).
1st Nomad Successfully moved as ordered to area VK.
During movement we passed a Nomad town at WH, Gnome village at WI.
2nd Nomad Successfully moved as ordered to area SN.
During movement we passed a Nomad city at UM, Sacred Order village at SN.
3rd Nomad Successfully moved as ordered to area SK.
During movement we passed no population centers.
4NO + 5NO The 4th Nomad combined with the 5th Nomad so the 4th Nomad is now inactive.
1st Nomad At the end of the month, due to our kingdom's special healing abilities,
attrition within this group was reduced.
2nd Nomad At the end of the month, due to our kingdom's special healing abilities,
attrition within this group was reduced.
5th Nomad At the end of the month, due to our kingdom's special healing abilities,
attrition within this group was reduced.
1st Nomad While enjoying the friendly reaction of this region the group's morale was
sufficiently high as to receive no benefit.
2nd Nomad The more relaxed surroundings of a friendly region has increased the morale
of the group.
5th Nomad While enjoying the friendly reaction of this region the group's morale was
sufficiently high as to receive no benefit.
Military Group Status:
1st NOMAD "Chosen of Sun and Sand" Decorations:![[Image: BattleTwoBrigs.png]](http://fallofromegame.com/alamazeorders/images/BattleTwoBrigs.png)
Location: VK in the mountains of Arcania.
Morale: 127% Attrition: 3.1% Terrain Modifier: 0% Defense: Above Average
[color=#400000][size=medium][font=Courier][b] Estimated total value in terra
Victory By Rex Is The Nomad Kingdom!
Game End Status Points
Place Kingdom Player Results-23 Grand Total
1 NO Thunderbolt 17,565 21,965
2 EL Wookie Panz 11,870 16,080
3 GN Wayde 8,400 13,500
4 DW Ohman the Heartless 8,740 12,880
5 SA Avantar 5,200 9,100
[b]Status Points
Current Update #23 Total
NO Subtotal: 17,565 21,965
5,000 Victory Standard Victory
1,000 Regional Control of a region: Runnimede
1,000 Regional Control of a region: Arcania
1,000 Regional Control of a region: Synisvania
1,000 Regional Control of a region: Southern Sands
400 Military Have a warlord: (3NO) Warlord Hannibal
200 Military Have a marshal: (1NO) Lord Commander Zanno the True
200 Military Have a marshal: (1NO) Marshal Bravos Scorpano
200 Military Have a marshal: (3NO) Grand Marshal Jakara Oasis
200 Military Group with > 50k vs. PC: (1NO) 67,928
400 Magic Have a pwr 7+ wizard: (1NO) Pwr-7 Cleric of Pel
200 Magic Have a pwr 5-6 wizard: (1NO) Pwr-6 Quixno Vix
200 Magic Have a pwr 5-6 wizard: (5NO) Pwr-6 Kaznar the Comet
200 Magic Have a pwr 5-6 wizard: (5NO) Pwr-5 Eklar
100 Artifact Based on Item: Valyrian Steel
400 Artifact Based on Item: Great Red Bats of the Lost Caves
100 Artifact Based on Item: Champion Stallions
200 Artifact Based on Item: Morgal Blade
400 Artifact Based on Item: Narsil, Flame of the West
200 Artifact Based on Item: Altar of the Holy Ancients
200 Artifact Based on Item: Crystal of Seeing
100 Artifact Based on Item: Knowledge Totem
200 Artifact Based on Item: Oracle of the Old Gods
200 Artifact Based on Item: Crystal of Seeing
400 Political Have an influence of 20+: 25.00
200 Political Member on the High Council
400 Political Per active kingdom declaring you as an enemy: Gnome
400 Covert Have an agent 11+: Agent 13 Calenron
400 Covert Have an agent 11+: Agent 13 Geena
400 Covert Have an agent 11+: Agent 12 Leopard
160 Covert Based on Prisoner: (Gnome) Duke Astred At Area YU
105 Covert Based on Prisoner: (Gnome) Agent 7 Veil Piercer At Area YU
400 Economic Total gold production of 150k+: 315,299 gold per month
400 Economic Total food production of 100k+: 284,561 food per month
[b] 1,000 Citizenship Survive until end of game[/b]
[b]Political Events and Status of the Realm:
Entity Report
Order #410 This order was cancelled as a standing order (410 20000 1 R NO O)
Korak Farsight Had already undertaken a mission so was unable to execute the second
command that was received. (310 KO)
Gaza Heights The people of Gaza Heights (Area NS) have rebelled against our rulership!
Arioch Dosro Baron Arioch Dosro report on the mission to usurp control of the Sacred
Order town of Croc Den located in area QG: My delivery would not be
affected by the Sacred Order inconclusive influence in Arcania. I chose my
free the common man approach, since the people of Arcania were ambivalent
toward the Sacred Order reign. I found a motivated core of resistance
resisting my overtures, in support of the Sacred Order regime. There seemed
no rebellous political unrest in favor of changing the government. I am
honored to report that my subtle, undetected deals have prompted the people
here to rebel against their former ruler and join our kingdom!
Sandis Flick The town of Kusko is already under our control - no coercive action was
Zaaco Dunerunner Ambassador Zaaco Dunerunner report on the mission to usurp control of the
Sacred Order village of Plethoria located in area PN: My delivery would not
be affected by the Sacred Order middling influence in Arcania. I chose my
favorite intellectual approach, since the people of Arcania were
unemotional toward the Sacred Order reign. I found a motivated core of
resistance resisting my overtures, in support of the Sacred Order regime.
There seemed no radical body in favor of changing the local regime. I am
honored to report that my subtle, undetected deals have prompted the people
here to rebel against their former ruler and join our kingdom!
Fighter Way An emissary of the Dwarven kingdom has relocated here (Area PV).
Wisteria A high ranking emissary of the Elven kingdom has relocated here (Area LI).
Denigrate The citizens of Runnimede rejected the slanderous remarks of the Dwarven
intended to denigrate us!
Denigrate The citizens of Runnimede rejected the slanderous remarks of the Gnome
intended to denigrate us!
Order #483 Influence is at the maximum possible through this order.
Oakendell Our regional reaction here has improved due to our enemy losing control of
the region.
Oakendell The Elven kingdom has gained control of Oakendell.
Victory! Thunderbolt, leader of the Nomad kingdom has won by Rex Victory (control 4
or more regions), regards to all who made this game an exciting contest.
Activities of the Royal Court:
Title Name Base & Mission
King Gorgis the Chosen The Nomad city at YU in Southern Sands.
Awaiting further orders.
Duke Jakan Dosro The Nomad city at YD in Runnimede.
Awaiting further orders.
Count Stormbreaker The Sacred Order city at OP in Arcania.
Awaiting further orders.
Baron Arioch Dosro The Nomad town at QG in Arcania.
Succeeded in catalyzing the people here to join our
Baron Duncan The Nomad town at ZC in Runnimede.
Awaiting further orders.
Baron Gurney The Nomad town at WH in Runnimede.
Awaiting further orders.
Baroness Keli of Desmoon The Nomad city at UM in Arcania.
Using considerable influence to maintain status quo.
Baron Korak Farsight The Nomad city at YU in Southern Sands.
Escaped to the capital during the fall of Jukanta!
Baron Sandis Flick The Nomad town at RI in Arcania.
Attempted to usurp control of a pop center we already
Governess Niomi Flasheyes The Nomad village at VB in Runnimede.
Awaiting further orders.
Ambassador Drax The Nomad village at UI in Arcania.
Awaiting further orders.
Ambassador Paul Atreides The Nomad village at WF in Runnimede.
Awaiting further orders.
Ambassador Zaaco Dunerunner The Nomad village at PN in Arcania.
Succeeded in catalyzing the people here to join our
Fool Haaka Silversand The Nomad city at YU in Southern Sands.
Awaiting further orders.
Agent 13 Calenron The Sacred Order village at RG in Arcania.
Awaiting further orders.
Agent 13 Geena The Dwarven village at MS in Eastern Steppes.
Attempted a covert mission.
Agent 12 Leopard The Nomad village at XL in Arcania.
Attempted a counter-espionage mission.
Agent 4 Serpent The Nomad town at RI in Arcania.
Awaiting further orders.
Agent 4 Tarantula The Nomad city at YU in Southern Sands.
Awaiting further orders.
Fanatic 4 Scorpion The Nomad village at XL in Arcania.
Attempted to transfer artifact.
Agent 1 Bittersweet The Nomad village at VS in Southern Sands.
Attempted to transfer artifact.
Agent 1 Wasp The Nomad village at UI in Arcania.
Awaiting further orders.
High Priestess Emerald The Nomad city at YU in Southern Sands.
Awaiting further orders. She is in Good health.
High Priestess Fire Opal The Nomad town at RO in Arcania.
Awaiting further orders. She is in Good health.
High Priestess Onyx The Gnome village at VF in Runnimede.
The High Priestess undertook the summoning of a lesser
angel. She is Weary.
King Gorgis the Chosen has influence 25.00
Check your kingdom's special orders, but you may generally issue 2 commands above your Influence.
Nomad Regional Summary:
Regional Reaction Controlling
Region Influence Level Kingdom
Oakendell (1) Unestablished Suspicious Elven
Northern Mists (2) Minor Friendly Elven
Talking Mountains (3) Unestablished Suspicious Dwarven
Torvale (4) Unestablished Friendly Elven
Amberland (5) Minor Friendly Sacred Order
Eastern Steppes (6) Unestablished Friendly Dwarven
Runnimede (7) Control Friendly Nomad
Arcania (8) Control Friendly Nomad
Synisvania (9) Control Friendly Nomad
Southern Sands (10) Control Friendly Nomad
Activities of the High Council
The Issue Decided By The High Council This Past Month Was:
The Sacred Order Kingdom Put This Motion Before The Esteemed High Council:
For Repeated Actions In Direct Opposition To The Benevolent Intent Of This Council We Move
That The Dwarven Ruler Be Immediately Expelled From The High Council.
The High Council Vote For This Issue Shall Be By Secret Ballot.
The High Council Voted As Follows:
Dwarven Secret
Elven Secret
Nomad Secret
Sacred Order Secret
The Motion Failed.
The New Issue Before The Council:
No Issue Was Brought Before The High Council.
We hold the following emissaries captive:
Rank Name Kingdom Area Points
Duke Astred Gnome YU 160
Agent 7 Veil Piercer Gnome YU 105
Status of Kingdom Relationships
The following chart shows which kingdoms have declared allies and enemies. In addition, it
shows which kingdoms have entered into marriages of state, a binding form of non-aggression
which prevents hostile military and political actions toward the wedded kingdom. The chart
also displays the natural enemies in the campaign. Natural enemies are enemies which will
always remain enemies throughout the camppaign. A kingdom's influence will rise and fall
proportionally to the failures and successes of its natural enemy. To see the declarations a
kingdom has made, read across the row beginning with their abbreviation. To see the
declarations made for or against a certain kingdom, read down from the column underneath their
abbreviation, as follows:
'A' - Ally ' ' - Neutrality 'E' - Enemy
DW | | | | | E |
EL | | | E | | |
GN | | E | | E | |
NO | | | E | | E |
SA | E | | | | |
Military Encounters and Group Readiness:
Reports of our Military engagements:
Battle between the 1st Nomad army group and the 2nd Gnome full division in the plains of
area WF:
Nomad Gnome
Grand Marshal Zanno the True Commander Vaga the Shaper
Marshal Bravos Scorpano
Major General Scourge of Vale
Power-7 Cleric of Pel Power-5 The Alchemist
Power-6 Quixno Vix
2 Nomads Veteran 2 Ogres Regular
3 Minotaurs Regular 1 Goblins Regular
1 Scorpions Regular 2 Skeletons Regular
8 Northmen Regular
1 Huns Veteran
2 Zamorans Veteran
1 Huns Regular
1 Zamorans Regular
Combat Factors
Excellent Leaders None
High Morale
Tactical Selection
Flanking Attack Stand And Defend
The 1st Nomad morale was boosted due to the valor of the Minotaur brigades. The 1st Nomad
morale was boosted due to the valor of the Zamoran brigades. In the first hour of morning,
with a howl as of hundreds of wolves, the 1st Nomad army group eagerly swept toward the
defensive position of the 2nd Gnome full division commanded by Commander Vaga the Shaper.
Holding that their nation had declared the Gnome to be an enemy of their nation, the Nomad
troops were noticably energized and gained a morale boost as they prepared to meet their
declared enemy! Knowing that their liege had declared the Nomad to be hostile to their
nation, the Gnome forces were noticably energized and gained a morale boost as they
prepared to battle their declared enemy! Across the field, the Gnome's forces saw the
banner of the Nomad 1st group, it's pride. As the attackers swept over the flat
grasslands, the battle began. The Nomad reveled in the intense heat of summer, which
seemed to cause the air to shimmer, and had worn on the Gnome who fatigued while waiting
for battle. The Nomad screamed their war cries and were clearly enhanced, while their foes
grew despondent.
- Archers -
The long range Nomad natural horse and foot archers and the slingers and light archers of
the Gnome force initiated their attack. The Nomad forces dealt out devastating losses upon
the Gnome forces in return, the Gnome dealt out minor casualties against the enemy.
- Conclusion -
Commander Vaga the Shaper saw that fortune was not with the Gnome this day, and signalled
the retreat. The leaders of the Gnome force managed the retreat fairly well, all
considered. Nomad casualties were put at 0.27%. All Nomad leaders survived the battle.
Zanno the True has shown great valor and has earned a promotion to Lord Commander.
Fighting gloriously was Scourge of Vale, who again has won further glory. He is now a
Commander. All the Nomad wizards survived the fray. The troops are eager for further
glory: morale is up! Gnome casualties were put at 57.72%. All Gnome leaders survived the
battle. Losses suffered in the effort and depression of defeat have greatly reduced
<> <> <>
Reconnaissance of unusual sighting in area UR by a patrol of the 3rd Nomad:
Wizard Mira Starlight (Power-4) cast a spell that created duplicate images of himself,
confusing the opponent and allowing him to exert his full power in the encounter. Taking a
smoky bottle from his robe and incanting softly, Wizard Mira Starlight (Power-4) created
the Bridge of Mist without difficulty. This is an intrinsic ability for him (does not
count as his spell cast). Wizard Valir (Power-3) cast a spell that created duplicate
images of himself, confusing the opponent and allowing him to exert his full power in the
encounter. A patrol consisting of Warlord Hannibal, Marshal Jakara Oasis, Major General
The Leopard, Power-4 Wizard Mira Starlight, Power-3 Wizard Valir and a dozen or so
hand-picked troops rode ahead to investigate the sighting. It had been decided that the
patrol would persevere even if difficulty was encountered, but would withdraw if the
situation grew very perilous. In the far distance is seen an ancient temple, apparently
deserted and crumbling. As it is approached, indecipherable runes from an ancient tongue
are seen by it's entrance that led to a broad flight of worn steps leading down to
darkness. Descending, the group is met with a howl of chilling cold wind. Passing through
the damp and irregular chambers, it's difficult to keep torches lighted as the howling
winds swirl wildly. A lurid dark image forms instantaneously in front of them, rearing up
to a height of 10' and assaults the group. In the first moments of battle 5 soldiers died
at the hand of this evil opponent. Now the patrol's leaders fought with their full
abilities. the conflict was furious. The shadow demon clearly proved an exceptionally
deadly adversary. The battle raged on, furiously contested for what seemed like hours.
Exhibiting the Morgal Blade, Warlord Hannibal infused his patrol with boldness and
propelled them forward. The battle raged on, furiously contested for what seemed like
hours. The next few minutes saw 2 soldiers lose their lives, but the enemy had been
weakened. Bravely aiding the patrol was Major General The Leopard. Fighting bravely in the
battle was Marshal Jakara Oasis. The next few minutes saw 6 warriors perish. Hope ran
high, though, as the foe was weakened. Finally, the shadow demon was defeated. After
resting from the exhausting battle, the patrol noticed a bright object hidden where the
shadow demon appeared, it is a large pearl worth 14,000 gold. Jakara Oasis again shown
great valor and has earned a promotion to Grand Marshal. Upon completion of the battle,
the patrol finds a gleaming sword of incredible hardness and lightness. Magical runes
along the blade reveal that it is a superior artifact named Narsil, Flame of the West.
Narsil, Flame of the West adds 25% to the group's combat value and increases the chance of
killing enemy leaders and wizards. The risk of death for the possessor is reduced and that
leader has a greater chance of being promoted while using this artifact. Narsil also aids
the group while investigating unusual encounters (by 25 points). Since this relic is a
magical weapon-classed artifact, if in the hands of an agent, it will enable the agent to
inflict lethal damage against an undead leader (nazgul) or wizard (wraith/lich) when
performing an assassination attempt.
<> <> <>
Assault by the 4th Nomad army group on the Sacred Order town of Songbird,
located in area OO of Arcania:
It was already known that Songbird offered a defensive array suitable to the capital of
a young kingdom. At the first light of dawn, General Shakar commanded his 4th Nomad army
group to attack the town. The 4th Nomad morale was boosted due to the valor of the
Minotaur brigades. As the attackers crossed the dark forest, the first missiles sang out.
As the attackers approached, defending missilers were able to still forever some small
percent of their antagonists. The Nomad ranks dealt out severe casualties upon the town's
protectors. Nomad mages dismounted scarcely beyond the range of defending bowmen and began
an elaborate spell. Kaznar the Comet's presence was clear. Earth tremors shot forth from
his position. The Nomad wizards caused substantial damage upon the defenders. Early in the
battle, defending missilers were skilled, and stalled the attack in the early going. The
Nomad lines claimed tremendous losses upon the town's protectors. Within a few hours, the
town defenses were obliterated and an unconditional surrender was offered. The Nomad
banner now waves nobly in Songbird! Nomad casualties were put at 10.16%. All Nomad leaders
survived the battle. Surpassing expectations was Shakar, who again has won further glory.
He is now a Major General. Stormbringer impressed and has been recognized as a Captain
Major. All the Nomad wizards survived the fray. The troops are anxious for more victories:
morale is up!
<> <> <>
Attack by the 1st Gnome army group on the Nomad city of Jukanta, located in area
OV of Synisvania:
Paid informants revealed that Jukanta was intent on growing into a citadel. It offered
a recently broadened surrounding wall of about 20' in height, ramparts all about,
reinforced gates in each wall, 40' towers in each corner and a solid stone inner keep. At
the first light of dawn, Captain Rock of Cradia commanded his 1st Gnome army group to
execute the attack on the city. Due to the expertise of the Gnome siege engineers, the
city's defenders were shaken by fear against a possible attack. The 1st Gnome group
proudly led the Gnomes. As the attackers crossed the tall woods, the battle began. As the
attackers approached, defending missilers were ineffective against the superior invaders.
The Gnome ranks inflicted heavy damage upon the city's wall defenders. The large shields
of the Westmen troops within the 1st Gnome reduced opposing missile damage. Gnome mages
dismounted barely beyond the range of defending bowmen and began an incomprehensible
spell. Silver Mage's presence was clear. Sonic blasts shot forth from the wizard. Tagli
likewise had his presence be seen in similar manner. Power-6 wizard Tagli glowered
intently and issued indecipherable utterances. A low rumbling began, which quickly
escalated into a full scale earthquake, immediately below the main ranks of the hapless
enemy! Many perished. Zarod the Deaf likewise had his presence be known in similar
fashion. The Gnome mages dealt out devastating damage upon the defenders. Within a few
hours, the city defenses were obliterated and an unconditional surrender was offered. The
Gnome banner now waves nobly in Jukanta! Gnome casualties were put at 4.69%. All Gnome
leaders survived the battle. Rock of Cradia demonstrated tactical awareness and has been
recognized as a Captain Major. All the Gnome wizards survived the fray. The troops are
anxious for more victories: morale is up!
<> <> <>
Attack by the 2nd Nomad army on the Sacred Order village of Naxove Pass, located
in area VL of Arcania:
It was already known that Naxove Pass had as its main defensive structure an earthen
bulwark surrounding the perimeter with open areas for passage on which low wooden towers
could each support a handful of archers. In the first hour of morning, Centurion Whisper
of Death commanded his 2nd Nomad army to advance upon the village. As the attackers
advanced through the rolling plains, the first missiles sang out. As the attackers
approached, defending missilers were courageous, but able to inflict only light losses
against the invaders. The Nomad forces dealt out devastating losses upon the village's
wall defenders. Early in the battle, defending missilers were skilled, and stalled the
attack in the early going. The Nomad forces imposed devastating losses upon the village's
protectors. Within a few hours, the village defenses were obliterated and an unconditional
surrender was offered. The Nomad banner now waves nobly in Naxove Pass! Nomad casualties
were put at 10.93%. All Nomad leaders survived the battle. In the proud tradition of the
Nomad kingdom, a valiant champion has distinguished himself in this battle. He is
Centurion Kyle Armstrong. Group morale was unaffected by the conflict.
Results of our Military maneuvers:
1st Nomad The 2nd Gnome Organized Withdrawal manuever was overridden to be Standard
Battle Plan since our group had successfully flanked their position.
1st Nomad From the battle with the 2nd Gnome, we are unable to advance our brigade's
experience due to not being blooded enough.
4th Nomad From the battle with the town of Songbird (Area OO), we are unable to
improve our brigade's experience due to the battle not lasting long enough.
2nd Nomad From the battle with the village of Naxove Pass (Area VL), we are unable to
improve our brigade's experience due to the battle not lasting long enough.
5th Nomad Successfully sailed as ordered to area SR.
During movement we passed a Nomad village at SR.
4th Nomad Successfully moved as ordered to area SR.
During movement we passed a Nomad village at SR.
1st Nomad Group ordered to force march to destination (starting with area VK).
1st Nomad Successfully moved as ordered to area VK.
During movement we passed a Nomad town at WH, Gnome village at WI.
2nd Nomad Successfully moved as ordered to area SN.
During movement we passed a Nomad city at UM, Sacred Order village at SN.
3rd Nomad Successfully moved as ordered to area SK.
During movement we passed no population centers.
4NO + 5NO The 4th Nomad combined with the 5th Nomad so the 4th Nomad is now inactive.
1st Nomad At the end of the month, due to our kingdom's special healing abilities,
attrition within this group was reduced.
2nd Nomad At the end of the month, due to our kingdom's special healing abilities,
attrition within this group was reduced.
5th Nomad At the end of the month, due to our kingdom's special healing abilities,
attrition within this group was reduced.
1st Nomad While enjoying the friendly reaction of this region the group's morale was
sufficiently high as to receive no benefit.
2nd Nomad The more relaxed surroundings of a friendly region has increased the morale
of the group.
5th Nomad While enjoying the friendly reaction of this region the group's morale was
sufficiently high as to receive no benefit.
Military Group Status:
1st NOMAD "Chosen of Sun and Sand" Decorations:
![[Image: BattleTwoBrigs.png]](http://fallofromegame.com/alamazeorders/images/BattleTwoBrigs.png)
Location: VK in the mountains of Arcania.
Morale: 127% Attrition: 3.1% Terrain Modifier: 0% Defense: Above Average
[color=#400000][size=medium][font=Courier][b] Estimated total value in terra